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Photoshopped characters


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I got bored, and having seen threads on who would act KOTOR characters on the big screen I decided to photoshop actors faces into character artwork. So far I've only done two, though I plan to make up the full cast.


Here's what I came up with. See if you can guess the actors:





I'm rather more pleased with Kreia than Bao-Dur (damn tattoos), but never mind: there's always an opportunity to improve.

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I got bored, and having seen threads on who would act KOTOR characters on the big screen I decided to photoshop actors faces into character artwork. So far I've only done two, though I plan to make up the full cast.


Here's what I came up with. See if you can guess the actors:





I'm rather more pleased with Kreia than Bao-Dur (damn tattoos), but never mind: there's always an opportunity to improve.


I'm an artist myself, but not patient enough to do anything that isn't digital. :) Good job on the work.

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Bao does look like Vin Diesel, doesn´t he? Kreia was spot on though...absolutly fabulous job here, I like how you got Kriea´s eyes in there as well...I think the tatoos on Bao are good, despite what you say...but than again, I am a novice with digital art, so what do I know? :xp:

I´m looking forward to more!



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