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Star Wars: Twist of Fate

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Star Wars: Twist of Fate

By: GodsillY


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away the crew of a ship known as the Golden Eagle is thrown into an alternate universe and shortly there after realize they are stuck forever. In this Alternate Reality the Clone Army was completely wiped out by the Seperatist forces and Count Dooku, only five Jedi survived, one of those Jedi however is Qui'Gon Jin who was not killed in this time line. Together the crew of the Golden Eagle work together with the last of the jedi to try and find a way to win a seemingly hopeless war.



Please tell me what you think of the idea: Chapter one Forth Coming.

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Thanks I will keep that in mind next time, for it's obviously too late to salvage this one you've already read it. I understand, I will however finish this story, and keep that in mind when I write my future fics, thanks for the tip!! :)


However, after reading it again a couple times and thinking about where I am taking this story. I did give away a lot of information but it doesn't ruin the story at all. It doesn't give away too much in my opinion, maybe I am wrong.

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