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[TSL] Sparring matches with party members


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While my exile was having a sparring match with Handmaiden i got this idea: "Why wouldn't I do this with my other party members"


While in Ebon Hawk you could ask almost any party member (No T3-M4 or GO-TO): "Care for a friendly sparring match?"


Then you could set terms for the match: Only force-powers, lightsabers, blasters, melee weapons or unarmed combat, depending party member.

For an example your consular could compete with your master aka Kreia about knowledge of the force using only the force powers as a weapon or having duel with HK-47 using only blasters.


When the terms are set, you and your chosen party member would be teleported to cargo hold and then you fight in chosen terms, of course without killing strike.

And if you win the match, you could learn something from your party member. For an example after you have beaten HK-47 in blaster duel, he would teach you something new about handling a blaster (New feat regarding blasters, one or two points to dexterity or something like that)


I don't know is this viable idea, but I would do this if i would have the skills.

Any comments or ideas about this vision are appreciated! :)

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