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i wrote a Song today on the way back from school, based on my Teenage Crisis/youth depression. should i get Firescullz to play it?





i believe in indiviualism

i dont belive in critisism

why should i change myself

to be part of them?

when i like myself the way i am.

the cruelest thing isnt telling lies

the cruelest thing is picking sides.

i dont believe in society

i dont believe in fashion

i dont believe in royalty

i dont believe in you.


they follow the ones they envy

like blind sheeps into their death

to blind to understand that.

to stupid to regret.

if you dare to act your way

not following those sheeps,

they will tease you night and day

and though you tell them you dont care

though you laugh along at yourself

deep inside you'r hurt knowing its unfair.

for the world is based on cruelness

not on kindness and respect.

"if you cant beat them, join them"

that saying is so wrong.

i rather die deserted and alone.

than to step into a cruel society

i rather be the laughing stock

than to be with them, laughing at some one else.






<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/NiKlogo.JPG" border=0>

Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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I like it. The lyrics are powerful and your message is strong. The message hits home, as I go to a school full of conformists. It gets the Dinghy Stamp of Approval, but then again, lyrics are nothing without good music to back them up.



<IMG SRC="http://www.seanet.com/~osborn/sig.jpg" border=0>

Right now, Dinghy Dog is <a href="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=greg@osborn.seanet.com"><img src="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=greg@osborn.seanet.com&type=1&fg=FFFFFF&bg=330060" alt="The current mood of greg@osborn.seanet.com"]border="0"></a>

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*claps hands* I really like it NiKo, and when fireskullz has their first album, I wanna personalized autographed copy biggrin.gif





<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/perspective.gif" border=0>


Natty Is Feeling Very <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=nattydevil@optushome.com.au&type=1&fg=CC33F&bg=66CCFF" border=0> At This Present Time (Note Subject To Change Without Warning!)

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ok..................im getting obsessive compulsive................but who cares???



i got three versions...........


#1 Just D minor and A minor

#2 High A and High D

#3 A major (normal a) D major (normal d) E major (normal E)


ill get a recording on them soon.........



<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0>



<IMG SRC="http://www.imgstudio.com/lthumb/1011012303814.jpg" border=0>



Stay in school, learn the system,

then change the system.

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i'm really happy to see so many of you like it smile.gif


i felt really ****ty about the whole thing, and my way of killing the depression is writing it down as a song.

after i did it, i felt really good. smile.gif



<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/NiKlogo.JPG" border=0>

Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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Originally posted by NiKo:

i'm really happy to see so many of you like it smile.gif


i felt really ****ty about the whole thing, and my way of killing the depression is writing it down as a song.

after i did it, i felt really good. smile.gif



Well u written a good song and made urself feel good, smile.gif It gets the Faith Stamp Of Approval!

<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm3.gif" border=0>

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Originally posted by NiKo:

i'm really happy to see so many of you like it smile.gif


i felt really ****ty about the whole thing, and my way of killing the depression is writing it down as a song.

after i did it, i felt really good. smile.gif



Well u written a good song and made urself feel good, smile.gif It gets the Faith Stamp Of Approval!

<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm3.gif" border=0>

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Originally posted by NiKo:

i'm really happy to see so many of you like it smile.gif


i felt really ****ty about the whole thing, and my way of killing the depression is writing it down as a song.

after i did it, i felt really good. smile.gif



<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/icons/icon14.gif" border=0> (like they say, a symbol is worth 1000 words)



<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/apes/mi/filme___al_back_from_the_big_whoop_03.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=bigwhoop" border=0>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomtext.cgi?user=bigwhoop"></SCRIPT><P align="RIGHT">(hit F5)<P/>

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this one isnt as good, but fender wanted to hear it, since thats imossible at the momnent, here are the lyrics.


Silent Scream


abandoned in a corner

while fear chews on my heart

i cant get my mind straight

logic is to hard

i watch the passing people

ignoring my crye for help

no one stops to help me

no one seems to care.

i gather all my power

not much of it left

and as i begin to feel grim

i give out a silent scream

a silent/scream

a silent/scream

a silent

a silent



i feel i'm dying

i feel the bleeding

i feel the pain

please hear me crying

please hear me crying


a silent....scream






<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/NiKlogo.JPG" border=0>

Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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wow................all of your songs are sooo.......well.......true <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm1.gif" border=0>



<IMG SRC="http://www.imgstudio.com/lthumb/1011012303814.jpg" border=0>



Stay in school, learn the system,

then change the system.

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hey GB, guess how lucky i am....

my guitarist broke his arm.<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm25.gif" border=0>





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Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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