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[Fic]The Last Hope: Episode One - The True Sith

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...


The Last Hope


Episode One:


The True Sith


The New Republic is on the verge of collapse and war. The True Sith have returned to the Galaxy. In quick multiple strikes, the Sith have crippled the Jedi Order. The Republic and the Jedi are working together to defend the Galaxy from the increasing danger of this new threat.


Luke Skywalker and the Supreme Chancellor, Senbon Zakura, have called a emergency senate meeting to vote on whether or not the New Republic will make another clone army to destroy the Sith once and for all. The Jedi do not believe this is a good idea, as they were hunted down and destroyed by the previous clones.


The Sith have a leader, the most powerful Sith Lord to have ever ventured through the Galaxy. And this leader, has brought a deadly weapon with him, a weapon the Old Republic destroyed four thousand years ago.


There is one last hope for the Galaxy, a war veteran who served in the Clone Wars. Who is a clone himself. The Chancellor has sent out a messenger to the Outer Rim to retrieve the clone...

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I agree with saying a good start.

I might be guessing early but the weapon that was destroyed four thousand years ago, that wouldn't happen to be the Star Forge would it?


I guess I would just have to continue reading to find out won't I? xD


Oh, and it is spelt, 'messenger' (Unless I am somewhat mistaken, somehow?)

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I agree with saying a good start.

I might be guessing early but the weapon that was destroyed four thousand years ago, that wouldn't happen to be the Star Forge would it?


I guess I would just have to continue reading to find out won't I? xD


Oh, and it is spelt, 'messenger' (Unless I am somewhat mistaken, somehow?)


You're probably right, my new computer didn't come with Microsoft Word, so I'm using OpenOffice or something like that.


You'll find out soon enough, if it's the Star Forge or not ;)

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Chapter One:


Warranted Introductions


“We're preparing to land on Telos now, sir” the pilot said to Jute Hura. Jute had been sent personally by the Supreme Chancellor of the New Republic, to retrieve a retired war veteran from the clone wars, to aid him in the fight against the newly returned Sith.


The carrier ship landed on a isolated landing dock. As Jute look out the view screen, he saw the loading dock was connected to a big building, with a sign saying Gennus Starport. And so Jute arrived in Gennus. The loading ramp was lowered, and Jute got out.


“Stay here” he said to the pilot, who was making his way out behind Jute. The pilot looked taken aback, as he longed to explore. He turned back without a word and returned to the cockpit.


Jute made his way through the doorway, and into the building. It was small, very small for a Starport. Then again, it was a small town. He walked to the front of the building and up to the front desk. The receptionist glanced at him and quickly finished with his papers before folding them in half and putting them in his desk tray.


“I take it the Coruscant carrier is your ship, sir?” the receptionist asked. He registered it with the computer, after Jute had giving him the confirmation. “All done, you may leave your ship docked there for twenty-four hours”.


“Thank you” Jute replied, nodding. He left the building, to find the planet to be just like Coruscant, but not as nearly as busy. The town was very small, Jute saw, as almost all the main shops on the one street. As he walked to the veterans house, as it would be pointless by driving, because his house was only a street away, Jute noted the different types of aliens in this sector of the planet. He wondered why a war veteran would retire in a place like this.


As Jute reached the house, which was side by side by other houses, a man came out of it. This man seemed young, which was unusual for a clone. Before Jute had any time to say anything, the man waved his hand telling him not to say a word.


“Who are you and what are you doing here?” the clone asked straight away. This clone as not a man to be messed with. He had a lot of muscle and a great build. He also had a few scars on his face, undoubtedly from blaster bolts and grenades.


“I see your a man to get straight to the point” Jute replied. “I am messenger Jute Hura, personally sent by the Supreme Chancellor of the New Republic himself”. “May I have the honor to present myself to Jebord Esio?”.


“You may” Jebord replied. If this was any other person, he would have kicked him off his yard. But he was curious as to what the message was. And he had a slight hunch at what it was about.


“May I come inside” Jute replied, wanting to get into somewhere private. Jebord nodded in approval and led Jute into his house. The house was what Jute would call, different. There were no photos or pictures on the walls, not even wallpaper. It was a brown house, with hardly and furniture. Jebord led Jute into the lounge room, and beckoned him to take a seat.


“The Galaxy is in peril” Jute said instantly. “The New Republic is on the verge of war”. “As you have heard, the True Sith have returned to the Galaxy after four thousand years”.


“And that frightens you” Jebord asked.


“Doesn't it you?” Jute replied in a shocked tone. He thought for a second he might of gotten the house wrong.


“What do you want, exactly?” Jebord said. He was growing weary of this already. As his mind strayed back to his nice warm bed, Jute spoke again.


“The Sith have been striking at the Republic for a few months now, the Senate are actually voting whether or not to create a new, improved clone army to combat this threat” Jute explained. “The Chancellor is asking you personally, to come to his aid, in this time of peril”. “The Republic needs you”.


