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Ithorian Cantina


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This mod will change the Ithorian Compound opening a new area beside Chodo Habat's office which is normally inaccessible.


The new area will have a small cantina which has a merchant, a replicator and a few characters, two of which will be used in a new plot.


I started this mod sometime in September 2007 but as I work full time, I don't get much time to work on it. Since I first decided to do this mod, the storyline has changed countless times - each time getting better, I hope. This is the first big mod I've ever created and I had to learn about scripting , adding journal entries and creating dialogs from scratch.


Until now I've only ever dabbed in editing items and dialogs for my own use - and I never realised how much work goes into a big mod. Having said that this by no means a huge mod compared to most out there, but so far it does have 12 journal entries and 103 files spanning items, characters, scripts, dialogs and area files - and there's still quite a few more scripts, dialogs and journal entries to do yet.


The first concept was to add a merchant to the area with a hefty dialog, over time I decided to add a few extra things, the most noticeable was to add a new plot.


Here's the part you're really interested in, the plot - bare with me I'm useless at explaining things, especially as I don't want to give too much away at the moment.


When you start the side missions for Chodo Habat, first you have to go to Dock Module 106 and return the new Droid Intelligence to the Ithorian Compound, after telling the droid that you'll take him back to the Ihorians, the game automatically takes you back to the compound and starts a conversation with Chodo Habat - at the end of dialog you'll find a new journal entry, or possibly two I'm not sure off hand - anyway one of them will be Ithorian Traitor.


Now all you have to do is follow the journal entries to complete the mission - I don't want to give a step by step guide here as there won't be any point in downloading the mod.


All I'm going to say is you have to speak to a few characters, interact with things inside the cantina, travel around Citadel Station and fight a few people to advance the plot.


If you've played KoTOR 1 then the end of the plot will make more sense but it doesn't matter if you haven't as I'll post a walkthrough on this site to guide you through the plot, if you want, and which explain the story more.


You'll get XP for working through the plot and when you fight the bad guys plus at the end Atton will... make a friend.



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