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Cloak of Darkness: The Clone Wars TV Series *POSSIBLE SPOILER*


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Okay so I watched the preview to the new Clone Wars TV series



Is it just me or does that clone commander look a bunch like the one from the previous episode.


Just then, Republic destroyers arrive overhead. Gunships land in the hangar bay, and Clone Commander Gree reports to the Senators, taking possession of Gunray. Chancellor Palpatine appears via hologram and commends the capture of the Viceroy. Palpatine has also pledged relief efforts to Rodia.

Okay so they have him in that episode. But then (HERE) they have Asajj Ventress. WATCH BEFORE READING BELOW



















Okay so now that you have hopefully watched :xp: .


I saw Commander Gree get his head chopped of by Ventress. I think that I'm right due to this:

Key Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Luminara Unduli, Viceroy Nute Gunray, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Clone Commander Gree, Senate Guard Captain Argyus

If this is true then the creators just created a huge hole in the whole Star Wars Story (he was in episode III [dies anyways though via Yoda's lightsaber]).



What do you think about this?

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Well just to tell you in the previous episode the SAME EXACT CLONE COMMANDER was in it and it was Gree, it even said so in the episode guide. And they say that he is in this episode. Also if he does die, it makes a big hole because he is in episode 3.



EDIT: It was not Gree, it was a captain, I looked at the preview, his coloring was not exactly the same.

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