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I am so happy!! - KotOR 1


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Ok this is awesome(for me)

In Kotor 1 for PC, my first playthrough of it(had over like, 20 playthroughs on the Xbox version and thought I found everything)

I was on Korriban and for once was using Juhani to activate the thing with Dak Vesser. After he left, I transited back to the Ebon Hawk with Juhani and Carth, and I wanna go to the Cantina to find Dak Vesser again. Now, it goes black, and I think to myself, "What's going on, I thought I completed every party members side quest, and I already had the guy talk to me about Mika Dorin's premium items..." Then it fades back and a purple Twi'lek walks towards me and I'm just like, "WTH, who is this guy, and I have never seen a purple Twi'lek ever in KotOR 1, not even TSL..." And he's talking about Cathars and Juhani gets pissed. Then the cutscene is over and I see as my he was selected and I find that he's Xor.


I mean, the confusion is finally gone. I have never encountered this, since I never use Juhani, and I always thought Dak Vesser was her side quest. I have been confused because, well, in the Xbox version, Dak is human, and in PC he's Twi'lek..." And a while back, I saw a Mod for PC called, "Xor-Twi'lek to Human mod." And I thought to myself, "Xor?... do they mean Dak, since he's a Twi'lek in PC when I originally thought he was Human. But now I found Xor, and am happy, bacause it's something new to do, and it's like my first time and I don't know what's going to happen next with this.

So yeahh....

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I already got the premium items...My choices always being Dominator Gauntlets and Adrenaline Stimulator, and I automatically get the Cardio Power System after I come back up from the Hrakert Rift after destroying the harvester, not poison the firaxa(Are you supposed to get that for free then?) But ANYWAY, I got the premium items and the sidequest so...idk what glitch you're talking about.

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