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When Evil Comes

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Mason walked down the empty hallways of the school. His school life was suddenly recitated back into his head.


He looked through each of the classrooms, searching for the chemistry teacher this Donna James was being taught by. He was nearing the room when he saw the teacher he was looking for walk out of the classroom. "Excuse me, I don't suppose you got that note regarding Donna James, have you?"


"Yes, I got it. But I haven't seen her this morning, she's probably late... Your that detective they mentioned right?"


Mason nodded. "Do you know where she is now? Whats her next class?"


"She'd have Algebra right now... Head to Room B25, thats where she is being taught by Mrs. Jackson."


"Thanks..." he replied gruffly. He searched the school for the room he was allocated to look for. "B23... 24... Ah, here it is! B25.." he opened the door, and looked at the teacher. He walked towards her, and smiled apoligetically.


"Sorry to interupt, but I just need to inform you I'll need to speak with... er... <whats her name again?> Donna James after class."

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Mrs. Jackson turned to see a young man walk into her classroom. He looked like someone of importance.


"Sorry to interupt, but I just need to inform you I'll need to speak with... er... <whats her name again?> Donna James after class."


She smiled. "Sure. No problem."


Donna slightly looked up to see who her teacher was talking to. It looked like a guy in a trench coat, trying to find someone. But she couldn't hear her own name being said, because they talked in a low voice.


The young girl scratched her head nervously, and started to work on her Warm-up again.

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""Sure. No problem"


"Alright, thanks. Don't worry, I just need to ask her a few questions about Kyle Millard. I'm a P.I, you see... I'll wait outside the classroom."


Mason walked out the classroom and sat on the bench. He was about to pull out his pack of ciggarettes when he realised their was no-smoking in the school. Mason smirked. "Just as well, I promised my friends I'd quit!" he threw the pack into a near-by bin.

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Donna and her classmates continued to work on their notes, when all of a sudden, the bell rung. It was 11:20, which meant it was lunchtime. "Now remember class... study Chapter 8 for your homework!" Mrs. Jackson told everyone. The class moaned.


When Donna grabbed her things, and headed out the door, Mrs. Jackson caught up with her. "Oh, and Donna? There's a young man out there who wants to speak with you."


The young girl looked confused. "Okay. Thanks, Mrs. Jackson." After the two said good-bye to each other, Donna went out of the classroom to meet this guy.


There, she saw him. The same guy with the same trench coat. She nervously walked up to him, holding her books close to her. "Are you the guy that wanted to see me?" Donna asked quietly.

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Mason saw the girl he was looking for step out of the classroom. "Are you the guy that wanted to see me?" she asked.


Mason pulled out his wallet to show her his I.D


"My name is Phil Mason, I'm a private investigator. I wanted to speak to you about Kyle Millard, if thats okay with you."

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"My name is Phil Mason, I'm a private investigator. I wanted to speak to you about Kyle Millard, if thats okay with you."


Donna was shocked to hear that this Mason guy was a private investigator. She was especially shocked to hear Kyle's name being metioned.


She gulped. "Um... sure. Okay." She glanced around nervously, as other students and teachers past by them. This was going to be one long day.

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"Don't worry, I wont take up much of your time. Just a few question I need to ask..." Mason assured.


"I heard there was a small fight the other day involving Kyle and you stepped in to defend him. What was the fight about exactly?" Mason noticed the girl was getting nervous.

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Donna scratched the back of her ear, trying to remember. The fight that Kyle had was mostly with Ricky, the school's bully.


"Well... Ricky, the bully, he usually picked on Kyle, ever since he came to the school. Kyle probably had enough... so they fought. When I heard there was a school fight, I rushed to see what the problem was. Then I saw Kyle and Ricky fighting. I broke it up, telling the principal on Ricky. That's all I remember."


The young girl's eyes glanced down for a minute. Then back up at Mason.

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After hearing Donna's answer, Mason asked a brief, series of question with an answer coming from Donna:


"How well did you know Kyle?"


"Did Kyle have many friends here I could talk to?"


"Was there something about Kyle that seemed very... unusual?"

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Donna honestly responded the questions:


"How well did you know Kyle?"

"I knew Kyle for... three days. He came to this school last week."

"Did Kyle have many friends here I could talk to?"

"No. Kyle never had any friends. He trusts in me mostly."


"Was there something about Kyle that seemed very... unusual?"

"Well... Kyle was usually afraid of being around the crowd. He always wanted to be alone. It's really strange, when you think about it."

