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Hello, and welcome to my first fic in quite a while. It is obviously entitled Dream or Reality?. I don't know how many chapters it will be, but I hope you enjoy it, and please, post comments and any constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated. Enjoy :)

----------Dream or Reality?----------

Chapter 1: The Beginning



Where dream and reality blend into one...


Revan awoke to find himself in a force cage.

“Where am I?” asked the weary Revan.

“Maybe if I retrace my steps. I was hunting down a bounty hunter, along with...” a sudden moment of realisation spurred with in him. “Bastila.” He looked around the room. The room was as bland as possible, brown walls, probably made out of clay, it seemed, old.

“Hmm.” Revan turned to find a black figure, standing next to a table. “Searching, for her?” the table lifted to show Revan a beaten and bruised Bastila, strapped in to the side of the table. She was pale, a shade of white which didn’t seem humanly possible.

“Your little accomplice here will perish, if you don’t tell me who you are.” He stepped into the sunlight.

“You, you’re the pathetic bounty hunter I was sent to capture, I’d recognise your scum anywhere.” Revan taunted him.

“I wouldn’t talk like that, if I were in your position.” He unsheathed a vibrosword, one unlike any other Revan had ever seen before. It was a crystal-silver colour, with a handle as blue as the depths of Manaan.

“You’d have to be a moron not to know who I am.”

“Wrong answer.” said the bounty hunter, stabbing the sword into Bastila’s left bicep.

“AHHH!!” the shriek was deafening, Revan’s feelings grew more intense, as did his powers.

“Now, tell me who you are.”

“I’m,” Revan started, struggling through the pain of feeling Bastila’s suffering. “I’m Revan.”

“Revan?” the bounty hunter spat on the ground. “You’re not as untouchable as I have been lead to believe. Why are you after me? It’s obvious you can’t compare to me.” Revan snickered.

“You will get what you deserve, mercenary scum.” He took great disrespect to that, stabbing Bastila through right bicep. “Your girlfriend here won’t have an arm at this rate.” The pain was intense, like been dipped in the fires of Mustafaar. Revan had enough, the world went black, then, a sudden gush of white as he releases the true power of the Force. The Force cage has been busted open, he looked around to check on Bastila, he had shielded her well enough to not be hurt, the Bounty Hunter though, he was a bloody mess on the floor, his crumpled body bleeding profusely. Revan unstrapped Bastila. “Can you walk?” He asked. “I think so.” Bastila’s voice was faint, like the soft sounds of the breeze in the Dantooine plains. “We have to get out of here. Follow me.” They escaped through a hole in the wall.

“They’ve escaped.” screamed one of the Mercs, “After them!!” They pulled out there blasters and followed. “The Ebon Hawk is in the hangar to the south of the complex, if we can make it, we’ll be safe.” Revan sounded worried, something rarely seen in Revan’s courageous demeanour. They had to rely on their wits, their lightsabers taken from them, and lost on the previous planet they visited, Revan could barely remember anything from before he awoke. FWOOSH. Blaster fire screamed past the ears. “DUCK!!” Revan screamed. They slid behind some boxes of supplies. “Revan, look.” Bastila handed him a blaster. “Don’t miss.” Revan smiled, “I rarely ever do.” Revan protruded his torso from behind the boxes and started shooting. The Rodian copped one right in the temple, while the two Trandoshans got it through the heart and eye respectively. “Told ya I wouldn’t miss.” They sprinted towards the hangar door. “There it is!” Revan pointed to the Ebon Hawk, which was in near perfect condition. They blasted the door open with explosives they found in the supplies boxes, only to find a Dark Jedi and a handful of Bounty Hunters.

“You’re not Indestructible Revan, and right here and now, I will prove it.” His lightsaber shone a blood-red, as evil looking as Malak before his timely demise. He swung, narrowly missing Revan’s neck.

“Bastila, head to the ship, I will be there shortly.” She ran towards the Ebon Hawk, the Bounty Hunters in pursuit.

“Now Revan, it’s just you and me.” Revan shot at him, but his weak blaster was no match for a Dark Jedi’s lightsaber, relying on his wits and the Force alone, he took on the Dark Jedi. Revan leaped over his head and pushed him into the wall, he then leaped towards him and, going against the Jedi’s teachings, choked him before frying him with a jolt of lightning and flinging him into the wall across the room.

“Not indestructible? I beg to differ.” Revan headed towards the Ebon Hawk, where Bastila was in trouble.

