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revan's robes request


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well it would be okay with the hood and the mask, or just the hood, but no cape is a must. although that would look really weird with the hood and no cape. is there a mod like this somewhere?


Edit: what i'm looking for is a robe with the EXACT same texturing as Revan's robes you see in the cutscenes, minus the cape, and hopefully the hood and mask as well. the star forge robes are ok, but what i don't like is the solid lower half. i like having revan's robes with the belt and two extra pauldrons or whatever you call those.


Edit2: nevermind, found one with exactly what i'm looking for. can't exactly remember the authors name, but thank you to whoever did it. i think its called "Revan Robe (no cape)" and its on kotorfiles if you want it. pretty recent too.


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