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harbor yearbook

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i know its not the end of the year or anything, but im just curious: we have to decide a quote for every person in this forum, like in the yearbook.


ex: i think natty's would be "awwwwww, cutie, sowwy"


but your not supposed to decide yours, duh rolleyes.gif



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lets pick an easy one,


Wotever rolleyes.gif



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Tell me when the lambs stop screaming...~Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs

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Guest Lord Fender

Ahhhh, the immortal Words.


Are you a pothead Fellas? ~ NiKo




Lol ~UKThreepwood.



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Guybrush122- Did I mention I'm marrying myself?







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Natty Is Feeling Very <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=nattydevil@optushome.com.au&type=1&fg=CC33F&bg=66CCFF" border=0> At This Present Time (Note Subject To Change Without Warning!)

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ok, os far we've got:

BRIGHTY-"Lets boogie peeps!!!!"


GB122-"Did I mention Im marrying myself?"

NATTY-"Awwwwww, cutie, sowwy"

NIKO-"Are you a pothead Fellas?"



keepem comming!



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[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited October 24, 2001).]

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Fellas: I need a facial surgery, fellas!


NiKo: Blue is cool - in my hair, and in the finnish flag!


Natty: Do you smell the flowers and feel the bees...?


Dinghy: I'm much wiser than I look!


More comin' later



<IMG SRC="http://www.btinternet.com/~chickens/megamsigsm.jpg" border=0>

I'm the biggest Monkey you have ever seen! And I'm a back, too

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This one for DeadEyeDave: ( me )

I am leaving the forums because every cool persons are doing it


That was stupid.... <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm14.gif" border=0>


or this one:


Mail me if you want MI 1 or MI 2 !!


That was even dumber.. <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm23.gif" border=0>



<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/avatars/custom/DeadEyeDave.jpg" border=0>

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Originally posted by MegaMonkey:

Fellas: I need a facial surgery, fellas!


NiKo: Blue is cool - in my hair, and in the finnish flag!


Natty: Do you smell the flowers and feel the bees...?


Dinghy: I'm much wiser than I look!


More comin' later



thats not what i had in mind, but its cool


mega: [to himself]im more than just a giant monkey head carved in a rock, im more than just a giant monkey head carved in a rock, im more than just a giant monkey head carved in a rock...[/to himself]

tongue.gif <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm26.gif" border=0>



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Originally posted by MegaMonkey:


NiKo: Blue is cool - in my hair, and in the finnish flag!




when did i ever say that?


<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm19.gif" border=0>



<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/NiKlogo.JPG" border=0>

Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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acctually, its lol and awww, diddums,


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i can b your hero baby.i can kiss away the pain.

i will stand by u forever. u can take, my breath away-wtc tribute

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i think my original lines (some are now used by others)



"heyo" (combo of 'hey' 'yo' and 'hello')

"oh darnuggets"

and many more i just cant remember....




<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/NiKlogo.JPG" border=0>

Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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Originally posted by NiKo:


<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/NiKlogo.JPG" border=0>




what program did u use for that sig?




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I'm so MUCH more than just a head carved from stone.


NiKo - you never said it - I said it.


I'm confusing, I know - but haven't I always been so?


Nobody gets me of course, because I'm just a head carved from stone, of course a lot more than that.

[ or how do you think I could WRITE? ]



<IMG SRC="http://www.btinternet.com/~chickens/megamsigsm.jpg" border=0>

I'm the biggest Monkey you have ever seen! And I'm a back, too

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i have a question Mega, was the word "MegaMonkey" used in the previous MI games? ( i know it was in EMI)

or did you come up with it yourself?



<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/NiKlogo.JPG" border=0>

Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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Megamonkey: NFGB = Nerd Fuck3r and Gates' B1tch.


Me = She's right Dammit!



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do the moneky, some ppl like u and me r much better than the rest to keep repeating the smae stuff over and over again wink.giftongue.gif



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She, as in, me?


Sorry, boy, you're barking at the wrong tree.


NiKo - I believe I made it up; and I was quite surprised to see it in EMI - or then I have seen it somewhere but can't remember. But I did think about the giant statue-head when I was registering wink.gif



<IMG SRC="http://www.btinternet.com/~chickens/megamsigsm.jpg" border=0>

I'm the biggest Monkey you have ever seen! And I'm a back, too

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Originally posted by MegaMonkey:


She, as in, me?


Sorry, boy, you're barking at the wrong tree.


Nope, that was what I said once to back Natty's arguement up, when we were warring with the MILegend forums. BOB or Jorgito said something, then Natty said Something, and then I said "She's right Dammit!"





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I remember when you said that, we were on the milegend board and some of the people were complaining about the escapemi people going on there and posting, they didn't like it, so I told everyone to basically stop behaving so childishly, the majority of us were there peacefully although there were some people who were trying to cause probs and give the rest of us a bad name, anyway tis all sorted out now biggrin.gif



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