“Revan HELP!!” The shriek was as loud as the sounds of the dead in the ancient tombs of Korriban. The Bounty Hunters had her cornered in the Hangar, “I’m coming!” Revan shocked them all with the power of the Force, which he wields in the palm of his hands. He knocked them out cold. “Revan, there’s still more somewhere in the ship.” Bastila was shocked from the events that had happened in such a short space of time. “I’ll find them.” Revan carefully tiptoed around the ship. He found, nothing. The ship was empty. He walked back to the hangar, where Bastila was still waiting. He gave her a hug and said, “Bastila, there’s no-one else.”

“Then, who am I?” Revan turned to see an Iridonian. “As quickly as he saw him, was as quickly as there was a thud. He looked down, a vibrosword had pierced his stomach. The pain felt numb, more like a wound from wlaking into a wall, rather than a vibrosword to the stomach. He pulled it out. He felt nothing more than a stinging sensation, until, he turned to realise Bastila was crumpled on the ground. Revan grew pale, he collapsed onto his knees

"If I wasn't so close to her it wouldnt've pierced both of us, this is all my fault I should've protected her, why her, why couldn't I be the one who got most of the blade? The pain had started to kick in, “Maybe this is all a hallucination, a dream, maybe it was all hallucinated.” He let out a surge of the Force, but the Iridonian escaped. He just stayed there, next to Bastila, crying. “Maybe it’s just a Hallucination.”


Hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned for the next chapter. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hmm, Revan is not really indestructable.:xp:


It wasn't a bad chapter. I would advise one thing though, when a new character starts talking, always start a new paragraph.



"Revan HELP!!” The shriek was as loud as the sounds of the dead in the ancient tombs of Korriban. The Bounty Hunters had her cornered in the Hangar.


“I’m coming!” Revan shocked them all with the power of the Force, which he wields in the palm of his hands. He knocked them out cold.


“Revan, there’s still more somewhere in the ship.” Bastila was shocked from the events that had happened in such a short space of time.


“I’ll find them.” Revan carefully tiptoed around the ship. He found, nothing. The ship was empty. He walked back to the hangar, where Bastila was still waiting. “Bastila, there’s no-one else.”



I saw that you did this a few times throughout the chapter, but you should always so that. ;) Good work though, I like the description that you put into it. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing the next chapter. :)

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Hmm... Good start... However I've read to many 'Revan fanfics' that nothing seems original anymore, even when it is original... despite that criticism due to my considering the KOTOR saga as boring because I've played it through to many times, it's a good story...

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Hmm, Revan is not really indestructable.:xp:


It wasn't a bad chapter. I would advise one thing though, when a new character starts talking, always start a new paragraph.



"Revan HELP!!” The shriek was as loud as the sounds of the dead in the ancient tombs of Korriban. The Bounty Hunters had her cornered in the Hangar.


“I’m coming!” Revan shocked them all with the power of the Force, which he wields in the palm of his hands. He knocked them out cold.


“Revan, there’s still more somewhere in the ship.” Bastila was shocked from the events that had happened in such a short space of time.


“I’ll find them.” Revan carefully tiptoed around the ship. He found, nothing. The ship was empty. He walked back to the hangar, where Bastila was still waiting. “Bastila, there’s no-one else.”



I saw that you did this a few times throughout the chapter, but you should always so that. ;) Good work though, I like the description that you put into it. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing the next chapter. :)


Yeah, I always do that in my first chapter, just a habit of mine, but my folowing chapters I nebver seem to do that.


Hmm... Good start... However I've read to many 'Revan fanfics' that nothing seems original anymore, even when it is original... despite that criticism due to my considering the KOTOR saga as boring because I've played it through to many times, it's a good story...


What I have in mind is original to KotOR fics, but I got inspiration from another TV show, you might recognise a bit of it when you see it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, here it is, the next chapter of my new fic. Enjoy and please comment :)



Chapter 2 - Pain and Sorrow


It’s not the dream, or the goal that counts, it’s what you do, what you suffer through and sacrifice to get there, that counts...


“It’s not looking good Revan, her condition is critical.” The nurse’s voice felt distant, he could only think about Bastila, and what had happened, how he could’ve saved her, how he should’ve saved her. He looked through the mirror at Bastila's unmoving body, she seemed almost dead.

“It’s not your fault Revan, you did the best you could’ve, no need to be so harsh on yourself” It wasn’t helping, he could only believe it was his fault.

“If only I had’ve searched the ship more, I could’ve found him, I could’ve saved her.” Tears ran down Revan’s face, he grew pale, he leaned over and sobbed away...


