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[Fic] Star Wars: Taak Rising

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Star Wars: Taak rising

As the council stood before him, he looked in the heart of the dark, thats when it chose him...hatred, evil and...Sith. It started on Dxun...


"Stay back troops or you will get slaughtered," Admiral Faltoon ordered, "These droids are too much! We must advance to the Mandalorians!"

The squadron took cover behind the wreckage of a republic cargo ship. The sights we were seeing were unforgetable. We saw hundreds of our own men decimated. The sites we saw...they were so haunting. The initial training never prepares you for the blood and gore of your own squad. A republic soldier ran to our cover point, but got shot just as he went to cover behind us. I was a medic as well as a republic officer. I was leading this operation. I told my men to cover me. They ran out but I stayed to heal the poor man's injuries.

"Hi...thanks," the soldier said as he tried to talk. He was coughing and spluttering.

"Oh don't mention it. No man gets left behind. What is your name," I asked.

"Farst...Taak Farst," He coughed, "What is yours?"

"Dirk Guek," I replied.

By this time, I knew Taak's injuries were severe. He had been shot in the back causing his spine to snap. He could not move. We had to retreat to Dantooine now if we had a chance of getting him to recover. I carried him to a nearby functional republic spacecruiser. I went to open the emergency hatch with my blaster. I shot it and it opened. As soon as it opened I saw a sith soldier and fainted. I woke up in Dantooine medical center. I got up and asked a nearby jedi where Taak was. He said he was talking to the council. I staggered over to Master Zhar, who Taak was talking to.

"We have something to tell you two. When we ran tests in your healing process, we found a very high amount of strong medicloreans. What this means is that -" Master Zhar began.

"...We can be trained as jedi," Taak interrupted.

Master Zhar nodded.

We turned to Master Vandar as he began to talk,

"We must begin your training as soon as possible. I am afraid you will have to stay in the enclave for the duration of your stay. You need not worry, we sense great potential in you. I am certain it will not take as much time to teach you as the average jedi."

After two months of highly advanced training, I became A Jedi Consular while Taak became a Guardian. The council asked us to go to Korriban to help in the battle, and what a journey it was. This is Taak Farst, and this is his path to the dark.




To be continued



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Previously on Star Wars: Taak Rising part one: After two months of highly advanced training, I became A Jedi Consular while Taak became a Guardian. The council asked us to go to Korriban to help in the battle, and what a journey it was. This is Taak Farst, and this is his path to the dark.



The next morning I went to the council chambers to speak with Master Vandar. Taak was training with the other Jedi Masters. "It's a bit shocking, you know, having medical care and locating medicloreans swimming through your veins so to speak," I laughed faintly.

"A joke, this is not, serious buisness this is. I sense you want to ask a question. Ask, then train for battle, you must," Master Vandar wisdomly replied.

"I was curious of the mission. I don't really think you are really sending us for a mere mandalorian battle are you. What are you really setting us up with? Whatever it is...I am curious to as if Taak is ready for it. He is a very young Jedi and soldier and I would hate to -" I began.

Master Vandar sighed. "You are correct young one, Mandalorians, we are not worried about. There is a Sith Lord there. In the Sith Academy remnants, the Sith Lord has been training an apprentice secretly. We need them both to be taken prisoner here on Dantooine. However if you fail to, I am afraid blood must be shed, they are too dangerous to be left alive. Darth Cirovile, the Sith Lord's name is. We have not an idea of the apprentice's name."

I nodded and departed. I did not want to tell Taak, I was worried how he would take it. We left for dantooine two weeks later, using the prototype of a Millenium Falcon made by a very young Rodian engineer.


As we arrived at the academy, I took lead and slowly stepped inside. Inside was Darth Cirovile and the Apprentice. They were sat meditating. When I stepped behind the apprentice, Darth Cirovile immediately sensed my presence and drew two red lightsabers. The Apprentice did also. Without thought, Taak lunged at the Apprentice. Darth Cirovile got up and held out his hand to electricute Taak, but I blocked the power with my lightsaber. The silence of the academy was completely broke by the sound of climatic battle. Taak sliced off the Apprentice's head and his body fell to the ground. Taak glared at the Apprentice's corpse. I looked at him and saw the anger he had. Darth Cirovile took advantage of the moment, cut of my hand and force pushed me out of the academy. Boulders caved in on the entrance, leaving Cirovile alone with Taak.


In the academy Cirovile had Taak on the floor with a red saber at Taak's throat.

"Hmm...I sense anger in you. You want power...I can provide with it! Join me and you will have whole planets at your command! I will train you and treat you like you too are a Sith Lord! I understand the Jedi treat you like a mere Padawan, but you are much more talented from that. I can even save you from death! So go on, will you join me," Cirovile asked.

"...Yes," Taak replied.

"Good...from now on, your name shall be Darth Proditor!" Cirovile shouted.






To be continued





Credit to Astor_Kaine for the Darth Proditor idea.

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