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A new idea for TSL


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I don't know if this has happened, but I don't think this is at filefront or at any other modding sites I've found.

Remember how in K1 in Revans vision after crash landing or Taris? (Bastila and the Jedi get ready to fight Revan.) Bastila's lightsaber looks like it's blade is twice its normal size. I realize that thats only happening because shes moving the lightsaber back and forth. So I thought someone could try to make a lightsaber like that. They would modify the Bao dur talk where you get to choose what lightsaber you want. In stead of 2, there are 3 (The Wide Lightsaber). Its like a perfect saber, but you need to have 2 crystals and a focusing crystal (Ex. Adegan). It has the power of a double bladed, and the accuracy of the Singe Blade.

In the Revenge of the Sith video game, I noticed some of the Jedi in the mission where you go to the Jedi temple and kill jedi as Anakin hold their lightsabers not facing the enemy. (Hilt is facing Anakin, not the blade) so I thought that someone could try to make a new Jedi Class called the Jedi Assassin(Yeah, a rip off of Sith Assassin. I also have the idea of Jedi Ninja :lol: ) With their own personalized powers that give them extra STR and DEX...

... Yeah... :)

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ok so like a super thick blade thats it or like a ling saber witha thick blade?

Super Thick.

A description would be something to this effect:

"This wide lightsaber solved problems for quite a few Jedi who wanted the power of the Double blade and the Accuracy of the Single blade"

It would be the same length of the normal lightsaber, but double it's width. And, if you can, make like a custom hilt to the Wide Lightsaber

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I'm really liking this idea.


Where do you think would be a good place to get the saber/crystal?


Preferably a place that has not been used before.

You could get the crystals from a number of places. mainly Dantooine and the rodian trader on nar shadda (the female one)

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I think you should get it in the Telos Military Base, that or if you play through Peragus get it there after you kill the HK droid. Just an idea

huh.. thats an idea.

places that they can come from:

Telos military base

Peragus HK-50 droid

Azkul's Remains

3:1 chance of getting a part or a crystal from Visas (every 3 times you get a part, you get a crystal)

any other ideas?

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After defeating Nihilius(sp?) when you get his mask you find the crystal on him.

that wouldn't work, because you'd have to completly script Bao Dur into the game. It has to be before you go to Telos before you get on the Ravenger. Because at that point(On the Ravenger), you have to play with Visas and Mandalore. No one else. then you play as yourself only. You can't get it from him after you get on the Ravenger.

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true... well then how about a gift from the ruler of Onderon depending on who you pick... if you choose Vaklu(sp?) you get the crystal and the remains of the queen and a certain amount of money... and if you pick the queen you get only the crystal

There ya go!

But, unfortunatly, that'll only work if you bring Bao with you to Onderon. Usally, I take my most powerful Jedi (either Atton or Mira(if I'm good)/Brianna(If I'm a man)/Visas(other :lol: ))

unless we cut out Kreia and replace her with Bao-Dur for Onderon!

This mod'll be big!

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we could always just make it so that Kreia is on the ship talking to you and make it so that instead of Kreia coming with you its Bao-Dur.


that or you could just go to Onderon for your first planet and it has to be like that for the mod to work..

I'm-a make a big list [eventually..]

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Class: I don't think this can be done. First because as far as I am aware it is not possible to add new force weilding classes. It may be possible to replace one class with a new one if you wish however.


Secondly, I don't think classes can be assigned bonus attributes. They can have their hitpoints/lvl, skill points/lvl, feats/lvl, force powers/lvl, reflex, fortitude and will saves/lvl changed, as well as their skill set and available feats, but not their attributes, as you assign them yourself. Although they are listed in the classes.2da with specific values per class, and even a primary attribute, I don't think they have any effect. If anyone knows otherwise please say so. The closest to what you would wish is additional feats/lvl so you can get more lightsaber related feats than usual.


Lightsabre I believe the lightsaber would need moddeling to work. Allthough it would be easy to edit an existing lightsaber texture to widen the blade, it would not look like a "O" from most angles, but a "+".


As for using the lightsaber differently, that would need new animations to work properly.

There was a lightsaber released in the Ultimate Saber Mod that used a doublebladed lightsabers handle and animations, but had a blade protrude from only one end. This was likely done with Hex editing and I may be able to create a new weapon that acts like you wish, but you may find the animations flawed, as the removed blade will still exist as far as the game is concerned, and will continue to attack, deflect blaster bolts and parry melee attacks.

If you wanted to use the Malak or Nihilus models, they have distinctly different lightsaber style animations, but you would be stuck with that one character and couldn't use guns or duelwield. He may be able to equip a doublebladed lightsaber but there would not be much point.

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Class: I don't think this can be done. First because as far as I am aware it is not possible to add new force weilding classes. It may be possible to replace one class with a new one if you wish however.

If so, I would replace Consulor, since I personally don't like them that much


Secondly, I don't think classes can be assigned bonus attributes. They can have their hitpoints/lvl, skill points/lvl, feats/lvl, force powers/lvl, reflex, fortitude and will saves/lvl changed, as well as their skill set and available feats, but not their attributes, as you assign them yourself. Although they are listed in the classes.2da with specific values per class, and even a primary attribute, I don't think they have any effect. If anyone knows otherwise please say so. The closest to what you would wish is additional feats/lvl so you can get more lightsaber related feats than usual.

.. hmm.. that could work...


Lightsabre I believe the lightsaber would need moddeling to work. Allthough it would be easy to edit an existing lightsaber texture to widen the blade, it would not look like a "O" from most angles, but a "+".

Yes, I realize it, but wouldn't it look more like a "-" then a "+"?


As for using the lightsaber differently, that would need new animations to work properly.

There was a lightsaber released in the Ultimate Saber Mod that used a doublebladed lightsabers handle and animations, but had a blade protrude from only one end. This was likely done with Hex editing and I may be able to create a new weapon that acts like you wish, but you may find the animations flawed, as the removed blade will still exist as far as the game is concerned, and will continue to attack, deflect blaster bolts and parry melee attacks.

If you wanted to use the Malak or Nihilus models, they have distinctly different lightsaber style animations, but you would be stuck with that one character and couldn't use guns or duelwield. He may be able to equip a doublebladed lightsaber but there would not be much point.

That might present a problem. While I wouldn't object to being Nihilus, but I wouldn't want to change every single animation of the Exile to Nihulis. As for the animation, We don't have to have a different animation sequence, it would use the same sequence as the normal lightsaber, only the Wide Lightsaber would be well.... wider...

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Would you acutally have to change every animation of the exile to Nihilius??? I thought all you would have to do is add the specific animation to the already set animations... Like take the animations from the Nihilius model and add them to the exile model... Just a thought. Doesn't Sion have special animations too?

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