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Zombies Walk!


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Vlad looked at Sam and squinted, "Why would I have your Desert Eagle? You know by now I like rifles!"


Yuri chuckled and handed Sam the Desert Eagle and patted him on the back.


"Sorry, you dropped it back there, it was just too tempting, I had to take it..."


Vlad chuckled, "Good old Yuri...."


He then continued running.

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Sam smiled at Yuri " I am sorry about before, if theres anyway I can make it up to you... just let me know." Sam said as he caught up with the rest of the gang. Eventually, they made it to the Station.

" Okay guys... Now what do we do?" Sam said, his voice echoing off the walls.

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"Now we die," Aiden said drolly. He struggled a bit, and Smith awkwardly put him down.


"I've always wondered what that was like." He strolled over to Vlad and put his arm around his shoulder. Pointing in his face, he exclaimed, "You look like a Russian!"


Walking over to the wall, he said, "Hey, wall, how are you? I bet you don't care that you're about to be killed by the Russian Prime Minister!" He smiled. "I just love this place!"


Laughing, he exclaimed, "Does laughing like that make me sound crazy?" Pulling out his gun from his holster, he cocked it and started to aim at who knows what....

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Vlad chuckled at Attriana, "It was either that or you died. Which would you rather have?"


He then looked at Aiden pecularily, wondering why he was acting so strangely.


"Ummmm, yes, I'm Russian, and we don't have a Prime Minister, it's a Premier."


He squinted his eyes and continued walking.

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With a manic smile, Aiden approached Vlad, "I am sorry, man, it's called a Premier?" He blocked Vlad's path as well and embraced him by the shoulders.


"I just love the guy! You see, he's got this great green stuff he drinks, and he is big and scary and loves Central Station! I've been there a lot! We...we...get in big things that move and they're under the ground! They're like swiss cheese!"


Swiss cheese, however, in Aiden's strong opinion, did not taste very good.


"I'll introduce you, he's way over there, somewhere." Aiden pointed, manically smiling once more. "But first you have to introduce me to this great gun!"


He walked up to Atrianna. "I just love this thing!" With that he ran forward out in front of Vlad once more and began what almost looked like a ritual dance, ecstatically laughing.

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Vlad shook his head, confused.


"Must be some sort of hallucination..."


He looked to Yuri and Boris.


"Go over and cuff him, keep him safe, from both the zombies and himself. When he stops acting like this, let him go, but if he resists, knock him out, he could kill himself and us all in that condition."


He shook his head and Yuri and Boris moved to restrain Aiden.


Vlad looked to Attriana and took out his treasured Tokarev pistol.


"I'm sorry about the other weapon, I hope this makes you feel a little better about the situation."


He handed her the pistol.

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"I think someone has an anger management issue!" Aiden struggled to get free of the cuffs. "Dude, I love these things, they make my hands go in positions that I wouldn't normally make them go in! That's fun!" He laughed again.


Something made him suddenly freeze with fear. "I...I..." He looked at Vlad. "I think I need to snap out of it!" He grinned and then stopped grinning. Then he glanced farther down the tunnel. Suddenly, breaking free of the hands about to restrain him, he ran, bolting for up the subway.


He was, of course, promptly beat in the back, but he struggled from the ground to get up.


A wild, eery call came down the subway, as if from miles away.


Fishing something out of his pocket, Aiden quickly slipped the bottle of serum into the pocket in front of his shirt. No one noticed this action. He simply stood there and waited for them to hand cuff him. Surely they would believe him now.


"I think I need a smack to the head, Major."

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Atrianna grabbed the pistol and smiled.


"Thank you Vlad, I'll return this as soon as I get back to the safehouse and reload...so you might not be getting it back for awhile. But seriously, Before we go rushing in, we should check our ammunition."


Atrianna turned around to look at the now restrained Aiden.


"What do you think happend to him?"

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Vlad stepped closer to Aiden, he turned back to Attriana.


"Well, we've all been under alot of stress lately, he probably jsut cracked. That or the serum is acting, but I'm thinking it's stress."


He looked back at Aiden and sighed, "I'm sorry, Aiden, but this is for your own good."


He raised his boot and slammed it down on the back of Aiden's head, probably effectively knocking him out. It would give him some much needed sleep, he'd probably do better after a few minutes.


Vlad reloaded his AK, "Let's reload. Yuri, keep an eye on Aiden, keep 'em safe. We'll move in 5 minutes."

