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[FIC]Carth's Wonderful Night

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(Quick note: This contains 1 or 2 sexual references)


This was supposed to be released in the Dueling Challenge on the Unofficial KOTOR Fan Media Site, but it went a little off the topic of what the challenge was meant to be about.


The story is a comedy and a parody of the starting of a Scrubs episode. The episode in question is Season 3, Episode 6, for all you wanting to compare the stories.


Spoof characters:


Carth - J.D. (John Dorian)

Revan - Dannie (Jordan's sister)

Jolee - Dr. Cox (Perry Cox(Jolee doesn't play much of a part))


I may change the ending to the rant that was in the episode, but Jolee didn't speak like that.


Without further ado, here is my story:


Carth's Wonderful Night


Oh my God, my best friend is in my bed” thought Carth Onasi, waking up from a deep sleep. “Shes waking up, quick, say something romantic”.




“Good job last night, buddy” he said, looking down at Revan. She was snuggled up next to him with a smile on her face. That smile vanished when she heard what Carth had said. Carth's face muscles turned in worry, thinking he just ruined a perfect night with his true love.




“Why do you just tell me a story?” Revan asked. “Something romantic”. She snuggled further into his side, preparing herself to be swept off her feet. Again.




“Okay” Carth replied, gently kissing her head. “There was once a beautiful girl, who met a stunningly handsome pilot”. “He noticed her straight away, and she noticed him noticing her”. “Their first date was amazing”.








Carth had taken Revan to a plate-painting shop, where he was having fun, but she wasn't. While he was happily painting his plate, Revan nudged and showed him what was on her plate. In big colorful letters, was the words 'This is so lame'. Carth was taken aback, but quickly got over it.








“They had so much fun together, they felt like kids again” Carth was saying, day dreaming back to those wonderful days he spent with Revan. “And then it was time for their first kiss”.




“And how was that?” interrupted Revan.




“Intense” Carth replied shortly after.








There they were, sitting in a tree, leaning in for the kiss Carth had been longing for. Their lips were just about to meet, when the branch they were sitting on, broke with a almighty snap and sent them tumbling into the pile of leaves below.








“And that night was the most amazing night the young pilot ever had” Carth finished smiling at the thought of the previous night.




“And then what happened?” Revan asked starting to giggle like the little girl that was longing to burst out of her.




“Then the young pilot realized that he hasn't seen the beautiful girl naked in the light” Carth replied lifting up the blankets to have a peek.




“Are you into this relationship as I am?” Revan asked seriously.




“If I wasn't into it as you are, would I do this?” he replied getting up from the bed and started doing his special 'naked chicken dance' while Revan giggled even harder.




As I did the naked chicken dance, I realized that life couldn't get any better then this” Carth thought. At that moment, the door swung open, revealing the front of the apartment. And there stood Jolee Bindo with a disgusted look on his face.




Oh bugger”.

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Pretty funny. Scrubs is one of my favorite TV shows. Maybe using the Exile instead of Revan would have made more sense since the Exile is cannonacally female


But anyway I hope you can produce a sequel


Actually having read most of the canon, I have found no reference to Revan's gender. In the Chronology both Revan and the Exile are referred to in gender neutral terms.

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