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"Resetting" Tattoine

Darth Xander

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Hey people again I have a problem. I have recently installed BoS succesfully after eliminating some mod conflicts, but one of the conflicts involved Daemon Drexel to not appear on Tattoine, It has been fixed and he and appeared but once it was too late. Thing is I reinstalled BoS after I first visited Tattoine, so he won't appear because I have already been. I ask, is there a way to "reset" Tattoine so that Daemon will appear? By reset I mean start Tattoine over, I haven't gotten very far. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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It would probably be more advisable to use an earlier save. Otherwise, I suspect with KSE and messing around with the variables should get you your results. Perhaps someone else can provide more on that...

Yes, I had suspected that variable manipulation may be involved. Is this the only way of acomplishing my goal?


Also It doesn't havr to be all Tattoine just Anchorhead.

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I suppose if you've just started, it wouldn't be that much of a loss of your progress. I know what you mean very well though, I was in the same position myself a few months ago and had to re-start the planet. Perhaps by comparing Tatooine or BoS-specific variables from an ealier save (I always make a new save in the ebon hawk when I'm done with one planet, before going on to the next) and your current one, you'll find the trigger you need to 'reset', but there's a chance you might not reset all of them accordingly and end up in a bigger mess as you progress later on.

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By comparing variables I mean opening a couple saves (one before you get to Tattoine and your current one) in KSE and looking in the "globals-->booleans" and "globals-->numerics" for references to Tat(ooine) for the differences and then making the respective changes. It's probably more hassle than it's worth it though, as it can be a bit hit-n-miss if you aren't entirely sure of the changes you make and it might mess up your saves some more.

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