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Strange connection issues


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If I search for servers in the OJP client and only find a couple empty ones I usually shut the client down.


When I've done that there is some sort of cooldown before I can browse the web.


Why is this? It kinda sucks.


It may have something to do with that I can't connect to http://www.mediafire.com at all, whether or not I've recently searched servers in OJP.


How the two are related I have no idea.




EDIT: While I'm at it, I might as well mention that the client automatically filters away hundreds of servers due to packet loss, high ping or bla bla. Is there a way to disable this filtering?

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I think there's an advanced filters tab in there somewhere. It's been ages since I've played online.


As for your web cooldown, are you still running the game while attempting to browse the web?


No I'm not running the game while browsing the web afterwards, I would if I could but I have yet to find a way of minimizing the game.

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I don't want to flood the forum with threads, so I'll continue here.


I can't connect to filefront or mediafire, i.e. I cannot get all the new maps and such. This sucks because I get kicked from the server if it switches to fx naboohills21.


Why is this? It pisses me off.


Please halp :(



EDIT: The problem is my ISP. My ISP and Cogent has apparently undergone some sort of disagreement, with the result being I can not connect to american web hotels.

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Yes it sucks, is it asking too much that someone gives me some kind of access to all the bonus maps etc? I would appreciate it very much.


Got my hands on naboohills21 through a friend, but the loading screen freezes at "Awaiting snapshot".



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I see way too many Kyle Katarns around when I play on the internet, it's boring and I believe it's because I don't have certain files. These files are hosted where my ISP prevents me from going.


Could someone do a coronary bypass-ish thing and get me those files? :(


I would be very thankful



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If you see Kyle Katarn it is because those players are using a custom skin or model that you don't have. You will need to find out what the file is and download it.


You're going to end up seeing a lot of Kyle either way. Get accustomed to it.

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