The Ebon Hawk felt eerily calm and quiet, no-one said a word since they learned of what happened to Bastila.

“They’ll pay for what they did to her.” Revan broke the silence, “Carth, we’re going to Nar Shaddaa.”

“Why? Might I ask.” Carth’s voice was curious.

“Where else would a spineless slug hide?” Revan, for the first time since beein brainwashed, sounded sadistic, almost evil, as he thought about revenge on the Bounty Hunter.


The trip was very quiet, Revan stayed in the hangar and didn’t say a word, HK-47 and T3-M4 just stood in the main room, chatting quietly, while Canderous spent all his time repairing and upgrading his weapons.

“Revan, we’re here, where do we search first?” Carth asked.

“We visit an old friend...” They left the Ebon Hawk and walked towards the Refugee Sector, receiving blank stares from the locals, and cowardly stares from the ones who fought in the war and survived, only to become refugees trapped on Nar Shaddaa.

The Refugee Sector was crowded, more so than ever before. The makeshift rooms were filled, and some unlucky refugees had to sleep on the gorund outside, with nothing to protect them from the cold or the wet. It was an unpleasant sight, as the stench of death hung around them.

They made their way to the room of an Iridonian.

“Revan, who is this Iridonian we’re searching for?” That was the first thing Canderous said in a while.

“Ghazur Falaffal, you could call him a psychic of sorts.” They entered his room, where a horrible smell immediately filled their lungs, like the smell of Shyrack faeces on a hot Korriban day.

“Ghazur, I need your help.” Revan was stern, without a hint of compassion in his voice.

“Last time I helped you I ended up being tortured, what makes this time any different?” He asked.

“This time, I’ll be the one doing torturing, and you won’t come out of it alive if you don’t help me out.” Revan’s voice was growing increasingly sadistic as time rolled on, showing shades of his old self before he got redeemed.

“Okay, what do you want Revan.”

“I’m searching for an Iridonian Bounty Hunter.”

“Okay Revan, ‘cos there’s really only one Iridonian Bounty hunter isn’t there?”

Don’t get smart with me, Bastila’s life’s at stake.” Revan grabbed him by the throat and flung him into the wall.

“Okay, I know who you’re searching for, he’s not here though.”

“Where is he?!” Revan was getting impatient.

“Somewhere in the depths of Kashyyyk.”

“If I find out you’re lying, I’ll personally see to it that you don’t live to your birthday.” Revan dropped him and walked off, back to the Ebon Hawk.

“What the hell was that Revan?” Carth asked.

“What was what?”

“You were sadistic in there, almost evil, what’s gotten into you, you can’t take your anger out on innocent people.” Carth was furious at what he just witnessed.

“If you knew him like I knew him, you’d know that he isn’t as innocent as he seems...”

No-one else said a word until they reached Kashyyyk.


“Welcome back to Kashyyyk, Revan.” Said the familiar Ithorian from Czerka corp. “What brings you back to Kashyyyk?” He said, in his native Ithorian tongue.

“We’re looking for an Iridonian Bounty Hunter who is apparently hiding out in the depths of Kashyyyk.” The Ithorians eyes immediately lit up.

“Ah yes, I saw him, he said he’d be hanging out with Jolee, you might want to go talk to him.”

“Thank you, I’ll do just that.”

“Um, Revan.”

“What is it Canderous?”

“Why didn’t we bring the droids with us, they could be a big help, especially that assassin one.”

“Because I don’t want anything to happen to them, besides, we don’t need them.”

They ventured through the overgrown walkway, exchanging pleasantries with the locals until they reached the elevator, still guarded by that Wookie he first met when he came here.

“Hey, we need to go to the depths of Kashyyyk and find an Iridonian Bounty Hunter.”


“What did he say Revan?” Carth asked.

“He told us to wait for the elevator to come up.” Revan replied.

They didn’t have to wait long though as the elevator made its way up soon after, with a familiar sight in it.

“Zalbaar! Long time no see, how have you been as the new Chieftain?” Revan asked.

“Grrooar, grooooo raaah.”

“What was that Revan?” Carth asked once again.

“He said bad as an Iridonian has been scaring away his friends and the like, probably the Bounty Hunter we’re searching for. Excuse me Zalbaar, we’re actually searching for this Iridonian, wanna help us search?” Zalbaar nodded and followed them down to the depths of Kashyyyk.

“Groooo rraa roow.”

“So it’s Mission he’s been hunting? Well she’s in luck, ‘cos we’re coming.”


