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Sith Lord Lightsaber Mod Idea

Darth Visillius

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I played through TSL recently and went back to playing K1 again, and something bothered me.

When you return to Dxun in TSL you have to go through Freedon Nadds tomb to try and stop the little random ceremony they had going on there.

My point is that upon completion of this tomb, you're awarded with Freedon Nadds lightsaber.

In K1, however, you go through the tombs of Ajunta Pall, Marka Ragnos, Tulak Hord, and Naga Sadow, and all you get for show are Naga Sadows poison blade, and the Ajunta Pall sword (unless you give it to Shaardan)

Why wouldn't these Great Sith Lords be buried with their sabers?

Either way, I was wondering if someone would do (or has done) a mod to rectify this situation, giving these Sith Lords lightsabers as well as their little vibroblades.

As always, thanks for reading, and I appreciate the communities support.

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There are a few problems with your idea. First off, Adjunta Pall was never a "Sith" He was one of the Dark Jedi Exiles that conquered a primitive korriban after the Hundred Year War. Back then, lightsabers needed a bulky battery pack that hung from the belt and tethered to the lightsaber itself. Pall likely abandoned the use of his “Jedi” lightsaber for the easier to handle Energy Sword. After many generations, The Dark Jedi had completed interbred with the sith primitives on Korriban. Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, and Ludo Kresh were half breeds with an affinity with the force, but they didn't carry a lightsaber because it was a forgotten technology by that point.

That having been said, Tulak Hord was an exceptional lightsaber duelist and rightly deserves a lightsaber in his tomb.


Don't get me wrong, if you don't care about the anachorisms, then by all means, Make the mod. Sorry if I came off strong. I really intended to explain the faults, not condemn the idea. If this mod is made then, Great! If I knew anything about scripting, I would make it myself.

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You make a valid point, erronis, I havent been much of a "Star Wars History" fan, so I hadn't even known about that. Thank you for bringing it up, however, and I appreciate it.


With that being said, I would certainly like to see Tulak Hord have a lightsaber in his tomb. And to be honest, I wouldn't even care if someone took a normal lightsaber, renamed it, added a bit of damage to it (Much like the Revans Lightsaber Mod) and threw that bad boy in his tomb.


Again, thanks for the history lesson, and remember, any criticism is constructive criticism.

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Hey, maybe Quanon would let you use his saber Malice from the K1 USM mod.


The mod itself isn't finished though the saber is.


Edit: Just thought i'd add the link to Quanons post that contains pics of the saber called Malice. (If this is supposed to be a Dark Jedi saber, i hope Quanon changes the blade color to something more dark.)



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Korriban certainly is a good planet to play, my personal favorite.

Back to reality though.

I basically hate star wars with an unbridled passion. I'm actually relatively annoyed with how 'powerful' luke skywalker is, when we all know that the coolest thing he did was get his hand cut off.

Sorry to offend those who love star wars, personal opinion.

but much like Erronis I loves me some Old Republic. Exar Kun, Exile, Revan, Bane. . .those are sith lords.


Anyways, tomorrow when I get back I'll try to get a hold of Quanon about the Saber Mod.

I think, though, that Tulaks is the only one with saber crystals.


with that being said, we need more sith lord tombs.

Yep, I said it.

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yeah, those are great mods too. I just played through Yavin IV for the first time today, actually.

Anyways, I just meant that I'm a huge added content fan, and I love seeing new tombs.


Anyways, Idea:

Understandably the three (ajunta pall, Marka Ragnos, and Naga Sadow) can't have sabers, but what about robes?

I really enjoy the Exar Kun robes in Master Zionosis (correct me if I'm wrong) tomb of Exar Kun.

Think that would fly?

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The Sith Academy students must have been complete simps. None of them explored any significant area of the tombs. That was there home for God's sake. No, they just sit around all day sifting through the sand. Then, out of the blue, a reject Jedi amnesiac with a childish crush on a stuck up prude comes along and just walks through them like it was nothing. If someone makes this mod, they should also add some serious challenges to overcome. I want the prize to be hard won. I guess I can't really make any demands though as I can't script yet. I am however working on a wearable Nihilus mask. Call it Tit for Tat. And a bit of an addendum; Revan was way better than I just made him out to be. I just wanted to drive my point. Bastila was a prude though.

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Thats true.


However, aren't they a bit big to fit inside the hallways of the tombs?


The other two need a big room to make a decent fight.


The third can't walk up the bridge inside the cave due to being too big.


A lot of smaller beasts and Dark Jedi would at least fit inside the hallways.

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