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make up your own MI puzzle


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yeah i'd say its a failure... tongue.gif


(lets make this like an addon type thing, those seem to be more easily relateable to...)


your in a room with no doors and windows, guybrush is basically fuxored, but there is a tiny hole in the floor and u can hear whats going on below you, you then use your trusty....




~Eyes are the windows into the soul and the doorway to the heart, oh alix, let me in!

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good idea nfgboy!!


....his trusty "playmonkey" magazine. biggrin.gif

he takes a match and burns up the magazine, pushing it into the small hole, causing the skelleton pirates who were in the room downstairs to be smoked out. while they cant see a thing, guybrush decides to...







[This message has been edited by NiKo (edited May 29, 2001).]

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....walk senselessly around in the room, looking for items which he for some weird reason knows that he has to pick up, as he is aware of that this part of the game is not one of those arcade-action games inside the game. So Guybrush......

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....takes his fishing thingy and puts it down the hole, he uses it to pick up a canonball from the room downstairs, he pulls it up and that crashes the floor. and so he is free from that room. he runs outside to the jungle. but the skelletons are running after him. just then he reaches a dead end...

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....Guybrush is suddenly pulled into a bush by a gorilla.The skeleton guards get to the dead end and see nothing so they run off to search somewhere else.The Gorilla treats guybrush like her little baby and won't let go.She is squeezing the life out of guybrush.Guy wants out,then he remembers his....




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GOFFER REPELLENT! He pulls it out, winks and sprays the gorilla with it. The Gorilla screams in pain and fright and throws guybrush at the GIANT......






A dog can't get struck by lightning. You know why? Cause he's too close to the ground. See, lightning strikes tall things. ~Barney (the Andy Griffith Show)

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...before he yelled: look behind you!! a 3 headed monkey!!, when lemonhead looked away, guybrush fleed... just when he thought he was safe, he heard a voice behind him....




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...herman eyes guybrush sexually and says in a deep voice...


*i know i know*






A dog can't get struck by lightning. You know why? Cause he's too close to the ground. See, lightning strikes tall things. ~Barney (the Andy Griffith Show)

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"BRAAAAK. Polly wants a cracker!"

AT first guybrush is surprised, but then he realizes that Herman wasn't the one that said that. it was the parot in his shoulder. Guybrush says, "Go get your own cracker, Im not looking for the Big Whoop anymore!" And the parot replies "Arrrrrrgh! I'm gonna cut yer head and spit in yer throat." Guybrush says, "how appropriate, you fight like a cow!" And the parrot starts beacking Guybrush's head. He start running, looking for a cracker, and herman follows him shouting...

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geez al you've just ruined the whole aspect of guybrush and herman.


.....''hey wait you forgot your pants''.Guybrush looks down and blushes.Guy quickly puts his pants back on,then suddenly realises he never took them off.The nguybrush relises the only way they could of come off was....




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