“To do what, exactly” Jebord replied. “I don't know how one man can take on the whole Sith”.


“You remember what happened during the last Clone Wars!” Jute snapped back. “You commanded the most elite squad of clones”. “You will be able to lead a group of Jedi Knights and Republic mercenaries, to stop the Sith before another army is made”.


“And who is leading the Sith this time, if I may ask?” asked Jebord, calming himself down at what Jute said.


“A Sith Lord, who was presumed dead over four thousand years ago” Jute replied, getting very serious. “Revan, the Sith Lord who lead the Sith in the Jedi Civil War”. “He is back, with a deadly weapon which we destroyed back when we thought we kill him!”.


“What kind of weapon?” Jebord asked.


“It's what he calls the Star Forge” Jute replied. “It is able to produce a Sith armada in a matter of weeks”. “The Old Republic destroyed it, and now it's back”. “We need you to lead that group of Jedi and mercenaries and find a way to destroy it and the True Sith forever”.


“Well, I am the best of the best” Jebord replied. He was not full of himself, it was the truth. “Just one question though, why the hell are we still here?”.

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Good start!


I do have a few questions though. First one is, How does Gennus look like Coruscant when you have stated Gennus to be a very small world, or at least the city/starport tht you are in is small? I found that to be a little bit contradicting because Coruscant is a very big world. Very big...


Another thing that I found contradicting was that you said that the "True Sith" have generally come back. How does this make Revan part of the "True Sith"? Revan was not one of the "True Sith" (which is the species), but a follower of the Sith ideals. Other than those things, great start, and keep on writing! :D



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Good start!


I do have a few questions though. First one is, How does Gennus look like Coruscant when you have stated Gennus to be a very small world, or at least the city/starport tht you are in is small? I found that to be a little bit contradicting because Coruscant is a very big world. Very big...


Another thing that I found contradicting was that you said that the "True Sith" have generally come back. How does this make Revan part of the "True Sith"? Revan was not one of the "True Sith" (which is the species), but a follower of the Sith ideals. Other than those things, great start, and keep on writing! :D




The first sentence says the planet is Telos, and Gennus is a town.


True Sith are back, but they're being lead by Revan. This will all be explained through the chapters and episodes. I can give you a clue though, when Revan went into the Unknown Regions, he went to find the True Sith.

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This story is based off ideas I've been having for over a year now. I know it's a bit slow to get started, but trust me, it's going to get waaay better.


Chapter Two:


Lets Get Physical




“A physical?” Jebord exclaimed. “I'm in perfect conditon, damnit”.


Jebord was in the medical bay, along with Jute and the Chancellor. Jute and he had just arrived on Coruscant, in the Republics headquarters, after leaving from Telos. The Chanellor had been there at the loading dock to greet him and Jute. After the pleasntries had been done, the Chanellor lead them here, to the medical bay.


“You must understand, Jebord. We never send out soldiers without giving them a physical” the Chanellor calmed Jebord down. “And I must say, you do look like you're in perfect condition”. “I thought you would be much older, you look about fourty”.


“Thats because I am in my fourties, Chancellor Zakura” Jebord replied. “I never received the growth enhancment like the other clones”. “I was one of the first”.


At that moment, a medic entered the room. Undoubtedly to do Jebord's physical. The medic bowed at the Chanellor and nodded at Jute and Jebord. He then continued over to a work bench and brought back some medical equipment.


“We shall do the blood test first, shall we?” the medic said. More of a statement then a question. The medic proceeded to stick a needle into Jebord's left arm. Blood pour into the tube from the needle.


After that was done, the medic checked Jebord's blood pressure, muscle reflexes and his eyesight. He nodded in approval and turned to the Chancellor.


“He seems in great condition, Chancellor” the medic said. “The blood test will be taken care of immediately”. “You will receive the results within the hour”.


“Thank you, Curtis” the Chancellor replied nodding. Curtis bustled off out the door to examine Jebord's blood.


“Happy now?” Jebord asked. Secretly, he was longing to get back out onto the battlefield.


“Yes, yes I am” Zakura replied. “We will gather the Jedi from Yavin IV and the mercenaries into the briefing room”. “The meeting will take place tonight, after I speak to the public about you and your team”.


“You're telling the public!?” Jebord exclaimed. “Are you mad?”


“That is no way to speak to the Chancellor” Jute interrupted. “Apologize now”.


“Calm down, Jute” Zakura said. “Jebord, the publics trust in me hangs by a thread, I don't want any riots, and neither do you”. “Once they know I'm doing something to counter the Sith, the vote to create a new clone army will be postponed”.


Jebord sighed, it wasn't the first time either. This whole idea of making another army was disturbing in the least. The whole Republic knows what happened when the last army to be created did. It crippled the Republic greatly.