The trip to the bottom was a long and uneventful one, and it remained uneventful until they arrived at Jolee Bindo’s hut.

“Hey Revan! How have you been? Been teaching the newbies a few tricks or too?” Jolee was pleased to see him.

“No time to chat Jolee, we’re searching for an Iridonian Bounty Hunter, I got told you might be able to tell me where he is.” Revan was impatient with the old man.

“Ah yes, he travelled towards the large clearing where they give sacrifices by hanging those spider things, why do you want to know?” Jolee was curious.

“He may have potentially killed Bastila.” The air immediately grew colder, and an eerie silence surrounded the place.

“Go get him then, tiger, I’ll wait here.”

They made their way to the sacrifice spot to see the Iridonian meditating in front of the stone tablet.

“We meet again, Revan.” His voice was cold, and he spoke fluently in Galactic Basic.

“You have no idea of the pain you have caused me, of the trauma I have suffered every day since that fateful event, of everything I’ve suffered through to reach my new goal, the death of you, by my hands!” Revan was but a shadow of his former, compassionate self, he was like a monster, covered in blood and death, longing for blood of another sentient being.

“We shall see.” There was a loud stomping, like a minor earthquake, they turned to see a Terentatek.

“So, the Great Hunt failed again.” Canderous said.

They turned to face the Iridonian again, only to see a Blood Red Lightsaber in his cold, scaly hands.

“You’re a... you’re a Dark Jedi?” Revan was puzzled.

“Yes, I am a Dark Jedi, but I’m not only a Dark Jedi, I am a famous Dark Jedi, famous for the death of you! The great Revan, the all mighty saviour of the Republic. And with the power of the Dark Side with me, I will easily thwart your pathetic Light Side powers, for I have a beast inside me, as does everyone, but I can unleash it at will, and not worry about falling.” A smirk grew across Revan’s face.

“I do not dare deny, the basic beast inside, It’s right here, It’s controlling my mind. I too can use it at will.” Revan ignited his blue lightsaber and attacked.

“And so it begins, ATTACK TERENTATEK!” The Terentatek attacked Revan’s friends as Revan battled the Iridonian. He lunged at his heart but he blocked and parried, and went to trip him off his feet. Revan dodged and pushed him into the stone tablet he used for meditating.

“YOU CANNOT STOP ME!!” the Iridonian screamed as he unleashed a bolt of lightning at Revan, stopping him dead in his tracks. Revan withstood the power of the lightning and fought through the pain. He leaped at him and delivered a kick to the solar plexus. Knocking him onto the ground.

“This is for Bastila.” Just before he could deliver the killing blow the Terentatek picked him up in his powerful claws.

“Let go of me you foolish beast!” Fire burned in his eyes as he was getting ready to annihilate it. The Terentatek tightened his grip on Revan, attempting to crush him into oblivion.

“Your choice.” Revan unleashed a surge of the Force knocking the beast over, he proceeded to decapitate him and burn him into a pile of ash with lightning.

“Oh Revan.” He turned to see the Iridonian standing next to Mission, who was hung upside down by he feet.

“Surrender your will to me or she gets it.” He taunted.

“Pfft, I couldn’t care less about her.” Everyone was shocked at Revan and how he’s been acting lately, and what he just said.

“Don’t worry, it’s a trick I’m playing.” Revan whispered to them, although he sounded sarcastic.

“Let her go, I promise I won’t hurt you.” Revan was trying to persuade him with his mastery of the Force.

“Oka... Oka.... Okay...” he cut Mission down and dropped her at Revan’s feet. “You don’t think I’m THAT stupid, do you?” He kicked Revan in the knee and pushed him into a trap he set, hanging Revan by the throat.

“Anyone else tries to play a trick like that and that’s what’ll happen.” They were stunned at how easily Revan was fooled. He started to turn blue as the circulation cut off to his head.

“And now...” there was a pause until he fell on the ground, lightsaber in his back.

“Nobody messes with my friends.” It was Jolee, who came just in time to save the day. He cut Revan down from his noose.

“Are you alright Revan?” He asked.

“I could’ve died had you come any later.” Revan was stern, the evil inside almost seemed to be consuming him. “C’mon, this jobs done, lets head back to Coruscant. You comin’ Jolee?”

Jolee nodded and followed them back to the Ebon Hawk.


The night was spent sleeping in the main chamber of the Ebon Hawk. Everyone that is, except for Revan, who spent the night in the hanger, talking to himself, and acting all paranoid, like someone or something was out to get him. He felt alon, and in pain, and there was nothing he could do to weaken it, to make it go away. A pain was gnawing away at him, guilt, for how he didn’t do anything quick enough to save Bastila. He was alone in the dark room of the hangar, and he was alone in his heart and soul.

