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sup guys

Guest yutz87

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Guest Boba Rhett

*Bursts into room*


Welcome yut87! I have a giftbasket with your name on it.


*hands yuts a basket*


Well, it's been fun but I really must skeedadle. Bye. :)

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Guest Boba Rhett

*Bursts into room*


Welcome yut87! I have a giftbasket with your name on it.


*hands yuts a basket*


Well, it's been fun but I really must skeedadle. Bye. :)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

*surprises Rhett from behind and tackles him*

*steals a bunch of deleting sticks*

*messes up Rhetts hair*

*leaves and Rhett throws a grenade at him and Luke gets his leg blown off.*

Lol Anyways welcome to the forums. PLease dont be a spammer. :) be nice:)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

*surprises Rhett from behind and tackles him*

*steals a bunch of deleting sticks*

*messes up Rhetts hair*

*leaves and Rhett throws a grenade at him and Luke gets his leg blown off.*

Lol Anyways welcome to the forums. PLease dont be a spammer. :) be nice:)

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