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Super quick question; Do FemPC size/shapes vary?


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I know, I know! If I keep asking disparate questions like this, I should just start a single mod-thread and stick to it!


I’m doing some pretty elaborate animation work, and I just want to make sure that different Female Pc appearance options have the same body size/shape. Because if the frame size is different, then the animation will be different, and things will pass through things and... bad things - very bad things! I only ask because the utc file has selectable sizes (giant, tiny, etc) and shapes (fat, skinny, etc). But all fem Pc’s look the same to me.


So... do they vary? Or am I pretty safe to assume that everyone’s fem Pc will do what mine does? ^.^ (obviously this won’t include people who have ‘play-as-a-rancor’ mods and whatnot... ooh! That might just be my next mod!)




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I'm not modelling ^.^ I'm doing some animated cut scenes between the female Pc and some NPCs. But it's pretty precise with its timings, pausing the animations in the right places etc. I’m concerned that if everyone’s female pc doesn’t have the same body, then when the mod is finished and released, the animations won’t look right to people.


Basically, I want to know if everyone’s female pc will have the same body, and animate the same. Regardless of head choice and soldier/rogue/etc choice.


Whew. Hope that clarified the question. My fault for waffling!



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When you choose a female in the beginning, you just select a head and a height (scoundrel, soldier...).


The height you choose will make the game select the right body model for each robe or armour you'll wear.


all of those models have no specific animation in it. They're just refering to a supermodel (s_female03) to make the game get their animations from it.They're all refering to the same (as long as you play with a human female).


So, from what I know, you shouldn't have any problem.But the best way if you have any doubt is to test it...

You'll just have to replace the files from your female with each others and to rename them same as your female's one (in the override directory).

Then you replay your cutscene again and again to verify if there's no matter.

But i don't think it's necessary

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Ah, so the classes have different height & size, but the same animations. Thankyou. That might affect some position and reach issues (like where they touch the floor when they stoop), but not the timing at least. I think I will spend an evening swapping my pc class to test all the animated scenes - good idea. Cheers!



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The models are basically just scaled, as far as I'm aware. They all have the same skeleton and animations, as was said, so you won't need to worry about having things look different between the classes. Of course if you're having a character, for instance, reach for something, one might come up a little short... this, however, is an amusing artefact remaining in various games which always results in chuckles. :p

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This is something that I have been wondering about for a while. And while i've been working on my own mod. I've been browsing through the various game dialogs and scripts and such. And i've found a few scripts that im 99.99% sure pertain to this very thing. I was looking in the dialog of the cutscene were you train to be a jedi at the enclave. And in one of the structs in the dialog there is a bunch of contitional structs in one... And the conditional scripts are labeled... (k_tall, k_medium, K_small, k_tiny...) Click For Screen



This is the k_medium script...

int StartingConditional() {
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
return (((GetLevelByClass(1, oPC) > 0) && (GetGender(oPC) == 0)) || ((GetLevelByClass(0, oPC) > 0) && (GetGender(oPC) == 1)));


It looks like to me that this script checks the gender and class of the pc then by that information it picks the dialog struct that it should follow. As I asume the various structs also have diff camera settings and such for the different heights and such. These is also used in the scene were the pc gets out of the bed when you first land on Taris... these are (k_pend_bedtal, k_pend_bedmed, k_pend_bedsml, k_pend_bedtiny...) these are also used on the Endar Spire when your on the bed in the first dialog of the game. But I could be wrong i'm still a noob at this lol...

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Ah! That's great info, Jamezy! Maybe for the important scenes - where such scale variations are the differences between patting someone’s shoulder and reaching into their chest cavity - I'll have separate dialog branches with these conditions you pointed out, then a slightly modified animation for each body size.


For the less crucial scenes, I'll leave in the ‘amusing artefacts’ for Inyri to chuckle at ^.~

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I don't think there is the need of scaling the model's skin and trimesh (skeleton) as they are already scaled for the 3 kind of heights).


The scaling comes while applying to the model the animation from the supermodel. The game checks the aurorabase of the model for the animation scale value in it and then multiply (by it) each position of each trimesh node's pivot point for each KEY frame of the animation. And then you can have a small one taking his moves from a bigger one without having his arms dislocated.

That simple value is the MAIN thing.

MDlops lacks in converting models efficiently because of a strange power of 2 thing in the process. You can see it if you compare an "original ascii" (one you get from the original mdl and mdx of kotor) with a "twiceconverted ascii" (one you get from the mdl and mdx you obtain after converting back an original ascii).

The position values of the vertices from the second one are power of 2 of those from the first one.

Then you can easily understand (if you're still with me :D ) how that kind of thing can complicate our work on organic models (such as heads) if you mind that plus, you'll have the NWmax exporter in the process.

Ok I don't know if it's very clear, and I don't even know if it would be in my own language, but that's it.

Ok I'm done

gonna drink a coffee outside

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