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Aiden effectively "snapped into it" with the blow to his head, but of course in the half-second did not have any time to rejoice in this wonderful fact of life. He did not hear the the call come down the subway once more, still miles away.


The powerful figure froze. He was standing at a very dark open crossways, and the zombie next to him called out again.


"Will you shut up?"


The zombie grunted. Silently cursing, he wished that the serum made the zombies more civilized.


"He might be able to hear us. Not that it really matters in the long run. Oh, my Vladimir, if only you knew what you were getting into." He smiled to himself, obvious delusions of grandeur in his mind. "But there was no way we could let you run around serving your country, was there? Not good publicity."


The zombie howled again, not nearly as loudly.


"Idiot!" He turned to the others. "Kill him." The brutes did so.


"I would like to complete this mission without your talking." He muttered something in Russian.


The image faded, and kept sputtering back into view.


"I can't lose you...."


Something made Aiden wake up again. Obviously, some serious time had passed, as they were in a much darker area of the subway. Not as dark as the one in his visions, of course, but getting there. There was little talking.


Aiden simply grunted that he was awake. Obviously, Vlad wasn't going to pay attention to his warnings about....about what? Some vague image was in his mind, but he could barely remember it.


I can't lose you....

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Sam looked at Aiden, He was going crazy... He couldn't blame him, all the stress, after all, he was half zombie, probably had no parents... A pang of anger and sadness went through him. His brother had died protecting his mother and sister, and his father was off with the government.

Sam could understand how Aiden might have gone mad, but that made him wonder if he hadn't.

I actually have, I just haven't done anything stupid yet, Except for all the times I tried to off my self. Sam thought. How many times had he tried to kill himself. Two maybe four times?

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"I just love the guy! You see, he's got this great green stuff he drinks, and he is big and scary and loves Central Station! I've been there a lot! We...we...get in big things that move and they're under the ground! They're like swiss cheese!"


Hmmm...when he said that I got chills down my back for some reason...Is he trying to warn us about something?


"Hey Vlad...Remember what Aiden said about "The guy who drinks the green stuff and he's apparently big and scary? Didn't Aiden say something about Central station?"


Atrianna squinted her eyes and tried to look further into the tunnel.


"I have a bad feeling about this."

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"Ahem! I have a bad feeling too." Aiden was trying desperately to calm down. Some force seemed to soothe him, however, but it kept fluctuating in and out. Sometimes the force was there, then it was gone. He didn't understand any of this. When the force came, it also reminded him of what he had said only half an hour ago.


People turned to him, probably expecting him to do something stupid.


"I'm feeling better, now, Vlad."

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Vlad nodded, he hoped that Aiden was telling the truth.


"Let him go. Keep an eye on yourself, Aiden, make sure you're alright."


He then looked to Attriana.


"We can't be entirely sure what's at the Central Station, but we've got to get there. And soon....a battalion of Russian troops will be arriving once we get there."

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Sam stepped forward, " If your not going in, than I am" then he stepped into the tunnel, turning on the flashlight on the side of his AKM.

" Its clear!" Sam yelled, the only response for the first few seconds being his own voice echoing.

" Alright, were going in!" Vlad yelled back to him.

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Aiden smiled and walked forward over to Sam.


"Don't worry, we another few miles to go yet."


He turned back to Vlad. "Vlad, my friend, if you would recall my earlier question....were you aware of the Russian executive branch missing?"

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Vlad raised an eyebrow.


"I probably shouldn't tell you, but it doesn't matter much now. Yes, we did notice quite a few disappearances. We had a feeling foul play was involved but investigators didn't agree, they though it was probably defection. But I don't know. Why do you ask?"

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Vlad sighed, Aiden wasn't making much sense, but there were things that needed to be done, right now. At least Aiden was no longer acting as if he were raised in an Insane Asylum.


Vlad broke into a run, his troops following behind.


They needed to be extra careful in these places....

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Sam followed after Vlad, the darkness of the tunnel only being alleviated by the flashlights on the guns everyone carried. Well, except for Aiden and Attrianna.

Sam moved closer to Attrianna. " Listen, I got an Uzi, I'm not using it, so if you want it, you can have it." Sam said.

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"I highly doubt it, that would make things easy, and God knows that would be fair." Sam said.

So they continued on, the darkness enveloping them as Sam's flashlight started to die.

" Not to worry, american, We have some spare batteries back at the base" Vlad said as he turned on his flashlight.

" Yeah, but what good will they do us there?" Sam mumbled.

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