Jebord paced the room, for hours. He was in a suite that was suited for a King, thought he didn't take much notice to what he was doing. Jebord could only think about what was going to happen in the meeting. What if the Chancellor sent him on a suicide mission. He did not want to be the death of any Jedi or Republic soldiers. As he started to regret ever coming back to the Republic, Jute contacted him on holo-console.


“You are to make your way down to the second floor, I will meet you out the front of the breifing room” he said in a icy tone. He was obviosuly still mad at Jebord for the way he spoke the the Chancellor before.


Jebord didn't answer, he just headed out the door and to the elevator. When the elevator reached his floor, the doors opened and revealed a Jedi Knight. The Jedi nodded at Jebord as he got into the elevator.


“You must be our commander, then” the Jedi said. “The name is Monran, Almerius Monran”. He stuck his right hand out and Jebord shook his hand.


“Esio, Jebord Esio” Jebord replied. “I hope you're up for what we're going to be going through”. “It's going to be rough”.


“Oh please” Almerius said. “This is going to be as easy as riding a bantha”. Almerius grinned to show he was joking.


They didn't say anything else until they reached Jute. The Jedi went inside straight away. Jebord hesitated for a second.


“They're waiting for you inside” said Jute, opening the door for Jebord.


Jebord took a deep breath and walked into the room.

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Very good start you have going here! I like the idea of this elite group going to stop the sith. Of course I have many Revan questions but I'll just have to be patient. I can see that this is the kind of story thats going to get better with every chapter. This is an interesting line. Very original.


Keep up the good work. I'm lookin forward to more.

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This chapter will answer some of your questions.


Chapter Three:


Confidential Information




Jebord walked into the room, and saw the room had a long rectangular table set with chairs, a holo-panel on the far end wall for holograms, and only one large light in the center of the ceiling. As he look around, he saw five Jedi look up at him as he entered, two of them female, with Almerius giving him a wink, ten mercenaries and the Chancellor.


“We can now begin, ladies and gentlemen” the Chancellor announced. “Gather around to the holo-panel, please”.


Everyone in the room moved closer to the Chancellor, and when they all settled, the Chancellor lit up a Galaxy map and continued speaking.


“The Sith fleet and the Star Forge are gathering above the planet of Kashyyyk” Zakura said. He pointed with his index finger at the planet. “Now, Kashyyyk is a very important planet to the Republic, and we must not let it fall”. “We are working under the assumption it's going to be invaded”.


“Your job is to go to Kashyyyk, setup a temporary treaty and get the wookiees help in the defense, as they wont take kind to strangers helping them” the Chancellor continued. “They're proud creatures, Wookiees are”.


“And how are we supposed to get through to land on the planet?” a mercenary asked. “It's going to be a bit hard since the whole Sith are there”.


“Thats where the Jedi come in on the plan” Zakura replied. “Luke Skywalker here, has been able to borrow the fastest ship the Republic has ever seen”.


Luke Skywalker nodded to the group and let Zakura continue.


“It's called the Millennium Falcon, a Y-1300F type ship” he said. “It has the fastest record in the Kessle Run, is that fast enough for you?”.


The mercenary didn't do anything but nod. Jebord could sense the tension in the room, as this was making everyone nervous.


“Skywalker wont be coming with you, as he must return to Yavin IV immediately” Zakura continued. “Jebord will pilot the ship, and is in charge of this mission”. “You do what he says and you will be fine”.


Jebord stepped up next to the Chancellor and faced the group. They seemed calm, but it was just an act.


“For those that haven't guessed yet, I'm Jebord Esio, a clone from the Clone Wars” Jebord explained. “I wont tell you much about myself, but I was with Alpha Squad, more elite than the Delta Squad”. “If you listen to me, then you will live, if you don't, then you have signed your death warrant”.


Jebord walked to the back of the group again, and waited for the Chancellor to start speaking again. It was after a few moments, the Chancellor took a deep breath and explained the hardest part of the mission.


“During the defense of Kashyyyk, Jebord and the Jedi will make their way up into space, and sneak aboard the Star Forge” Zakura explained. “Once they're on the Forge, they will then make their way to the command deck, the obvious place of where Revan will be”.


“And then we kill him?” asked Jebord. “Or do we bring him in alive?”.


“We would very much like to question him, but once the Sith Lord is dead, the Sith will scatter, and we can hunt them down more easily” Zakura replied. “I know what I'm asking is against the Jedi code, but the Republic needs Revan dead as soon as possible”.


The Jedi hummed and nodded in respect, as they knew the Chancellor was in a dire position. It was either kill Revan and defy the Jedi Code once, or lose the publics trust by keeping the Sith Lord alive.


“How are we going to destroy the Star Forge, sir?” asked Almerius. “It's going to take a lot of fire power to bring it down”.


“As the previous Star Forge couldn't move, this one cant” Zakura said. “This one has more firepower than any craft we here possess”. “It can travel through hyperspace and faster than it looks”.


