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Star Wars: Hope and Courage

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Name: Captain Fynn Graff

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/0/05/Hoge_SWL20.jpg/250px-Hoge_SWL20.jpg

Occupation: Captain in the Imperial Navy, Aide to Admiral Bovark

Homeworld: Bastion

Personality: A quiet, polite man, Graff has proven himself to be a capable officer, but his abrupt attitude, and stern sense of duty has often got in the way of his career.

Weapons: A blaster pistol. He is also fond of carrying his ceremonial dress sword with him on most occasions, having had it lined with phrik alloy, making it somewhat resistant to lightsabers.


Bio: Born into one of Bastion’s noble houses, his career in the Navy was virtually set out from birth – he would be the sixth generation of his family to serve the Empire. He had a good childhood, until the Sith-Imperial war broke out. His father, and two elder brothers all left in the name of the Service, and his father would die a few years later, at the final battle of Camaas.


His family, being loyal to the Emperor, blamed the Sith, a hatred that was imprinted on him, and one that has left a lasting mark on him. As soon as he was old enough, he joined Fel’s cause, enlisting in the Fleet.


At the war’s end, the now lieutenant Graff took a position as first officer on board a Frigate, and spent many years helping to hunt down the Sith Remnant, a task that proved difficult due to their affinity for hiding.


It has often been Graff’s regret that he missed the ‘real’ fighting, and seeks to distinguish himself as a hero, like his ancestors, hoping to live up to his family name.


Recently promoted to Captain after having spent some years as the Commander of a frigate, he has now been assigned as an Aide to Admiral Bovark, a task which he has met with enthusiasm, despite his disappointment at not being given a Star Destroyer.


EDIT: I'm assuming that the 'good' Empire (ie the Fel dynasty) is still around, if it isn't i'll come up with a new character, or modify this one.

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Name: Kentruula Ull

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: JediExileCG-WIP-2.jpg

Occupation: Jedi Knight

Homeworld: Dantooine

Personality: Very kind, Helpful, Generous, Focused, Calm

Weapons: A single-orange bladed lightsaber

Bio: Born on Dantooine, Kentruula was discovered as force sensitive at a young age. With her mother dying of childbirth, Kentruula was alone before being discovered by the Jedi.


Upon joining the Order she showed incredible patience, control and focus. Her solitude probaly attributed to those traits, as was the opinion of her many tutors and masters. There were several things that defined her, such as her defensive lightsaber combat and abilities outside of the force. Such things were viewed as important by her, as she did not want to become dependant upon her focus.


Many would remark her as your average Jedi Knight. But as is expected, she was unique and very much different from her peers. She was adept at most force techniques and skilled in Form III of lightsaber combat, otherwise known as Soresu.


She preferred to defend herself, whilst using the force to compliment such a tactic. The aim of this was to force the opponent to take chances with their offensives, giving her a opening or allowing her to escape if need be. On duty she was always serious, trying to maintain a neutral stance upon things. This is not to say she never laughed, as she was fun and easy going by most accounts.

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can i be Mandalore

Name:Mandalore the Destroyer (Tristyn Hel)

Age:35 human years



Appearance: http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/jvHZHWHIMZh-X71f9QC3RQ39781/GW364H510

Occupation:former jedi knight


Personality: rough, dangerous, explosive, and kind for a Mandalorian

Weapons:E11 Blaster,lightsabers 1)purple 2)red 3)double bladed blue lightsaber,Mandalorian heavy blaster,and plasma thrower

Bio:Tristyn was young when he started his Mandalorian training, but father kept on pushing more, and more training. than a couple of years after that day his father told him that he called the jedi to train him in the force but before he goes he's found Mandalore's helmet and that the Mandalorian species was dying so he had to reastablish the clans so they can live under one mandalore so the jedi came the next, day and brought him to the temple everybody was skeptable about teaching this person cause he was a Mandalorian, but he got trained and became a jedi knight and when the time was right he left the jedi, the republic, known space all he took with him wear his weapons and mandalore's helmet when he came back he started to build up his army, then the sith attacked and ruined his plan to save his people so Mandalore and his men went to aid the republic in the war against the sith

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Name: S. L. Eichenberger

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Image:BestiarumHuman.jpg

Occupation: Private, United Nations Marine Corp

Homeworld: Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy

Personality: Funny, kind of a Smart @$$, sort of cowardice untill fully motivated.

Weapons: Assault Rifle, pistol, and grenades

Bio: Fought in the Human-Covenant war, but during a raid on a Forerunner Portal I fell through the portal while it was partially damaged, which it threw me into another galaxy that has advanced billions of yrs. ahead of the Milky Way galaxy. Now I must do what I must untill I find a way back home. I currently am employed to Help the Remaining Jedi's and Alliance.



(( I am asking to use this story/plot character due to not many starwars characters fit my taste, though I like em enough just not to wantin to be em....if its alright with you))

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