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Zombies Walk!


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Vlad stopped and looked back at Aiden, or at least who used to be Aiden. This was a completely new version of virus symptoms he was unfamiliar with.


Well, no one had ever really survived the virus.


He looked at Aiden.


"So...you remember nothing at all? Nothing, just blank?"

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Aiden Valko had been shot in the head with a bullet, a fatal injury, except the healing powers of the virus had healed his brain enough to let him start over with no memories. The connection of the virus to its host had been destroyed. But Aiden didn't know any of this.


"No....All I remember is that I have a strange connection to the tunnel we're going into."

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Walking along with Vlad, Aiden tried in desperation to remember. But there was no use. He was afraid to ask what had happened to him, and no one looked like they wanted to tell him.


No memories could come to Aiden after that bullet.


"There," he said, pointing into the darkness. "Somewhere in there....I don't know why, but I feel like I should go there."


A remnant of emotion drove Aiden into the gloomy chamber, and into the light, where he stood frozen, in horror.


Lying on the ground was a man. In a Russian uniform. It was unclear whether he was dead or simply beaten. But he was not moving.


Reaching over the man, Aiden picked up a mirror conveniently lying in the man's arms. It seemed like it had been carefully placed there, as if in waiting for someone.


Possibly for him.


Holding the mirror up to his face, Aiden took his first gaze at himself.


He had a small build, but he had very large muscles. The effect was very staggering, in reality. But it didn't look that abnormal. No, what was abnormal were the eyes. The eyes were a piercing green color, completely unnatural-looking. After getting over the initial shock, Aiden actually began to like his figure.


But then he began to tremble after a short second of this. What had happened to him? Who was he?


None of this made any sense. He dropped the mirror unknowingly and just looked off into the distance. But he remained calm, and, soon, unwavering.

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Sam watched Aiden, He looked surprisingly calm.

Ofcourse he does, that's one of his strengths, he never really worried.

" Vlad, do you think we can trust Aiden with one of my Eagles?" Sam whispered to Vlad.

( I think we shoudl wait for Chev to post.)

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((Yep. Let's have idle conversation.))


Turning around, Aiden felt the hand and looked down at the weapon.


"I....I don't think I would have any idea how to use that."


In truth, Aiden still had the ability in him, but it would be tough considering the state of his mind at that moment.


Looking back down to the ground, Aiden pondered once more. Then a thought dispelled that way of thinking entirely.


"What do I need a gun for?" Aiden said, getting slightly panicked. "Are there more of those zombies here? I thought we were going to take care of them with the bomb."

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"What do I need a gun for? Are there more of those zombies here? I thought we were going to take care of them with the bomb."


Atrianna took the back of her hand and whacked him across the head.


"The gun is for if we run into more undead on our way to set up the bomb you stupid little man. Don't expect me to treat you nice, you caused us a lot of trouble earlier."


Atrianna's cell phone rang.




Atrianna could hear gunfire and russian curses on the other end of the phone.


"Where is Vlad?! I need to speak to him immediatly!"


Atrinna held out the phone to Vlad.


"I think its the guy you sent over earlier. He seems angry for some odd reason."

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Sam winced at what Attrianna said. She has a way with words, but maybe she said too much. Sam thought.

He pulled out his Desert Eagle and two magazines.

" Aiden, here's a quick lesson. This lever's the slide release, this buttons the safety, and this buttons to let the magazine out. You should know the rest." Sam explained.

Then, he noticed something. He couldn't breath, his throat was completely constricted. Thing's were getting blurry.

Sam managed to croak out " Guy's.... Can't..... Breath...." before blackness took over. The last thing he saw was an open valve, spewing out some invisible substance.

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Aiden Valko tried to open his eyes. It was a struggle, but he managed to do it. What he saw was absolute blurriness, and it appeared to be half-lit. He couldn't make out anything.


He was lying on his back, and that meant whatever it was didn't care about how comfortable he felt. The surface below him was hard.


It was possible he was still in the subway, but he couldn't see at all, so there was no way to tell.


He would just have to wait for whatever would happen next.

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Vlad took the cell phone from Attriana and pressed it to his ear.


"Da, Vladimir speaking."


"Comrade, you didn't tell me we were messing with our former commanding officers! I'm not even sure if they are that anymore! Something strange has happened to them! Does this have to do with that buisness in America?"


Vlad waited a moment before answering, "Yes...I imagine it does. Have you protected the girl though?"


"Da, that we have, I'm skeptical that we've seen the last of these strange...things."


"Keep your eyes open."


He then hung up and handed the phone to Attriana. He then turned around to see both Sam and Aiden on the ground, doubled over it seemed.


Vlad's mouth visibly dropped in surprise.


"What is happening..." He asked calmly.

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Finally the blurriness began to fade, and Aiden could start to see. Next to him was Sam, still lying on the ground, and beside him were Vlad and Atrianna. He couldn't tell if they were waking up, but he did notice something in front of him.


A figure of some sort, but he couldn't make out who it was. It was a man in a Russian uniform, and green, glowing eyes that looked like Aiden's. The man also had strong muscles like Aiden. The thought stunned him. Some strange things had been happening, it seems.


Then the man spoke. "You've all underestimated me."


Aiden did not recognize the man at all, for not even in the depths of his memories could he remember, because those memories were now gone. But he would have if hadn't been shot.


It was the leader of the hive.

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Sam started to wake up.


"You've all underestimated me."

Cough... What? Sam rolled over and looked up.

My God!! Another Russian?

Sam tried to crawl away, but he had no strength.

But I can still pull out my gun.

Sam pulled out his Desert Eagle, lining up the laser on the Russians chest.


