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Girls night out.

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  • 5 months later...

((Short update is short.))


Citadel Station


Shil'ya watched through narrowed eyes as a group of thugs ran out of the shop laughing and talking amongst themselves. One of them was holding an older sword with two bladed edges to it.


The sword of Yusanis...I didn't come this far just to lose it to a group of common thugs. I'm getting that sword.


She motioned to Canderous to raise his weapon as she moved quietly behind them until she could understand parts of the conversation they were having.


"- can't believe that old man thought he could stop us! Of course I didn't expect him to have a blaster hidden in his sleeve either. He had a lot of good stuff."


"- you expect? He said he was holding onto some of that stuff for an old friend. I still feel guilty about what we did though. Why did you have to lose it and shoot the old man? He wasn't much of a threat apart from the blaster"


Shil'ya heard a low growl from Canderous behind her, he was obviously upset about hearing about the old man's death at the hands of thugs. She watched him as he slowly raised his weapon and she motioned for him to lower it.


She walked directly up to the back of one of the thugs and lightly tapped him on the shoulder as she ignited her lightsaber.


"I'm afraid I'll be taking the sword you have there"


All three of the thugs whipped around at the sound of her voice which was very soft and very dangerous.


The leader tightly held the sword to his chest and grinned as his two coherts pulled their blasters out of their holders and pointed them directly at her face.


Shiy'la calmly waved her hand and the blasters went sailing from her hands and the sword hit the floor with a clanging noise as the leader of the thugs dropped it in suprise.


"Now..." Shil'ya said calmly. "You are going to leave. You are going to go to the TSF office and tell them what you did. The alternative here is that I let the Mandalore get his hands on you for what you did to his friend."


The three thugs slowly turned to look at the imposing mandalorian who was cracking his knuckles. The thugs then turned to look at the elevator lift that would take them to the upper reaches of the station.


The mandalorian slowly walked toward the group of thugs who quickly took off toward the upper reaches of the station as quickly as they could.


Shil'ya picked up the sword and examined it. Lets see...no bloodstains...Beautifully crafted...What a beautiful sword.


She looked over at the mandalorian who was staring at the door to the shop. It was times like this that she wished she could see through his helmet to see what his expression was.


"Are you going to be all right? You can still go after them if you want to. I won't stop you if you decide to."


The mandalorian slowly shook his head. "No...these things happen. I'll get over it in my own sweet time. Lets just get back to the Hawk."


Shil'ya nodded and the two of them headed for the upper reaches of the station.


Ebon Hawk.


Brianna and the others had left the hawk nearly two hours ago to search for the missing crew members and now the Echani woman was heading back after another disappointing search for the Exile.


She was heading up the gangplank when a hand tapped her on the shoulder. She slowly turned to see the smiling face of Shil'ya staring back at her.


Shil'ya's smile turned sad for a second as she looked down at the sword that she held in her hands before she turned back to the Handmaiden.


"We need to talk."


((That's it. End of Story.))

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