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Zombies Walk!


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"Vlad...when you get out of this, lose some weight, your too damn heavy.."




Vlad forced a smile, "Heh...that just hurts, Attriana..."


He then lost conciousness again.


Vlad awoke a few moments later, still feeling himself being dragged along by Attriana.


She's a bit stronger then she looks...He thought, noticing that she was also dragging Aiden.


"Vlad...I think we have a problem. It looks like the bomb has been activated...looks like someone was working on it before we got here...Looks like they modified the thing to recieve a detonation signal from somewhere else...possibly a phone or something."


Vlad nodded, "Da...that is what they are doing...very smart..."


"I think we need to leave. Now. If I'm right we have until Sam and the others make it out of the blast radious before they set this thing off."


"Don't worry, they know we're here. It's good that the rest of my unit went with them...let's just get out of here...."


He then looked to Aiden, "Indeed...they left us, but perhaps not for too long..."


He slipped himself out of Attriana's grip and leaned against the bomb case. Rubbing a hand methodically against it's metal side, he contemplated staying here, he was slowing them down anyway.

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Alright...there is always a way out...Always a way out...I just need to find that way out...Alright. If they have a car it won't take them that long to leave the city, but if they're walking out, I might have a few hours. But knowing my luck, they found a car or something along those lines. I just need to think...


"Indeed...they left us, but perhaps not for too long..."


"Alright...I may have a way out of here. Aiden, I want you to start looking for some sort of vehicle. Any type will work. Vlad, I'm going to leave you alone here for awhile. Shoot anything that moves. I'm going to go and look for a car. We'll meet back here in ten minutes."


Atrianna locked eyes with both Vlad and Aiden.


"If I know Sam, he probably went off to pick up his little girfriend first and he's going to leave us behind. So we're on our own."


She noticed Aiden staring at her.


"Well? What're you waiting for?! Move it!"

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Aiden hadn't felt himself staring. It was rather involuntary on his part. He had somehow lost himself in Atrianna's talking. What she had said finally gained root in his mind and he shook himself out of the state.


Where was he going to find a vehicle around here? Glancing around, he looked for anything they could use. He was going to have to search.


Looking at Vlad, he nodded. "It's been a pleasure." Then turning to Atrianna again, he just smiled, and then ran off towards the right, leading out of the city.


Running quite fast, he kept searching for something. Plus, the vehicle would have to still have its keys too. However, he didn't notice any vehicles within the short time span he had spent running already.


Time passes


He had been running for over ten minutes, Aiden estimated, before he finally found a parking lot by an abandoned hospital. There were many vehicles here. But he had to find one that could go fast enough, was still in good shape, and most importantly still had keys.


And then he found it.

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Sam walked outside of the subway. He needed to wait for everyone, while he was sure he wouldn't mourn if Attrianna died, she had kids. Sam could not, in any way, bring harm or suffering upon kids. Besides, Vlad and Aiden where good comrades, ones who didn't call him names behind his back. He hoped. Sam checked his magazine for the umpteenth time, as if the bullets might just disappear.

"Smith, if they're not here in another half-hour, I'm afraid we'll have to assume the worst and leave." Sam told Smith. It had taken them ten minutes of running to make it to the exit, and if anyone was wounded, they could still make it in under the half hour.

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As soon as I find that boy...he is so dead.


Atrianna was walking back toward the meet up point when she saw that Aiden had already arrived...with a car.


"Excellent! Now lets load Vlad up into the car...easy now. There we go...Hold tight Vlad, we'll get you out of here in one piece...you'll be eating or drinking russian food before you know it..."


Atrianna loaded the wounded russian into the back of the car and strapped him in as tight as she could.


"Aiden, take the front. Vlad...just relax. I'll drive." Atrianna smiled a predatory smile at the two of them.

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Rolling in front of the subway in a Hummer, Aiden was smiling like a guy who had gotten his first kiss. He'd never gotten his first kiss.


It was a very durable vehicle. And it was yellow. Very yellow. But, nonetheless, it appealed to Aiden.