The Russian looked at him.

Oh... Crap!

Sam was lifted up by his shirt and lifted over the Russians head.


" Anyone wanna help?" Sam managed to mutter out.

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"But wait, here you are again....Is it possible...? Yes, yes, of course. Lost your memory."


In his daze, Aiden did not comprehend that the Russian was talking about him. But the man turned, still with Sam in his hand, and then looked down at Vlad and Atrianna.


Finally, he walked over to Vlad menacingly, and a crazed look came into his eyes.


"Did you really think you could stop me, Vlad? In fact, by taking out our little renegade here, you were only hurting yourself."


Behind them, Aiden heard screaming.


"I think that maybe I shall take your little weapon here, Vlad, and do what your friend here failed to do for me before you shot him. I'm going to destroy Moscow."


With a satisfying laugh, he then began to look even more crazed. The screaming in the background stopped. It was possible the others had simply gotten away, but Aiden didn't have any idea what had happened to them.


"But of course, me dear Vladimir, I cannot let you leave without finished your mission. After all, you were never meant to survive anyway." With a horrible laugh, the Russian looked ready to act.


Somebody had to do something. And fast.


Aiden looked at Sam, still struggling under the man's iron grip. After all, what could Aiden do? He was no more special than the rest of them. There was no way he would stand up in a fight to this thing. He was a chicken.


Wasn't he?

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"But of course, me dear Vladimir, I cannot let you leave without finished your mission. After all, you were never meant to survive anyway."


"I'm sorry...but I'm afraid your going to have to rethink that little plan of yours. No one is killing Vlad, or anyone else while I'm around, do you hear me?"


Atrianna began to unleash round after round directly at the "Super Russian" in hopes of at least forcing him back.


"Vlad! Same strategy as last time?"

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Sam struggled for a second more, Gunshots broke out.

What have I got... Ooooh!

Sam pulled out a round object, pulled the pin, held the spoon down and yelled.

" Hey, stop!" He said to everyone.

" Eat this!!" Sam yelled as he stuffed the grenade down the Russians throat.

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When the grenade was tossed in, there was no reaction from the monster. Then, a few seconds later, it realized what had just happened, and it struggled to get the grenade out of its body. But it was too late. An explosion was heard, and the monster wrenched in agony.


However, if they had learned anything from the serum, it was that almost anything could be healed with time.


Aiden, unaware of this fact, was still determined not to give the creature that time. He raced forward and punched the creature's arm, and then pulled Sam out of its hand. He was quite surprised by his own strength.


Then a tier of gunshots began again. Vlad and Atrianna were going to have to finish this thing off.

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Vlad moved steadily and calm, raising his AK and lining up the sights to the creature's head, all in one movement. This took only a second, and for a brief moment everything was silent to Vlad, the only noise was him breathing, and he pulled the trigger.


A single bullet left the AK-47's chamber, hitting the zombie right in-between the eyes. A perfect shot.


Then, everything returned to it's normal status, Vlad was aware of the outside world again.


He sighed, the AK still poised for another shot.


"They never learn, do they?"

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"They never learn, do they?"


"No..I suppose they never will."


Atrianna locked up the mini-gun's barrel with the "Super Russian's eyes and began to fire again and again.


"Vlad? Would you be so kind as to tackle him to the ground for me? I need a few good shots. If it worked on Zubov, it should work on this one."

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" I don't think so, let me check..." Sam answered. He patted his pockets.

" Nope, nothing." He finished. Sam sighed. He pulled up his shirt, looking at the wound on his side. Oof, that'll smart in the morning.

" Aiden, happen to have a med-kit or something of the equivalent?" Sam asked.

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Sam's talking started to fade a bit. The full shock of this situation had just hit him. He took a deep breath, and then he came back into focus again.


"No, I don't even have a gun." He sighed. Then it occurred to him that he hadn't really checked himself at all. So he checked his pockets and looked for anything of value. Curiously enough, he found a knife inside his jacket.


Frowning at the large and very sharp object, he looked at Sam. "All I got," he said, and smiled. It looked like Vlad and Atrianna were going to have to finish the thing off by themselves after all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sam looked at Aiden. " Whatever happened to the Desert Eagle I gave you?" Sam asked.

If he lost it...

Sam looked at the Super Russian, after getting a grenade shoved down his throat, he still lived. Sam pulled out his P90, unloading one magazine into its gut. Attrianna and Vlad had been busy, the Super Russian seemed to fall quickly enough.

" Yeah, thats right!" Sam yelled as it fell over.

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Slightly stunned, Aiden continued looking at the fallen beast. In the movies it was always so tough to defeat the enemy, and yet in this case a simple trick had beaten it. At least, that is, as long as it was actually beaten.


Turning to Vlad, Aiden said, "We should set the bomb off before anything else attacks us."


Not understanding the situation, however, it was the reality that the death of this leader had freed the bonds of the hive mind. However, it was unknown what the effects of this would have on the zombie victims of this struggle.


All that was left was to detonate the bomb to be sure. And then it would all be over.

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(CQ...where art thouh CQ?)


Atrianna watched in stunned silence as the best went down after one blast from the idiot's P90


Uh-uh..no way it's that easy. That thing managed to take a grenade blast from the inside and it kept standing.


And, Atrianna was proven right as the thing rose again and snarled at sam and then turned toward her.


"You two! Go and set off the bomb! Vlad and I will hold...our friend here while you do the dirty work. Contact us as soon as it's ready to detonate!"


Atrianna unloaded another round from her minigun and motioned angerly at Vlad. "Will you please get back up on top of him and hold him down?! I need a clean shot at the head at close range!"

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