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Devaronian Atton


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This is actually incredibly easy. I will walk you through it if you want.


1. Download Kotor Tool (you can find it in the List of Tools and Downloads thread)

2. Install and run it :)

3. In the upper left hand corner is a button that says "2da". Click on this to open the .2da editor.

4. Click "File" then browse the Overide folder and open the Appearance.2da file if you have one (If not read the extra instructions)

5. Once open scroll down until you reach row 452. It should say Party_NPC_Atton.

6. In the "NormalHead" column of this row you should see the number 96. Change this to 129. Then click on a different box to make sure the new info is locked in.

7. Click "File" then "Save as .2da v2b" NOT "XML" Save it to your Overide folder and overwrite the original.

Extra. If you do not have an Appearance.2da in your override folder, close the .2da box then open the following branches "Kotor II", "BIF's", "2da.bif", "2da Array" and then double click to open the Appearance.2da when you find it. Make sure you save the finished product in your Override folder.


This wont give you a darkside reskin but at least you wont have to do much for it, and can use it straight away. Besides, the Devaronian looks pretty evil anyway.

I am not very good at skinning, but I could try some tattoes or something for you. Is there anything specific you would like to see?

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hey thanks for the info maeby i should try my self modding..hmmm but the dark side stuff is still unclear to mee maeby you could do it something easy meaby some yellow eyes like anakin did and if you wanna make tatoos to him your free to do so..


and BtW when you sed that Devaronians were allready a bit evil looking it kinda ironic they use different kinda alien costumes in New Hope..

and soo run out of the alien costumes becouse of the cantina scene whit obi-wan and Han Solo cos there were so many aliens to be made so they took a guy and dressed him in a devil suit and thats were it comes from Devaronian :D

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Here is what I have so far.


It still requires a fair bit of work, but this should give you an idea of what i am going for. I might include a second, less full on version as the middle transition as well. What do you think? is there anything you want me to change?

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Good work ! ! rictus135 ! ! :D the eyes are nice work could you do them more anakin style..


no offence they are good what you have made but i would love to see more Episode III anakin style sith eyes cos i have in my TSL the darkside sith eys transition mod atm so it would be quite nice:D


and about hes clothing something like this:









( i think this last clothes idea is the most easy one to make cos it resemples mos to the lstraing kinda armor whit the back cloack in TSL)




and about the tatoos Ghost Down is right they are more of batman robin thing.. so could you make more tribal style tatoos:






http://manila.pasadena.k12.ca.us/lyles/picture$54 this is more of a new zeland tribal tatoos but i think you got my point right..? :D


in otherwhise this is good work.. :D :D :D

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He looks kinda like Robin from Batman, how about doing something less radical?;)

:D You're right, i didn't look at it that way.


@memarik: Ill have a go, the only problem is the way the skin stretches over certain parts of the model. They could look kind of wonky, and I am not a good enough skinner to completely compensate. I'll give it a go though, and you can decide whether it is worth using or not :)


About the clothes; Atton will still be able to wear anything he usually can, only his head will change. So you can just pick from the default items in game to get what you want. Which is good news for you since I suck at skinning!

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Ok I have started redoing the Devaronian. I am working from this but have only done the black bits so far.


Hare are some screenies of my progress so far. But it is 3:00am here, so I will finish it tomorrow.



This is the first time I looked at it in game, so I will fix it up somewhat, even before I add the red.


Would you also like a tattoo on top of his head memarik?

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nice work rictus135 this is what i was thinking about ! ! ! leave the tattoos black

only sith eyes remaining!!!


