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I just have to say this

Dagobahn Eagle

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I've been living in the USA since July, all the time following the Norwegian happenings trough a newspaper website. Also, they've got a comic only sold in Norway and Sweden on the site, which I'm a great fan of, so I frequently visit the site to read the day's strip (believe me, it's good). -Said comic can be found here.


Well, this other day I read trough the articles.. then, one caught my attention. My full attention. The title is "demonstrating against the US's attacks". Below is a picture of a guy holding a banner reading "F... USA". I'm shocked. Furthermore, in the article a person in the demonstration calls the group "peace-favoring", and says that "in a war, the truth is the first to get lost". I don't need to point out who needs to get some "lost truth" into their minds..


I was pi.... off. Not only were they demonstrating, but they were demonstrating without knowing a **** about what was happening around them! I just could not believe it. If the US doesn't attack Afghanistan, Bin Laden will be allowed to continue his evil crusade against the US. The US, contrary to popular belief, have been patient, repeatedly giving the Taliban "one last chance". The result.. :( the result I saw live on the classroom's TV during first period. Sigh.


I had never in the world thought someone, not only from my own nation, but from my own hometown:mad:, would ever do something like this. I've heard about street fights in Pakistan (God bless the country, they picked the right side). I heard about the guys putting an American flag on fire on a US high school. But never would I have imagined...


Okay, I just needed to get this of my chest. I haven't told anyone at school, because of patriotism (I can't say "you know, some guys from my home country.."). I'll try to let them look at Norway as the country of the fjords. Don't stereotype: Like I say, an event like this has never before taken place in the whole nation. Also, another newspaper was hit yesterday by glowing feedback from me. I'll just have to wait and see what they say to that.. Anyway, most of us are nice :).

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Guest DS_StarViper

that was a pretty good speech, but the part about pakistan I think they may not be that loyal for long, because there "leader" is telling us to stop bombing and about osama bin laden I say kill the bastard, now I'm not saying it will be easy to get him but I make this point..........He should not get a trial, if there is enough evidence I say he be put to death for did he give those people in the trade centers a trial?the answer is NO he did not.

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