The Chancellor put up a image on the holo-panel of the Star Forge. There were a few gasps and awes. But if the Republic could take down two Death Stars, they can take down a Star Forge.


“Leia Organa Solo has giving us her support in this” Zakura continued. “Once Jebord and his team has entered the Star Forge, the Alliance fleet will travel from the Hoth system through to Kashyyyk”. “Jebord will have enough time to kill Revan, and get off the Forge before the fleet destroys it”.


“This is more like a suicide mission, Chancellor” a mercenary said. “How can we do all this with just fifteen of us?”.


Before Zakura could reply, Jebord started speaking.


“Suicide missions?” Jebord said. “This is just another day, my friend”. “Another day gone bad, we can more than easily do this”. “If you're scared, then leave, I don't want you on my team”.


“Sorry, commander, I shouldn't have said anything” the mercenary replied.


“Without further ado” the Chancellor said. “I believe it's time to get you all geared up and get you to your ship”. “Jute will escort you to the barracks, I'll meet you at the Falcon before you leave”.


The group piled out of the room, all except for Jebord. Once the whole group had gone, the Chancellor looked up after turning off the holo-panel.


“Yes, Jebord?” Zakura asked. “You need something?”.


“No, sir” Jebord replied. “I'm just thinking of how easy this is going to be”.


“This isn't just some mindless Sith soldiers, Jebord” Zakura said. “This is the True Sith”. “Cunning and powerful”.


“And how do you know this is the True Sith, and not some haters of the Republic?” Jebord questioned.


“Luke Skywalker confessed something to me just before” Zakura replied. “The Jedi have known what the True Sith are for thousands of years”.


“And what are they?” Jebord asked eagerly.


“Rakata's” the Chancellor replied.

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As I just discovered 'The Critics 2 cents' thread, machievelli said I was rushing the story a bit, so after this chapter, I will slow it down.


Chapter Four:


The Senate In Crisis



“I have called this senate meeting to announce some good news” Chancellor Zakura said. He was on his platform, along with his top adviser and a royal guard. The hundreds of platforms that surrounded the Chancellor were floating and went up into the building like a spiral.


“I have just gotten back from a meeting with the strike team, that is going to combat the Sith thread” Zakura announced. “A clone from made from the Clone Wars, will be leading a group of four Jedi and ten mercenaries to the planet of Kashyyyk to aid in it's defense”.


There were murmers immediately after the Chancellor said this. People on all platforms huddled together to quietly discuss this move by the Chancellor. After a short while. Leia Organa Solo, leader of the Alliance, moved her platform out towards Zakura's.


“We have spent hours pouring over battle plans and strategies” Leia announced. “This is our best option”. “This is our last option”. Leia spoke that last sentence in a feisty tone.


“After the strike team has aided in Kashyyyk's defense, the team will then fly aboard the Star Forge and kill Revan” Zakura said.


Now at this, the whole senate finally started to trust the Chancellor's actions and words again a little. Revan was the source of this whole thing, and the source must die.


“Once Revan is dead, it will then have no dark side power to draw it's energy from” Zakura continued. “Thus, the Alliance fleet will be able to bombard it, and destroy it forever”.


“And what about the Sith?” Juha Kuro of Mustafar asked. “How do we know there aren't more hiding from wherever they came from, waiting to strike the Republic again?”.


“Before the Star Forge goes down, the strike team will recover all data from it, and we hope from this intelligence, we will know if there are any more Sith out there or not” Zakura replied. “The strike team in question is currently in the main barracks, gearing up”. “I will be meeting with them shortly as they leave”.


“And what if this strike team fails?” Juha again asked. “What are we meant to do then?”. “We are wasting our time on this team, we should be making another army”.


“This team must not fail, as I will not allow another army to be made” Zakura glared at Juha. “Princess Leia has confirmed there wont be enough ground troops in the Alliance to successfully defend a planets surface”. “She has done her best to aid us in this threat, and it will be from her fleet, that this Star Forge will never reach the Core worlds”.


“I wish I could believe that, Chancellor” Juha replied.




Jebord and his team walked out onto the landing deck, and headed towards the Millennium Falcon. A pilot and a wookiee walked down the loading ramp as the they approached. They walked up to the pair and Jebord recognized the pilot to be Han Solo, a leader of the Alliance.


“Jebord Esio” Jebord said handing out his right hand. “There is no need to introduce yourself, I already know of you Captain Solo”.


“I need your word that I will get my ship back in once piece” Han replied, shaking Jebord's hand. “Skywalker had a very hard time trying to persuade me to let you use it”. “This old girl has been through worse spots then those, of course”.


“You have my word, and that means a lot coming from a clone these days, eh” Jebord replied. “It's a nice ship, I can tell you that”. “Now, did you know if the Chancellor is coming, he said he would be here”.