"Could this be, just a dream?..."


Hope you enjoyed it :)

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“Then, who am I?” Revan turned to see an Iridonian. “As quickly as he saw him, was as quickly as there was a thud. He looked down, a vibrosword had pierced his stomach. The pain felt numb, more like a wound from wlaking into a wall, rather than a vibrosword to the stomach. He pulled it out. He felt nothing more than a stinging sensation, until, he turned to realise Bastila was crumpled on the ground. Revan grew pale, he collapsed onto his knees, the pain had started to kick in, “Maybe this is all a hallucination, a dream, maybe it was all hallucinated.” He let out a surge of the Force, wiping out the Bounty Hunters. He just stayed there, next to Bastila, crying. “Maybe it’s just a Hallucination.”

I am still confused. I thought that Revan was the one the injured.


Oh, I think that I might get it now, though I am still slightly confused. :/

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Nice start you've got here Bini! I admit, I was confused a little as well, but I've re-read it and it's made more sense now :D

Looking forward to some more action!


Btw, love the Avi, haha. (The album is practically done!!!!!!!!!)


"Ahem!" ... Anyways ... Great work!

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Nice start you've got here Bini! I admit, I was confused a little as well, but I've re-read it and it's made more sense now :D

Looking forward to some more action!


Btw, love the Avi, haha. (The album is practically done!!!!!!!!!)


"Ahem!" ... Anyways ... Great work!

Thanks I'm glad you liked it, and yeh it is a bit confusing, oh well. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome one and all to the third chapter of my long running series, enjoy and comment. :)



Chapter 3 - The Hurt he Feels


“Everything’s so blurry, and everyone’s so fake. Everybody’s empty and everything is so messed up. I am lost without you, I cannot live at all, my whole world surrounds you, I stumble then I crawl.” Revan’s thoughts were interrupted by Carth Onasi, Admiral of the Republic Fleet.

“I’m so sorry for your loss Revan. She was a wonderful woman, so full of hope and always smiling, tragically cut short.” A calm breeze swept around the Dantooine plains, as they stood atop a cliff, facing away from the recently rebuilt Jedi Enclave.

“I wonder what you’re doing, imagine where you are, there’s Heavens in between us, but that’s not very far.” Revan didn’t say a word, just thinking the thoughts, yet nothing came out.

“You have my sympathy Revan, and I know you need time to yourself, I mourn for those who never knew her. Their lives would’ve been better had they.” Carth walked back to the Enclave, leaving Revan to his thoughts, he wept silently as he went through the events that had occurred.


“Get a doctor, she’s having spasms!!” The nurse screamed, as a doctor came as quickly as he could have, with Revan close behind.

“Doctor, her spasms, they stopped.” The life support system was just a dim buzz; everyone was frozen solid, afraid of what could’ve possibly just transpired. The doctor checked her pulse.

“Revan, I’m, so sorry. Her hallucinations got too strong to contain, and erupted, giving her spasms, there’s nothing you could’ve done, I’m sorry.” Revan stood there, without saying a word, as tears streamed down his face, he knelt beside her, holding her cold hands tightly, and asked for everyone to leave them alone together.

“There was something I could’ve done...”


“It’s just another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.” Revan kept thinking to himself, trying to get himself to move forward in his life. But he couldn’t do it.

“Make the best of this test, don’t ask why, it’s not a question but a lesson learned in time.” Revan turned to see Kavar, still recovering from his near fatal experience with Kreia over 7 years ago.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Revan asked in a voie which almost sounded like he was mocking the Jedi Council Member.

“Don’t worry about moving forward yet, you will see in time that the only way to go in life is forward, don’t try to deny your feelings and say that you’re moving on with your life, let time do that for you.”

“Since when were you an expert on love, you were one of those who wanted to have me and Bastila removed as Jedi Knights.”

“I once knew love,” Kavar started, in a soft manner of speaking, which Revan has never heard before. “Her name was,” Kavar paused, “Something you need not know now, the point I’m trying to make is that I, too, have experienced something like you are experiencing now, and to not turn your back on my advice, but to embrace it. Good luck, my friend, remember what I told you, don’t deny your true feelings for her.” Kavar walked off, as Revan collapsed to his knees and started crying heavily, something which Revan had never done before. “I’m tired of living like a blind man, I’m sick of sight without a sense of feeling, you may be gone, but I said I loved you and I swear I still do.”


