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JA Modifications


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There is no blood or gore in the base game, however I'm sure you can find some blood mods with some minor amounts of searching. Cheats for enabling dismemberment as well as changing saber color should also be easily located with a quick google search.

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There is no blood or gore in the base game, however I'm sure you can find some blood mods with some minor amounts of searching. Cheats for enabling dismemberment as well as changing saber color should also be easily located with a quick google search.


Tnx, I'll do that


BTW Can't change the color or the grip.

Or dismemberment.

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You might try Open Jedi Project for the dismemberment. I think in one of the versions, they modified the options to enable Realistic Saber Dismemberment, meaning you can hack a player model all up to pieces (heads, waists, arms, legs, hands). And as for changing saber blade color at will, you might could bind a key to change the blade color when you want to, it would be bind (keyname) saber1 color1(through 4, I think). What was the grip thing you were talking about? A saber hilt or a modification of Force Grip?

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Dismemberment does work in Jedi Academy, just not to the ridiculous degree it does in Jedi Outcast. Also you can change the color of the blade, although I don't think Forceboat's code for that is 100% accurate (is close, though). Please look it up for the exact cheat code for changing saber blade color.

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To change the saber color....


/sabercolor 1 red


Twin Sabers:

/sabercolor 1 red

/sabercolor 2 purple



/sabercolor 1 red green



To change the hilt model....

Single / Dual-bladed:

/saber <code>


Twin Sabers:

/saber <code> <code>

(NOTE: You can only do this with single sabers, obviously.


<code> entries for base single hilts:






<code> entries for base dual-bladed hilts:





Extra <code> entries:


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Yes, You don't need those cheats, because after you finish a certain mission, you will be allowed to create a new one...


Indeed, I have, Now I have double blade and I pwn Storm Troopers.


Slicing off heads and hands has shown up in couple cheat sites, but none of them worked. Same with sabre color. Although I don't need the sabre color anymore (sorry for wasting your tim, to the guy who wrote all those cheats).


BTW your sabre cfg doesn't work.

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Jedi Outcast has a better singleplayer story-wise than Jedi Academy, and it's a campaign rather than a bunch of disjointed scenarios, but to be honest your money is probably better spent elsewhere if you've already played through JA since it'll just be exactly the same thing all over again.


(Sure, other games might not be Star Wars, but the logo on the front is irrelevant; good games are good games and bad games are bad games, whether they have a major franchise behind them or not. Download some demos, etc, find some games you have fun with and buy them.)



Dark Forces 2 is a quality game despite it's age, far superior to it's two successors, but I daresay it will have a multitude of problems running on newer hardware and operating systems.


If you've got Windows Vista, then DF2 is right out of the question - your computer is literally too advanced, and DF2 literally too primitive, for the two to be compatible. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing; you may lose older games, but you gain newer ones that open up all sorts of new possibilities for interactive entertainment.


Everything has it's time, and everything dies; though we may miss the older things, we should not allow them to hold us back.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to say goodbye to almost the entirety of my retro games collection.... :'(

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Jedi Outcast has a better singleplayer story-wise than Jedi Academy, and it's a campaign rather than a bunch of disjointed scenarios, but to be honest your money is probably better spent elsewhere if you've already played through JA since it'll just be exactly the same thing all over again.


(Sure, other games might not be Star Wars, but the logo on the front is irrelevant; good games are good games and bad games are bad games, whether they have a major franchise behind them or not. Download some demos, etc, find some games you have fun with and buy them.)



Dark Forces 2 is a quality game despite it's age, far superior to it's two successors, but I daresay it will have a multitude of problems running on newer hardware and operating systems.


If you've got Windows Vista, then DF2 is right out of the question - your computer is literally too advanced, and DF2 literally too primitive, for the two to be compatible. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing; you may lose older games, but you gain newer ones that open up all sorts of new possibilities for interactive entertainment.


Everything has it's time, and everything dies; though we may miss the older things, we should not allow them to hold us back.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to say goodbye to almost the entirety of my retro games collection.... :'(


JA was good in my opinion, maybe not the scenario but the Light Saber fighting (proper fights, finally) unlike BF I/II or KOTOR (this game simply sucks). I only play JK series because of the Light Saber fighting, I adore it.

In JO I've only completed the first mission and still haven't got my lightsaber, I'm starting to get fed up. If I won't have my Lightsaber after couple mission.. Add/Remove Programs

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The non-lightsaber segments are relevant to the plot; bear in mind the game is Kyle Katarn's story, not just a slashfest.


You get your saber back after the second mission, Artus Prime, when you've played through the force power tutorial segment.


If you like JK2/A's saber fighting, you might want to try the Elder Scrolls games, Morrowind and Oblivion. The melee combat segments are more basic (although calling JK2/A's saber fighting "advanced" is quite laughable, it's a really shallow system that I personally wouldn't call "proper fighting", but then I do know how to handle swords in reality so maybe I'm just picky there) but it does intertwine very well with the magic system, allowing for good, seamless fusions of physical combat and special abilities. Not Star Wars themed, but excellent games nevertheless, and far more interactive and non-linear than most RPGs (including the aforementioned KOTOR).


There's plenty of other games I could also recommend if you like similar gameplay styles too, with quite a few of them having deeper combat than JK2/A while maintaining the same principles, but it's late, I'm tired and can't really think of them off the top of my head.


"Swordsmanship" games may be a niche market, but I assure you there are quite a few out there other than JK2/A, and you'll certainly enjoy playing them all. I know I do.

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The non-lightsaber segments are relevant to the plot; bear in mind the game is Kyle Katarn's story, not just a slashfest.


You get your saber back after the second mission, Artus Prime, when you've played through the force power tutorial segment.


If you like JK2/A's saber fighting, you might want to try the Elder Scrolls games, Morrowind and Oblivion. The melee combat segments are more basic (although calling JK2/A's saber fighting "advanced" is quite laughable, it's a really shallow system that I personally wouldn't call "proper fighting", but then I do know how to handle swords in reality so maybe I'm just picky there) but it does intertwine very well with the magic system, allowing for good, seamless fusions of physical combat and special abilities. Not Star Wars themed, but excellent games nevertheless, and far more interactive and non-linear than most RPGs (including the aforementioned KOTOR).


There's plenty of other games I could also recommend if you like similar gameplay styles too, with quite a few of them having deeper combat than JK2/A while maintaining the same principles, but it's late, I'm tired and can't really think of them off the top of my head.


"Swordsmanship" games may be a niche market, but I assure you there are quite a few out there other than JK2/A, and you'll certainly enjoy playing them all. I know I do.


I'm super action man, the one you would call Hardcore gamer.

I don't like Strategy, RTS or RPG games (not because my IQ is 50) and KOTOR isn't my piece of cake. I've tried Oblivion, didn't like the whole principle. Non-linear RPG or RTS games like Oblivion aren't my piece of cake just because of the idea of them.


That's probably why I despise KOTOR but <3 JA. I'll do some more missions on JO tomorrow and see how it goes.


Cheers for advice anyway, mate.

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You quit jk2 because you don't get the saber right from the start? You could use a cheat code to get yourself a saber early in the game, if it bothers you that much. IMO, it's a great game; better than jk3 at any rate.


I didn't mention quiting JO, and I'm not gonna to.


BTW I don't cheat.

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