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why do a lot of you guys play with rocket launchers all the time.Plus when you see some body on the other side(you poeple with C4) will drop one right there where they are standing and you blow it up.thats not freaking fun to the ppl who wants to have a battle not a damn peak around a corner and boom your dead wtf is that its dumb.dont get me worng or any thing i play with that stuff to but not the hole danm battle.

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If I were an actual soldier, in an actual battle, and a rocket launcher were the best way to kill the person trying to kill me, I'd sure as shootin' use it.


So remind me again why someone shouldn't use the most effective option they have available?



its not that they cant use them. hell i evan use it SOME times.but not all the damn time. they use them the whole fight. some poeple whould love to have a nice gun battle its funner you should try you rockateers.


and yea they arnt really that hard to move out of the way.but when your walkin around the corner and boom your dead its not really that fun.then you have the C4 poeple but im not evan going to get start on that i dont play on the second one becuase of all this.


but they do it on the first one to but not as many and not as much and not all the time they switch up to ones they die.

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This is the natural course of the game, i know many heavy troopers who cant stand engineers, most infantry classes cant stand snipers, and most snipers cant stand wookies along with mine and det spammers.


Most classes are pretty well balanced, balanced enough so that its not impossible for me to play a sniper class and get first on no TK jabbas though that happens rarely, and its possible for engineers to get first on kamino and geonosis.


Its good to have your favorite class and dislike others, but dont hate the player.

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It's because it can be fun to play has a Heavy Trooper. The Heavy Trooper has tougher armor, one hit kill rockets and mines. You can rush into a base, lay down mines and blow up any enemies in the area easily using a Heavy Trooper. Of course, this is only when FF is off. Most players don't do this when FF is on because they get killed by their own rocket blasts or mines.


But really, its not that annoying. You just have to learn how to fight against Heavy Troopers. Shoot from a distance (to avoid any mines they try to toss at you) and dodge their rockets. If your an Engineer, you can roll right up to them and blast them in the face with your Shotgun. And most people that play Heavy Troopers forget they even have a pistol, so they sometimes waste precious seconds reloading their rocket launcher instead of switching to their pistol to finish you off.

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