“I never dreamed that you’d be mine, but here we are tonight. Imagine what the world could be, if they learned to love like you and me. But they stay entrapped in their enclaves, not knowing what they’re missing out on. I love you Bastila...”

“We need to rush her to the emergency ward, stat!!”

“Revan, I’m sorry.”


Revan woke up from his dream, to find his bed wet, and him sweating like it was a 70 degree day on Tatooine. The dream had changed, from good to bad, and from bad to worse.

Revan took out a hologram projector and started recording a message.


I love you, and have loved you all along, I miss you, we’ve been far away for far too long. I keep dreaming you’ll be with me and you’d never go.


His tears softened his words, and showed his true feelings. He always felt more at peace after recording a personal message, and he slowly drifted back to sleep.


“Revan, I hate to ask this of you, but, could you possibly reschedule the funeral?” Kavar asked. Revan’s face grew pale, and he gave Kavar a menacing glare, one which cut through Kavar like he was a piece of tall grass caught in the way of a Kath Hound.

‘It’s just that, we have a lot of knights and padawans going on an exhibition to Coruscant, and it’s impossible to reschedule it.”

“Revan nodded slowly, “Five days from now, is that enough time for you to indulge yourself while I suffer?”

“Revan, I didn’t mean it that way, five days is enough, but, please, I said for you to show your true feelings, but don’t take your anger out on people who respect you, you won’t win many friend that way.” Kavar went to notify everyone of the funeral change.

“Kreia must’ve done some immense damage to his brain; the funeral was anyway going to be five days from now.” Revan smirked, and walked to the pond where he and Bastila used to spend their leisure time together.

He picked up a pebble and skipped it across the pond. 1, 2, 3 bounces. And old pastime or Revan’s whenever he was feeling alone, down or isolated.

“If only I hadn’t sent her into the ship alone, or even had I checked the ship properly, she would be with me, and I would be with her” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful ring, topped with the largest Quixoni crystal he could find that would fit on it. “We would’ve been one.” He clenched the ring tightly, kissed it as a sign of respect and dropped it back into his pocket. It was growing dark, without a single cloud in the sky. The stars shone brightly, just like the sparkle in Bastila’s eyes every time he smiled. He lied down under small palm tree, staring at the bright moons of Dantooine.

“Every little thing reminds me of Bastila.” He spent a couple hours there, just laying down, thinking to himself, and eventually he fell asleep. Until Juhani found him.

“Revan, I just got back from the rebuilding Cathar, and have only recently heard of your loss, I am so sorry.” But before he could reply, Kavar yelled out urgently that they join him in the meeting room. They sprinted as quickly as they could, where Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell were standing.

“Revan,” Zez-Kai Ell spoke, “We need to ask a favour of you, I know it is at such short notice, but we need you to stop a civil war on Tatooine, we would go but as you can plainly see we are still recovering, and all our knights and padawans are out on the exhibition Kavar told you about before.”

“Very well, only because I have such respect for your opinions that it was the council’s fault the whole Mandalorian, Malak and True Sith Wars happened, it was that honesty which kept you alive, what is this skirmish about?”

“I’ll fill in that one,” Kavar said, “It appears that Czerka corp. Has finally driven the Tuskens into pure insanity, and they’ve waged civil war, the catch is, that a Dark Jedi was the instigator of all this, and we need you to stop him. He is bald and has a small goatee, similar to Bandon you encountered on your previous journeys.”

“I will do this for you, but only if Juhani can come with me. Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell both nodded, and Revan and Juhani wlaked to their already prepared ship.


As you may have noticed, my chapters include a LOT of references to some of my favourite songs, especially this one, see if you can pick out all of 'em. ;)

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Well, I think that you have rushed the end just a tad. I think that more information would have been a little bit more useful such as why Revan wanted Juhani to go with him. Juhani just arrived on to Dantooine, and she only got off a sentance before being called by Zez-Kai-Ell and Kavar.


I do like how Revan has been thinking about Bastila though. He is almost reminicing. The descriptions are very nice. I almost feel sorry for Revan's loss. This is really actually the first time that he would have had something affect him like the way Bastila's death has. Very interesting. I just hope thar Revan keeps his cool. Good chapter though. Keep up the good work. Oh, and do you mind maybe erm...keeping the size of the text normal. It is a little bit hard to read. Same thing with the font. Just makes it a little easier to read. As for the songs you are refering to, I have no idea what they are or what they might be. :/

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Well, I think that you have rushed the end just a tad. I think that more information would have been a little bit more useful such as why Revan wanted Juhani to go with him. Juhani just arrived on to Dantooine, and she only got off a sentance before being called by Zez-Kai-Ell and Kavar.