“Change of plans” came a voice from behind the group. It was Jute, the messenger. “Hes stuck in a senate meeting, he didn't assume it would take this long, so he sent me instead to see you off”.


“You must no fail, Jebord” he continued. “This is our only chance to stop another clone army”.


“It will be a 'mission accomplished' in not to long, Jute” Jebord replied. “I'll contact you when we land on Kashyyyk”. “Okay men, load the cargo and equipment onto the ship and put it in the cargo hold”.


The mercenaries picked up their backpacks and crates of extra ammo and guns and took them up the loading ramp and disappeared from view. Jebord let out a long drawn sigh.


“You know Jute, I never knew I would be back on the front lines again on my lifetime” he said. “It is a amazement that so many bad things happen in this Galaxy”.


“Bad things happen for a reason” Jute replied. “Now, you better be off, the sooner you leave, the sooner we can have this whole crisis over with”.


“Goodbye Jute, it was great meeting you” Jebord said. He moved pass Han and the wookiee and gave them a slight nod.


He entered the ship and went straight to the cockpit and got into the pilots seat. He proceeded with closing the loading ramp and starting up the ship. The ship took off and zoomed out of the planets atmosphere. As he punched into the hyperspace co-ordinates, Almerius came back from the cargo hold. He didn't say anything, he just sat in the co-pilots seat and watched Jebord work the controls.


“Everyone buckle up, we're going to enter hyperspace” Jebord announced through the intercom.


He waited a few minutes, swallowed and pulled the lever and the ship entered hyperspace. They were now on their way to Kashyyyk, the Sith and the Star Forge.

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Okay, very good job Jebus. I did notice a few mistakes though...


[align=center]“Jebord Esio” Jebord said handing out his right hand. “There is no need to introduce yourself, Captain Solo."[/align]


I think that you got confused with who was talking...


[align=center]"The mercenaries picked up their backs and crates of extra ammo and guns and took them up the loading ramp and disappeared from view."[/align]


How can a mercenary "pick up their backs"? :p Did you mean packs, backpacks? Mistakes happen... other than those several things, I think that you did a fine job with this chapter. So keep up the writing and the good work!



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Go the Aussies!


Ahem, anyways .. back on topic.


The story is going along nicely. It was rushed in some places but as you've said, you are going to slow it down, and thats a very good decision, in my opinion.

I actually would have thought that Han would most likely not have given up his ship and he would have mad Jebord take him along, haha.

But thats just me.


So in saying that. Keep up the nice work Jebus and I am looking forwardto more of your updates. :)

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Makes sense. I also thought that Han would have had a lot more trouble giving up the Falcon so easily. But, that is probably a pretty hard situation to write about. Anyways, write more chapters! :p



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I wanted to introduce a entirely fresh new set of characters, instead of the main cannon characters. Of course most of the cannon characters will make an appearance, but I didn't want the story to focus on them.


Chapter five is fairly long, and it will be ready in the morning most likely. I've been busy with school and work and family.

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Sorry for the late chapter:

Chapter Five:


Before The Storm


Space was cold, very cold. The deep dark corners of space revealed actually how big the Galaxy was. And then there was still the Unknown Regions that hadn't been explored, so who knows if the Galaxy is twice the size everybody thinks it is. It had been told, the Unknown Regions was where peoples spirits or ghosts went to after they had passed away to rest in peace, away from the troubles of everybody and everything. There had been only a few people that were brave enough, or possibly stupid, that went into the Unknown Regions, to be the firsts ones to explore the lost part of the Galaxy. The people that did go, were never heard from again, they were lost, to be forgotten forever.


“Jebord?” Almerius asked. “Are you alright?”


Jebord took a few seconds to register that Almerius had spoken to him. They were sitting in the cockpit, traveling through hyperspace on their way to their dangerous mission. Jebord had been daydreaming about space, space and his travels through it. Also the space battles he had been in, the ones from the Clone Wars. Those were his glory days. And he missed them so.


“I'm fine” Jebord replied. “Whats our ETA?”.


“Two standard hours before we hit Kashyyyk” Almerius said. “Jebord, I'm sure we will be able to get through the Sith fleet, the Force will guide us”.


When Jebord heard Almerius say the word Force, he suddenly remembered the day he saw a clone commander shoot down a Jedi on Utapu. Jebord had tried to stop the commander from ordering more attacks against the Jedi, but he was held in contempt. Fortunately, he escaped and regrouped with the remaining Jedi on Poliss Massa.


“It's not the Sith fleet that worries me, Almerius” Jebord said sighing. “It's what we're going to do, go aboard a Star Forge, kill a Sith Lord and destroy the Sith?”. “Before that Star Forge goes down, whether I die or not because of it, I'm going to find out how Revan has lived so long”.


Jebord let out another sigh, he was stubborn about finding out the most important information, no matter what was happening or happened. In some of his missions, the information he found out, stopped the CIS from futher planned strikes against the Old Republic.