Atrianna wasted no time in strapping Vlad in to the Hummer. Aiden glared as Atrianna smiled at him. He was looking forward to driving. Then he thought of an excuse.


"You know, seeing as how I have pretty good reflexes and all, and Vlad might need some company, maybe you should just let me drive."


With that, Aiden reved the engine. This Hummer was awesome.

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"You know, seeing as how I have pretty good reflexes and all, and Vlad might need some company, maybe you should just let me drive."


Atrianna muttered under her breath and moved over to the other side of the car. He had found it after all.


"Floor it. I don't trust sam not to detonate the bomb while we're here."

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"Alright. Let's cruise."


Aiden smiled again, despite the gravity of the situation. He didn't know why, but feelings were beginning to pop into his head that he didn't fully understand. But he couldn't remember anything yet. Wait a second....


Slamming his foot on the pedal, the Hummer flew onto the road at a good 60mph and gaining. Aiden wasn't quite sure how fast this thing could go, but he hoped it wouldn't matter.


"Whooh! Now this is more like it!" he laughed.


Deep down, he knew what Vlad and Atrianna were thinking because he was thinking it himself. They had a very large distance to clear in an indefinite amount of time, and they could be cutting it awfully close. They were trying to outrun a nuke, after all.


((The ending to Half-Life: Episode 1 come to mind, anybody?))

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Atrianna's cell phone began to ring just as the Hummer hit sixty miles an hour.




"Hey mom...can I talk to that russian guy your with?"


"Vlad? Why would you want to talk to him of all people?"


"Well...his men managed to beat back the guys who were trying to hammer down the door and now they're...enjoying the victory."


"Define: Enjoying the victory"


"They're raiding your liquor stash."


Oh...that's...thats actually pretty bad. I've got some potent suff in there. Last thing we need are drunken russians shooting up my safehouse.


Atrianna handed the phone back to Vlad.


"Control your men Vlad. They seem to think that they have exclusive rights to my secret stash."

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Aiden chuckled.


"The country's been taken over by zombies are now you're worried about some liquor? Something tells me you're going to be able to get more when this is all over."


If it ever becomes all over.


He refocused on the road.

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Vlad sighed and took the phone.


"Pyotr. Only drink the beer. Leave any whiskey, wine, champagne, or cognac for another time."


He smiled, "Oh, and drink responsibly."


Vlad hung up and handed the phone back, chuckling as he did.


"Do not step between a Russian and a good liquor. Besides, too much liquor for one person can be a bad thing."


He smiled and thought about the fun time that Pyotr and his squad were having. Vlad had many memories of Pyotr raiding someone's store in the middle of a mission. He'd reprimanded him many times, but Pyotr somehow got past him at times.

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Aiden chuckled. He had just pulled onto the highway, figuring it would be the fastest route. Turning around, he said, "Hold on to your seats."


Revving the engine up to a good 100mph, the Hummer zoomed across the highway. At this rate, they would be a good deal away from the blast when it happened. Things were looking up.


Time Passes


Aiden figured it had been about a good 45 minutes since they had started driving. But his sense of good fortune had been lowering into downright stress. They had not seen any sign of Sam or the others all this time.


He assumed Vlad and Atrianna were feeling the same sense of anxiety that he was. But the anxiety was only worsened as the worst happened.


Just as Aiden was turning to see if Vlad and Atrianna were doing okay, a strange feeling overcame Aiden. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light lit up the entire world, immobilizing him and disabling his view.


Remembering the speed they were traveling at, Aiden quickly slammed on the breaks before they crashed into a wall at a turn on the highway. The flash had ended. But now they really had to move. Aiden figured they were only halfway out of the blast radius, and there was no telling what could happen when the shockwave came.


Turning and and slamming his foot on the pedal, Aiden drove like he had never driven before. Now the city was directly behind them, including the blast.


Minutes seemed like hours, and at the same time they didn't seem like enough time. Behind him, Aiden saw the huge mushroom cloud, the spill of dust and debris, the fiery wave of heat and smoke emanating from it, and the disturbance of his view.


The disturbance rippled through the air, approaching them quickly. Aiden braced himself. The shockwave was here.