I do like how Revan has been thinking about Bastila though. He is almost reminicing. The descriptions are very nice. I almost feel sorry for Revan's loss. This is really actually the first time that he would have had something affect him like the way Bastila's death has. Very interesting. I just hope thar Revan keeps his cool. Good chapter though. Keep up the good work. Oh, and do you mind maybe erm...keeping the size of the text normal. It is a little bit hard to read. Same thing with the font. Just makes it a little easier to read. As for the songs you are refering to, I have no idea what they are or what they might be. :/

Hmm, I did rush it a bit, but I just wanted to get this chapter done and out of the way. And yeah, I'll keep the font normal, I noticed it hurt the eyes a bit too. Glad you liked it. :)

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Nice addition Bini.

It goes into Revan's mind and what he's feeling with this terrible loss. A nice insight into a troubled and hurt mind.


As for references ... I did spot lines for "Time of your Life" - Green Day. "How you Remind Me" "If Everyone Cared" and "Far Away" .. all by Nickelback.

The first line, I am convinced it's from a song, and I know the words, and melody, but the title and artist have both eluded me.


But from what I've seen, you have some great taste in music my friend. Great taste indeed! :D


Looking o next chapter. I want to see how Revan handles this campaign on Tatooine.

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Welcome to yet another chapter, I was a bit tired when I wrote the bulk of this, so please point out any mistakes I have made. Thanks :)



Chapter 4 - The Dark Jedi...


Somebody get me through this nightmare, I can’t control myself.

The trip to Tatooine was a long and uneventful one, Revan and Juhani spent the entire trip in silence, Revan still feeling the scars of his loss. Revan, had gotten very little sleep, and dozed off into a deep slumber...


“Revan, you’re hallucinating, it’s all a dream, wake up and see for yourself, your pain is fake, but more real than you could ever imagine. Open your eyes, see the world, see the truth, see what you’ve been longing to see, only to see it slip through your hands, as your world darkens around you, as you feel the true pain of what is really the end.”


“Revan,” It was only Juhani, “We’re here.” They stepped out of their relatively cramped shjip, and stretched their legs and back as they were greeted by a friendly Ithorian

“What, do you Ithorians own Spaceports or something?” Revan asked, realizing they are always greeted by an Ithorian.

“I’m going to assume that’s a joke and carry on, the planet is in Civil War, and is a very dangerous place right now, I suggest you stay within the city walls, and not wander into the desert, where then war is raging. And I also need the sum of one hundred credits.” They handed over the credits and walked into the city itself. It was a wreck, people running around yelling something about “the end”. It then hit him, “As you feel the true pain of what is really the end.” He remembered back to his dream, and noted that line in particular.

“It could just be a hallucination...” Revan thought to himself. They walked past an old lady claiming she has foreseen the end and that we should all seek refuge.

“Revan, these guys are nuts, we should get our task over and done with as quickly as possible.” Revan nodded, and they headed to the Czerka corp. Head office.

“Hello there, and welcome to Czerka corp.” The desk attended said. She had long brown hair, and the most beautiful eyes.

Revan faded out for a second, reminded about Bastila so much by this lady, he slipped slightly and held on to the desk.

“Revan, are you okay?” Juhani asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied, “We need information on this Civil War, and how we could help.”

“I see that you’re a Jedi, judging from the lightsaber, how would you like to collect a bounty? This Dark Jedi, is the problem here, and we want him stopped, so we can have peace.”

“How much do we get paid?” Revan asked.

“Let’s say, 50,000 credits.” Revan’s eyes lit up, and he hastily agreed to the deal.

“Pleasure doing business with one as capable as yourself, you’ll probably find him in the old Sandpeople enclave which he is using as his lair, as soon as you exit the city, head left and just keep walking, you can’t miss it. It’s heavily guarded, so be careful. And don’t forget, there’s a war going on, good luck.” Revan gave her a nod and they walked out.

“Well Juhani, let’s go kick some sandpeople butt.” Revan smirked.

“This task is just what you need Revan.” They walked towards the gate which was guarded by a Czerka employee.

“You’re the one who Jana said was going to collect that bounty, right? Go right on through.” The gate opened, they walked through only to see burning ships in the distance, as the loud sounds of explosions and blaster fire echoed throughout the planet.