“That reminds me, how do you know this is the actual Revan, and not some goon in a costume?” Jebord asked. He had been curious about this ever since Jute recruited him back at that day on Telos. It seemed like an age away, yet it was only that very morning.


“A disturbance in the Force, the Jedi Order can sense it really is the Dark Lord” Almerius replied. “I've been meaning to tell you, I have sensed a abnormal amount of Force-sensitivty in you, Jebord”. “Which is very disturbing since you're a clone”.


“I neither have the time to care, nor want to care” Jebord said. “Even if I am Force-sensitive, I don't want to be any part of the Jedi Order, I want to finish this mission and get back to my warm bed”.


At that, Almerius knew from the tone of Jebord's voice, he didn't want to talk about it anymore. But Almerius pushed on, wanting to know about Jebord.


“How did the Chancellor recruit you?” Almerius asked. “It's not usual for a retired clone to come out of retirment and take on a Sith Lord and a Star Forge”.


“The Chancellor asked me to serve my Galaxy, and thats what I'm doing” Jebord replied. “Once this is over, I'm going under the radar, completely disappear and live in peace until that day comes”. “I'm just an old tiger sensing my end in this Galaxy”.


They sat in silence for about an hour, until another Jedi came into the cockpit. It was one of the females. She glanced at Jebord and then turned to Almerius.


“Belle needs you in the storage compartments” she said. She had a look of concern on her face. Was there something wrong, Jebord wondered.


“Right away, Dessler” Almerius said. “If you would excuse me, commander Jebord, I am needed elsewhere”.


Almerius got up and walked out of the cockpit and towards the storage compartment. Dessler took Almerius' occupied chair as the co-pilot. Jebord knew she was about to start asking questions and strained himself not to order her out before she spoke.


“I have no time for your questions, Jedi Dessler” Jebord said just as Dessler opened her mouth to say something. She closed her mouth and turned a little pink. Jebord sensed something was wrong, so he decided to do the right thing. “I'm sorry, Dessler, what did you need?”.


“It's alright, sir” Dessler said getting up from her chair. “We can talk later, someone else needs to talk to you more than I”. She walked out of the room with Jebord sitting puzzled. He was just wondering who she was talking about, when Almerius walked back into the cockpit.


“Did you know we have a tracking device in the storage compartment” Almerius asked seriously. “The other Jedi found it just then”. “Obviously someone is trying to keep an eye on us”.


“Han, maybe?” Jebord replied. “He looked like he was going to stop us from taking the ship”. “I wouldn't be surprised if he just wanted to keep track of his ship”.


“Maybe, I just don't like surprises” Almerius said. “Once we land on Kashyyyk, it wont matter where someone tracks us too, it's not like they can follow us onto the Star Forge”.


They sat there in silence again for a few more minutes, until the ships controls started beeping.


“It looks like we're coming up on Kashyyyk” Jebord said. He activated the com system and alerted the crew. “Everyone strap yourselves in, we're about to come out of hyperspace”.


“I hope you know what you're doing, Jebord” Almerius said. “We have to land on the planets surface quickly before the Sith have time enough to realize we're here”.


Jebord pushed the lever back into it's original position and the ship came out of hyperspace. Jebord and Almerius gasped at the sight of it. Thousands of Sith fighters were guarding at least twenty capital ships. Not to mention a few hundred frigates and transport ships.


“There is no way we can defend Kashyyyk with just the fithteen of us” Jebord said. “Even with the wookiees help, we wont have much time until they're all dead”. “We'll need to go as fast as we can through the Star Forge so we can save as many wookiees as we can”.


“Hold on” Jebord said as he accelerated towards a capital ship. He would fly over one so the other capital ships wont be able to shoot them without risking damage to the other ship. The fighters spotted the Falcon coming towards them. Instantly the Sith fighters went into attack position and started blasting the Falcon.


“Almerius, get two mercenaries onto those guns” Jebord ordered and Almerius obeyed immediately.


Jebord swerved to miss a few fighters that had tried to come head on with the Falcon. The fighters turned around and started blasting the back of the ship. A few moments later, the mercenaries started counter-firing the fighters. Jebord put the ship into a dive, heading straight for the planets surface. The Falcons rear delfector shields were almost gone. As soon as the ship entered the planets atmosphere, the Sith fighters ceased their chase on the Falcon and guarded just above the Atmosphere, blocking and hope of escape.


“I'm going to land over there, onto that loading pad” Jebors said to Almerius as he re-entered the cockpit. “The attack hasn't started yet, I wonder what the Sith are waiting for”.


Jebord touched the ship down on the landing pad and a lowered the loading ramp. The crew got their backpacks and headed out of the ship. The wookiee leader was waiting for them outside. Jebord approached the leader and shook his hand.