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A slight, burning feeling on his ear. Superstitions said people were talking about him. Ricky didn't believe in them, but, he liked being the center of attention. A smile grew on his face.


"This sucks though," He said to no one in particular, as the smile faded. As a result of the fight he had with that guy he seemed to take a liking to bully, Kyle something, Ricky had been suspended for three days. Luckily, today was the last day. Finally, he could go back to school and do something. His parents had forbidden him from going out of the house and using any electronic devices like the computer or the TV.


However, one certain piece of news he had seen on the TV before that punishment had been made, was right now, dwelling in his mind, scaring him.


The same guy he bullied killed someone.

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Ryas was walking to the lunchroom after dropping his bag off at his locker. It took him several minuets to actually get his locker open since it had a tendacy of getting jammed. A usual kick or punch got it unjammed.


As he was walking to the cafeteria he saw the girl who was watching him do his sketch work, and who he also kept out of trouble.


"Yep I'm amazing" he said to himself.


Ryas noticed that she was talking to an older man, who defenitly didn't look like a teacher. So he decided to lean against some near by lockers and watch to make sure nothing to bad happened. He'd get more info from her when the two parted company.


"Hope the gossip will be interesting" he whispered to himself.

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It had taken at least an hour of questioning and explaining to the staff at the office and thereabouts for Claire to obtain a visitor's pass. Next time I do something like this, I'm not doing it "by the book".


She heard a bell ring, though she couldn't be sure what it meant as she didn't have the time on her. But as all the young women and men jostling her in the corridor were heading in the same direction, she assumed it was a break.


It was only once they reached the lunch hall that the river of bodies broke and began to trickle, leaving Claire free to move and find a space to stand. She didn't know the names of Anna's friends, but she'd certainly know their faces... Right?

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Mason took note of the answers and nodded after every answer.


"Alright, thanks. Thats all I need to know... for now!" he turned off his pocket tape recorder of the conversation. He then pulled out one of his cards and handed it to Donna.


"If you hear anything else, please don't hesitate to call me day or night." He smiled and walked off. "Bye, and thanks..."

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Donna returned a smile. "You're welcome. And thank you." She looked down at the card Mason gave her. Yeah... if she ever ran into Kyle, and something happened... she'd call right away.


It was good to know that someone, even a Private Detective, was looking for Kyle. But what if she encountered him? The thought scared her...


As she walked to the cafeteria, she noticed the boy named Ryas. Donna smiled. "Hello, Ryas," she said, as she continued towards the lunch room.

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"Hey...uhh...Donna" he responded to her while for a brief moment forgetting her name. He noticed that she continued to walk so he quickly ran up besides her and started walking with her.


Ryas laughed slightly while saying "I wait for you and you walk away"


As he walked with her he placed his hands behind his head and leaned back slightly thinking. "So uh... what did that guy want? Everythin alright?" he said with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

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"So uh... what did that guy want? Everythin alright?"


Donna chuckled. Ryas was the funny type all right. But then she thought about the question he asked. "Well... he wanted to ask me questions about Kyle Millard. You know, that kid from the news last night? But other than that, Everything's okay."


Walking through the lunchroom, they only had 18 minutes to eat lunch. It was a good thing the lunch line wasn't long as usual. Donna went in the lunch line, waiting on one more kid to get his lunch.


"What about you? How you doin' so far?" Donna asked Ryas.

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"What about you? How you doin' so far?"


Ryas thought about that question for a while as he followed Donna in the lunch line. He wasn't getting anything to eat because he knew he'd have to leave very shortly.


"ehh... so far I'd say pretty good. In fact" he looks down at his watch "In three... they really shouldn't let me go to the bathroom before lunch, two... it's just a bad idea ya know, one... but the office does love me."


Then all of a sudden over the loud speaker the whole school hears "Ryas Valrick please report to the office, your pizza is here."


As he started to walk away he turned toward Donna and said "I'll save you a slice." then continued to walk to the office laughing.

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Donna smiled, as she watched Ryas leave. "Thanks. See you later." She grinned. Ryas was sure something else. It was cool to hang out with a guy like him.


After she got her lunch, Donna spotted Keisha, and sat next to her. "Girl, you only got like wha'? Sixteen minutues left to eat? If I were you, I'd stuff myself up!"


Donna chuckled, as she bit on her apple. Suddenly, she remembered that she had to tell Keisha something. Something really important. "Yeah, I know. By the way, did you hear the News last night? I was gettin' scared."


"Oh my God, yes! Kyle Millard, that new kid? I heard he killed someone. That some scary stuff, don't you think?"


Donna nodded. "Sure is..."

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