Before it hit, Aiden for some crazy reason tried to tell Sam goodbye, just in case. But that was stupid of him, he thought. Humans can't make mental connections. But seconds later, he could have sworn that Sam had replied....


Something smacked him. All he could register was a falling sensation, a harsh impact, a rush of air over his face. And then he slipped into unconsciousness.

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Sam had jacked a Mustang off the street and convinced Smith to ride with him, seeing as how the thirty minutes were up. In the back of the Mustang was Alexis and the man he'd saved. Sam, goodbye.

Sam looked around, where'd the voice come from?

"Alexis, I need you to call my cell-" BOOOOM!!! Sam finished the sentence, but noone would've heard it. He looked in the Rearview mirror, a mushroom cloud was rising in the distance.

Aiden, nice knowing ya. Sam thought as the shockwave tossed the Mustang like it was a hotweels car.

Befre Sam blacked out, he thought Good thing that there's no fallout, that is what Vlad said...right?

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Where was he? He could barely see. Struggling to open his eyes, he was plagued with a dizzy sensation. His entire body ached. Trying to look around, he noticed he was still inside the Hummer. But it was totaled, there was no doubt about that. In fact, something was on fire near the front of the vehicle.


Trying to get up, he noticed that his arm was stuck under a piece of metal. He had been close to having it crushed. He was quite lucky.


After removing his arm and trying to get up, he searched the interior of the Hummer, which was, he now realized, on its side, for Vlad and Atrianna.


There was Vlad, seemingly perfectly fine, and there was Atrianna, also. They looked fine. He couldn't tell what condition they were in. He checked their pulses and their breathing, both of which were, even though abnormal, still not dangerous. Hopefully they would wake up soon if they hadn't already.


Getting himself out of the broken machine's frame, he could barely stand, but he tried so anyway. The dizziness consumed him. But still was able to use the Hummer for support and look at his surroundings.


They had been tossed off of the highway and into a sort of valley. The highway was above them. They were lucky to be alive, all of them.


Managing to walk, Aiden struggled over to the overpass to see past it and into the city. What he saw horrified him.


The city was absolutely decimated. Buildings were smoking, many of them over halfway destroyed, the entire thing blackened and burned. Some buildings were on fire.


The landscape was burned as well, and vegetation was scarce. As Aiden's eyes followed the destruction, finally there was a point where things became more intact. Finally his eyes traveled back to the highway.


They had barely escaped with their lives, he realized.

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Smith opened his eyes, blinking away the blackness that threatened to overcome his vision. He looked around the ditch, nobody else was awake yet.


He knelt down by Doctor Ian and carefully took her cell phone out of her hands. He flipped it open, no signal. Damn.


He looked up from the ditch and gazed at Chicago. Burning. Worse than the 1871 Fire that had destroyed the city, and this time he and Larson were Missus O'Leary's cows.


"Anybody?" He yelled, checking his Uzi and Kalashnikov just to be safe. "Anybody hear me?"


He looked at the 'stang that Larson had commandeered, total write off. "Least you didn't grab a good car." Smith chuckled as he noticed that it was the Mustang with the tiny engine as opposed to the full sized one.


He slipped Doctor Ian's cellphone back into her hands and shook her shoulder gently, waking her up before moving to Larson and repeating the process. The old man was dead.


"I hate this." Smith muttered.

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Atrianna woke up with a splitting head-ache.


Owwwww...that is the last time I'm letting the kid drive...


She took a quick look at Vlad and checked his pulse. It looked like he was going to be fine...finally, something was going right.


"Aiden? Aiden where are you?" She called out as loudly as she could. "C'mon boy, I know your alive, where are you?"


Once I find sam...there will be hell to pay...he can count on that...

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Walking back to Atrianna, who hadn't noticed him standing there, he smiled. "I'm hardly a boy." Then he sighed. "It's over. The hive leader's gone."


Wait a second, no one told me about the hive leader....


"Looks like we're going after Sam on foot, now," he said, and walked over to Vlad. "So what happens next?" he said, looking from Vlad back to Atrianna.