“I'm Chewunda, leader of the wookiees on Kashyyyk” Chewunda roared. “The Sith are just about to launch their attack, my assisstents will escort you to the command center”. “You can brief me there, as I need to see to a few things first”.


Chewunda growled orders to two wookiees and Jebord and his crew followed them through wookiee base, which was located just off the beach, and also on the beach, which was weird for wookiees, as they liked to be high up into the trees. But they were just about to start a battle, so it seemed logical if they were on the ground.


The two wookiees led them into the command center, a circular table had a real-time hologram of the beach outside, obviosuly where the battle will take place. The hut they were led into was circular as well, with computer panels on the walls, and on desks with wookiees were working. There were some humans, wearing Alliance jackets, were stationed at some of these computers, giving orders to the wookiees.


After Jebord and his crew were breifed on the current situation by a wookiee commander, Chewunda wallked in with his bodyguards.


“I see it's time to discuss a treat” Chewunda roared.


“The terms is to let mercenaries, Jedi and myself aid you in this battle” Jebord said in a hurry. The faster this was over with, the better. “During the battle, the Jedi and myself will leave the mercenaries here, ascend up into space and board the Star Forge”. “After the Star Forge is destroyed, all the Republic wants is for the trade routes to continue”.


“I accept your terms” Chewunda roared.

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I hope this chapter doesn't seem rushed.


Chapter Six:


The Battle Of Kashyyyk


“They're starting their attack” Almerius said to Chewunda and Jebord. He was looking through his scope at the Rakatan's at the other side of the beach. They had no vehicles, which was extremely disturbing, as they did design the Star Forge, but the couldn't be bothered to design any land vehicles. “There are about two hundred thousand of them”.


“Two hundred thousand?” Jebord repeated in awe. “There is only fifty thousand wookiees, and those Rakatan's look powerful”. The Sith outnumbered them by one to four. They would have to have a good defence strategy, or the Sith will quickly destroy them.


“Wookiees are stronger than most things, bigger or smaller than them” Chewuna roared. “They can hold the Sith long enough for the Alliance to get here”.


“They have no vehicles, and we have cement walls defending this base, thus we will hold the gate if they make their way off the beach” Almerius replied. “It also looks like the Sith only have normal blaster rifles, Jebord”.


“It also looks like those Rakatan's can rip us into hundreds of little pieces while we're still breathing” Jebord said. He gazed through his scope, the Sith were tall and had a lot of muscle bulk. This was going to be one long battle. “Looks like we're in for a rough day”.


“The Sith are one thousand meters away, I'll go tell my wookiees to load their bow casters” Chewunda growled and bustled off to the wookiees on the other side of the beach wall.


They were standing on the beach closest to the trees, behind a medium high wall, stopping the Sith from running straight to the command centers walls and gate. The wall was big enough for the wookiees and Jebord's crew to blast the Sith, and also high enough for the Sith to jump over. The wookiees lost all their vehicles in the Empire era. Jebord and Almerius were leading the wookiee army, encouraging them to stand and fight.


“Once we help the wookiees fight back the first wave of rakatan's, we will gather the rest of the Jedi and make our way to the Star Forge” Jebord explained to Almerius. “The Sith will strike hard and very fast, we can't let them over the wall”.


“We wont have to wait long, the Sith have started charging already” Almerius said, looking back through his scope. The Sith were indeed on their way, and they moved fast with those long legs. They wore a battle chest, a loincloth, metal bracelets and no footwear.


The rakatan's were approaching quickly, the wookiees were looking each other with uncertainty, having second thoughts. It wasn't every day they battled with two hundred thousand enemies all at once. Almerius suddenly stiffened, and he shut his eyes and chanted something.


“We may have a problem” Almerius said when he saw Jebord's face. “I sense a dark power in the air, I think the Sith have Dark Jedi aiding them”.


“Then we must be extra careful where we tred” Jebord replied. “Dark Jedi are not a force to be reckoned with”. “Less chatter, more action”.


As the rakatan's approached, the noise of the wookiees and Jebord and his crew fell silent. There was no noise except for the beaches tide, the wind in the tress and some growls from the wookiees. The wookiees looked up at Jebord as the Sith drew extremely close. They were waiting for their orders.


“On my order, fire, aim for the heads” Jebord told the wookiees he was commanding. “If they reach the wall, don't let them over it, do whatever it takes”.


Jebord let the Sith draw within one hundred meters, then ordered the wookiees to shoot. A sound of over five thousand bowcasters were heard. The other twenty thousand wookiees under his command would hit the wookiees in front if they fired. The blaster bolts were returned with more blaster bolts from the Sith. Some Sith managed to get to the wall, though they didn't get over, as the wookiees tore them apart, limbs flying everywhere.


The mercenaries were on platforms in the trees, sniping the Sith. The Sith had no idea where the bolts were coming from until a few of them spotted the mercenaries. Immediately after they spotted them, ten thermal detonators went into the air and landed on the platforms. They exploded, killing three of the mercenaries and wounding another five.