BtW i sended you the appareance.2da by email you should have it by now.. :D


i agree whit Ghost Down again... :)


if thouse tattoos would be little more detailed..

but as you sed there it is like 3 am so no hurry il have time to wait..

and you must be tired :D


(about the darkside transition)

and i must ask would it be a bad idea to make this head so that he would have the same tattoos as now but redskin when darksider

so it would be the quarren siths socalled minion/apprentice..? i like a bit of star wars legacy added to it.. :D what do you think is it a bad idea..?


if others dont like the idea of red skin..

could you make two versions like the screenshot one and a redskin quarren sith minion one? :D

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Looks good, but maybe you could add some more texture to the tattoo. Make it look less flat, because it looks like it's painted on with a black marker.


But looking good still!


Real tattooes are just ink on skin, why should these be look any different. ;)


yeah sounds good to me.. could you do it that way rictus135? as Ghost Down descripted..? so that the red color and tattoos would come at the speed atton goes to the darkside?


That was the plan, more or less. I am creating the tattooes on a different layer, so when I am done with the super evil face, I can just erase the parts I don't want for the transition. I will make the face entirely red for the final transition. And touch up the black tats to they look right. (Don't forget, what I am working towards utilizes red and black tats to create the full effect.)


As for adding more detail to the tats, I don't know if I will be able to. As I said earlier, I am not very good at skinning.


I will try making the tattoes dark brown, almost black. Then use true black to add some detail. But there are no guarentees it will work.


Personally I don't really see much point, but I will try and keep my public happy. :)

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yeah the tats are kinda good even now.. :D

and you are a good skinner..

heck better than me i am just reading still the basic instruction of skinnig so you are meany passes a head of me.. :D


but take your time..

rictus135 take your time.. :D :D :D


and BtW when i did send you the email.. what did you do whit the appareance.2da did you make a ''evil robe'' or a darkside transition to the quarren..?

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yeah the tats are kinda good even now..

and you are a good skinner..

heck better than me i am just reading still the basic instruction of skinnig so you are meany passes a head of me..


Thanks mamarik, flattery will get you everywhere. (Although I can't say i agree:))


I am not entirely sure what you mean by more detail. If someone explains what you want specifically, I am more likely to get you what you want.

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no i was thinking that could you make the tattoos more textured more detailed not so thick.. did i make my self in enyway clear..? :D

i am trying to be as clear as i can you must be tired.. :D


and BtW are you still willing to help whit the red/black tattoo transition..?

i would love to have if darksider..

that kinda of minion krayt thing from star wars legacy.. i hope you know what i mean right?


if not here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Darth_Krayt.JPG

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Here is my current work-in-progress.


I thinned the tattooes, and was planning to check them out in game to see what needed to be done to fix them, when I decided to quickly add a red skin. This was just quickly done to give you an idea of how it would look. The colours are messed up, so the real version will look better.


After I have finished fixing up the black tats, I will do the black and red tat transition version. When you get the chance, tell me what you want changed and I will try to work on it.


I had one idea on how to make the tattooes look more detailed, but I am still not sure that this is what you mean. If I make the tattoo layer partially transparent, you could see some of the skin textures underneath, and the colours would be slightly less full on. It will hopefully give the tattooes the appearance of being under the skin instead of on top.


Once I am done with the reskins for all the transitions, I will make a portrait for each.

I am thinking I will make the transitions like this:

Non-Darkside= Normal Devaronian skin

1-25% Darkside= Paler skin with Black Tattoes and slightly yellow eyes

26-50% Darkside= Even paler skin with both Black and Red tattoes and yellow eyes

51-100% Darkside= Red skin with Black tattoes and sith eyes.

I could add one more somewhere, say start off with fewer black tattoes in the first transition, then the rest would be bumped back 25%.

Or maybe add a lot more red tattooes for a third transition, and only have the red skin for the last transition. Personally, I really like the Sith style red skin/black tats a lot, so that is why I suggested having the extreme version for 1/2 of the darkside instead of just 1/4.


Anyway, just tell me what you want/think and I will do my best to do it for you.


Edit: Oops, I forgot the screenie.



Update: This is my first attempt at adding the red tats. I also made them slightly transparent so they look like they are under the skin a little more.


Thoughts and opinions?

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