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"So what happens next?"


"Now...we get this hummer back up rightside, Start it up, find sam, and run his ass over a couple times. I still can't believe he left us to die in that damn city."


Atrianna then abruptly patted Aiden on the head.


"To me...you'll always be a boy. Now help me righten this thing."

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Aiden couldn't help but blush, even though it made him a bit irritated. He decided to screw any comebacks.


He looked at the Hummer, whose engine was on fire.


"Umm...I hate to break it you, but I don't think this thing is going anywhere soon."

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Sam was shaken awake by Smith.

"Thanks, I owe ya one" Sam said.

"Something tells me that Attrianna thinks I set off the nuke. Great, And I gave her back the Mini Gun." Sam thought aloud. Sam went over the the man he had saved, he was dead.

Dang... Well, on the bright side, everyone else made it.

Sam kicked himself inwardly for that. How he could think like that, he didn't know.

"Smith, please call Attrianna and tell her we're alright, and that I'm not the culprit of the mushroom cloud behind us. If she needs a punching bag, I'm not it." Sam asked Smith.

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"Already tried that, Larson." Smith said, "the EMP from that nuke disabled all the cells around here, there isn't anyway that any electronics are going to work. Cars won't work, computers, security systems, the whole nine-yards."


Smith surveyed the area around them, "remember that Hummer we passed up when you stole the 'stang?" He said. "I imagine that the group would've gone the same way we did -as it was the only 'safe' way out- and they probably stole the Hummer.


"Wait, Larson, you were averaging, what, a hundred and twenty on our mad-dash out of Chicago?" Smith ran some quick numbers in his head. "There is no way we should've survived that nuke." He said after arriving at an unsatisfactory answer.... Or, rather, there's no way we're going to survive the fallout." He shrugged. "At least we escaped the area..."


He looked down the highway, at the burning/vaporized ruins that used to be Chicago. "I think that we might be on the same highway as them, we have to go bac towards Chicago."


Smith groaned internally at his proclamation, what he would give for some sleep!


((Ataris, I was wrong with the blast-radius, here's a link to a wiki diagram that helps explain it... Linkage! Since it's an H-Bomb it's 3 to 5 times the distance, so only a 17.5 mile radius, not 148.. roughly.))

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(We got caught in traffic:D:xp:)

"There was an EMP on that thing? When did this happen?" Sam asked, partially sarcastic, but mostly serious.

"So we can't tell them where we are, and we can't ask where they are. Nice. Just great." Sam whined. He looked over at the nearest car, maybe he can hotwire it and move along with everyone. The nearest vehicle was a cop car, next to it was a another, which was crashed into a SWAT vehicle.

"Smith, we've solved our weapon lack problem." Sam said to Smith, informing him of the vehicles.

Sam walked over and busted out the window of the Cop car, grabbing the shotgun between the seats.

"You can have the other shotty." Sam offered to Smith.

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((I thought you'd get a laugh out of it... I know I broke a few FCC Communications guidelines when I read that on Wiki))


"Keep the other shotty, Larson." Smith said, gesturing to his Uzi and Kalashnikov. "I have no weapons problem." He paused and looked speculatively at the SWAT van before walking over to it and pulling open the back doors.


"Nasty way to die." He said as he surveyed the inside of the van. Inside, there were several mangled corpses and one brute corpse. After grabbing an M-4 from one of the corpses -it wasn't even room temperature nor had rigor mortis set in- Smith grabbed all the ammo he could.


"Larson, catch!" He yelled at the Lieutenant he was forced to work with before tossing him a M-4 and a pair of magazines.


"Let's go back towards Chicago and see if we run into them... after all, that was the only good way out of Chicago..."

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Sam smiled as he slung the shotgun over his shoulder and checked the M4, both were good

"Alexis, here." Sam said as he handed her the other shotgun and a handful of shells. Alexis caught it and looked around.

"We might not need it, however. The nuke should've destroyed the hive mind, the zombies should probably be either dead, no-pun intended, or back to normal. Lets head out, find Aiden and the rest of the gang." Sam said.

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