Before Jebord had time to react, a huge explosion ripped through a meter long piece of wall. The pieces of wall hit into the wookiees, either knocking them out or killing them. Jebord didn't know if it was thermal detonators or some kind of bomb, but he didn't have time to think on it, as the rakatan's piled through the gap in the wall and started engaging the wookiees in hand to hand combat. The second line of wookiees barged foreward, banging into the other wookiees and Sith.


The Sith were overpowering the wookiees, and just as they were about to push in another wave, the wookiees let go of some of their own grenades. The grenades tore threw both the wookiees and the Sith. As the smoke from the grenade cleared, the wookiees immediately began barricading the wall, it was in vain. Another wave of Sith came straight on through, blasting the wookiees.


“Almerius, use the force to knock those Sith back to give the wookiees enough time to fix the wall” Jebord said as he watched his wookiees fall.


“I've already tried, the Dark Jedi are to many, I can't stop their dark influence” Almerius replied. “We're going to have to try something different”.


Just as Almerius said that, another explosion ripped through part of the wall further down near the water. This hole was much bigger, around ten meters. More wookiees fell, the Sith killing them before they had a chance to defend themselves. The wookiees numbers between Jebord and the Sith were thinning quite quickly.


“Get the other Jedi here now” Jebord said. “We're going to have to leave now, we wont survive if we stay here any longer”.


Almerius called the other Jedi to them using the emergency beacon device. The Jedi cut their way through the Sith, defending the wookiees as they went. When they reached Jebord and Almerius, Jebord led them towards the command center. Once they got there, they heard even more explosions and roars from the wookiees.


They turned around, even though they couldn't see them, they knew the wookiees were dying. And fast. It wouldn't be more than a few hours before the Sith stormed the command center. Jebord and his crew didn't have much time. They headed for the loading dock, entered the Millenium Falcon. Jebord and Almerius went straight to the cockpit and started the ship.


He closed the loading ramp and took off, flew low and heading to the beach. Once he was out of the trees, he activated the auto-turrets to shoot at the Sith. The Sith fell quickly undet the turrets, but they were soon disabled by the Sith's blaster bolts. As soon as that happened, Jebord turned the ship and zoomed upwards and headed out of the planets atmosphere, and back into the danger of the thousands of Sith fighters.


Jebord saw the Star Forge, it towered over the capital ships, he was in awe at how big it was. It even looked bigger than the second Death Star in a way. He activated the ships boosters and accelerated towards the space station. Sith fighters tried to block the Falcon, but soon realized it wasn't going to stop for them. They moved out of the way, and doubled back to shoot it from behind. The rear deflector shield was almost gone again.


Four of the capital ships started to move in front of the Falcon as well, denying it access to the Star Forge. Jebord navigated through the small gaps inbetween the ships, and full pelted towards the hanger bay. They were almost there when the sheild generator was disabled by a lucky shot from a Sith fighter. The Sith fighters took their oppurtunity to finish the Falcon off. Jebord manuvered out of the blasters way, but not before some of the blaster bolts made a small hole in the storage rooms roof.


Obviously all the cargo that was left in there was sucked out, and hopefully the Jedi were smart enough to have buckled up. The Falcon reached the Star Forge's hanger bay and docked. There was a small battalion of Sith soldiers guarding it. The fired onto the Falcon, mainly at the cockpit. Jebord opened the loading ramp, saw the Jedi come down it and quickly cut down the Sith.


Unfortunately, one of the Sith managed to activate the alarm before getting killed by the Jedi. Jebord and Almerius got off the ship and beckon for the other Jedi to come and regroup.


“The Sith obviously know we're here, so we wont have much time” Jebord explained. “The wookiees are depending on us to stop the Sith from taking over Kashyyyk”. “The less time we take to kill Revan, the less wookiees that have to die”.


The Jedi and Almerius nodded, Dessler looking a little worried. Jebord smiled at her, trying to comfort her. This was no time to be worried.


“Before or after Revan is killed, I'm going to hack into the main command centers computer and retrieve all the data” Jebord said. “I want to find out how Revan survived this long, and why the Star Forge is still here”. “Lets go hunt some Sith”.

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I hope this chapter doesn't seem rushed.

Honestly that depends, how many chapters are you planning to have in this fan-fic? Honestly things did go a tid bit fast in this chapter. (1)Preparations for the ground battle, (2)the ground battle, (3)Losing the ground battle, (4) Getting up to the Star Forge, (5) starting the attack on the Star Forge.

That seems a little bit fast.


Another question that I have. If the assult team (Jebord, and his men) are on the Star Forge trying to kill Darth Revan and the Star Forge, and the Wookies on the ground are already suffering from defeat, what is going to happen to them? If they lose, wouldn't half the point of the mission be over? That is really the only thing that I noticed.


Other than that, not a bad job! Keep on writing! :)

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