“Come on Juhani, she said left, so let’s go.” They walked off into the distance, as the heat drove them to the point of dehydration, all they could do was move on, into the sun, one of three.


The walk seemed like an eternity. They finally reached the lair which was covered in dust and looked almost as old as the Jedi themselves.

“Looks like it’s time to end this madness Juhani.” They ignited their lightsabers and cut a hole in the front gate.

“INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! SHOOT TO KILL!!” the voice of Guardian droids echoed throughout the hall, although they were silenced before they could fire off a single bullet. But that was far from the end. Droids came from the back and sides of the long corridor, although they proved little competition for the Jedi, who didn’t even break a sweat.

“C’mon Juhani, this way.” They ran to the door, which led to a large hall, with three Dark Jedi standing in the centre.

Revan had another vision, this time of the Star Forge, and how he saved Bastila, the pain was intense, he couldn’t take his mind off of it, and he eventually saw a recreation of it in front of him, thinking he truly was on the Star Forge again. He tried to shake off the hallucination and acted as normal as possible.

“Welcome Revan, we’ve been expecting you,” the Dark Jedi’s voice echoed in the large, practically empty hall. It was lined with gold, and statues of ancient beings, who the Sandpeople no doubt worshipped.

“Let’s get this over and done with Revan, as quick as possible.” Juhani whispered to Revan. He nodded, and fried all three with a single bolt of lightning. They fell to the floor, lifeless.

“Fast enough?” they shared a laugh and continued to the next room. They once again encountered a large, seemingly never-ending wave of droids, this time accompanied by a group of Dark Jedi.

“We might have to break a sweat this time around.” Revan said, as they charged into battle. Revan wasted no time in destroying the first wave of droids. While Juhani attacked the Dark Jedi. Revan joined her, and finished off three of the Dark Jedi, although more came barging through the side entrances, as droids spawned alongside some ancient computers. These ones however, were harder to defeat, had more firepower and more resistant armour. The Dark Jedi attacked as Revan parried their attacks, while Juhani struck them from behind. They were no problem, but they couldn’t say the same about the droids. They destroyed many of them as quickly as possible, but they kept coming, tougher and tougher each time.

“Revan, the computers.” Juhani pointed to the computers which the droids came out of, and Revan had another realisation.


See the things around you, awaken your mind, they aren’t a factor in the real world and you can stop them, just believe. You’ve gone through this before, Malak, the droids, Dark Jedi, you’ve done it all, now do it again. It doesn’t change the outcome.


Revan faded in and out of consciousness as he had another hallucination. He did what he remembered from the Star Forge, and shut down the computers. The remaining droids were a breeze. They continued to a final room to find a group of Dark Jedi worshipping something. They turned around, and the Dark Jedi he was told started all of this stepped in front.

“Welcome Revan,” his voice was evil and sadistic, “Isn’t it perfect, pretty much an exact recreation of the Star Forge, I know of everything you’ve gone through, and I know how to stop you. Now, I must be leaving you, I have a war to make more bloody, and a tribe to make more bloodthirsty.” He escaped through a back entrance as he ordered the 3 remaining Dark Jedi to attack. They quickly froze Juhani in a stasis field and attacked Revan. He parried the first ones attack as another went for his feet, he jumped over it and went to decapitate him. He missed and fell backwards, almost to the ground, which would’ve meant certain death. He quickly recovered and stabbed the first Dark Jedi through the heart.

“One down, two to go.” Revan thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by a swift swipe which cut his left bicep. He stumbled, but regained his footing.

“My good robe, you’ll pay for that.” Revan ran at them although he was constantly being pushed into a corner. He leapt over them and decapitated one of them to bring to a one-on-one.

“Looks like your time is up.” Revan taunted, as the Dark Jedi ran at him, he lost his footing as he was stunned by the aggressiveness of him, and he took advantage of that. He knocked Revan to the ground, and put his saber at Revan’s neck.

“No Revan, your time is up.” He lifted his saber, and swung down sharply, it surely would’ve won the battle for him, had Revan not remembered, “It doesn’t change the outcome...” He stopped the blade mid way through the lunge with the Force.

“You picked the wrong legendary Jedi to mess with.” Revan stole his saber off of him, although he needn’t have done it, as he fell to the ground, Juhani standing behind him.

“Idiot, he should’ve know that stasis field wouldn’t hold me forever.” She smirked, “So Revan, where do we head now.”

“Sandpeople enclave, I have a war to stop, and a bounty to collect...”


It doesn’t change the outcome...


HJope you enjoyed it, don't forget to comment. :)

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