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[TSL] The Silence - Modders wanted! :D

Lord of Hunger

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Hello again. As some of you know from my previous thread, I am attempting an expansion mod for TSL. It is called The Silence, and it may be the first in a series, perhaps (wait for it) a trilogy.


This series introduces a brand new Dark Side faction, realistic economics for the Republic, and new planets for your NaviComputer. I plan on having it compatible with all three restoration projects (TSLRP, M4-78, and TSLCR), and the Jedi Temple mod. If a patch is made to allow USM to be compatible with the restoration projects, I will also strive to make it compatible with USM as well.


Here is some, but not all of what The Silence offers:


-A new Dark Side faction...are they worthy adversaries, Sith wannabes, or both?

-A new planet: Ator, from the Core Worlds.

-A functional banking system.

-The Republic Stock Market...which you can invest in or ignore at will.

-A look at the Exile's decision at Malachor V and the origins of Darth Nihilus.

-A Dark Jedi/ancient Sith Lord (or Lady) to confront.


Now, I have no experience in modding whatsoever, and little knowledge of how to implement my ideas. Therefore, I need modders who are willing to help me realize this project's goal. If you feel like contributing to a major project outside of the restoration mods, here's what I need:


-A scripter: Someone who can implement bank and stock market systems. I have ideas on how to make it work, but that's it. :D

-A skin designer: While I will attempt to learn how to model, I need someone to design skins for the modules, including two skyboxes. My plan is to reuse some of the more urban modules from Onderon, Nar Shaddaa, and Telos for Ator, but in an interesting combination.

-Bik Movies: I need a landing and takeoff video for Ator. If anyone other than Darth Stoney knows how, I will very much appreciate their contributions.

-If I figure out any other positions, I'll be sure to post them.


Eventually I'll ask for voice-overs, since there are only so many characters that I can have as aliens.


Thank you for reading. I'll add more info soon.


Lord of Hunger

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If you can do the Merchants and dialog (which I think now is more of what I meant by scripting, not sure...), then essentially you'll be able to do most of the Bank and Stock Market sections, since they are merchants but sell only bank notes and stock shares. Care to join the team? *puts on overly puppy-eye face* :)

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If you can do the Merchants and dialog (which I think now is more of what I meant by scripting, not sure...), then essentially you'll be able to do most of the Bank and Stock Market sections, since they are merchants but sell only bank notes and stock shares. Care to join the team? *puts on overly puppy-eye face* :)


hmm if it opens up like a store and you are just adding the items, I should be able to do it, and if I get stuck im sure canderis can can do it. So in short: sure.


However I cant due much scripting besides the one to insert a merchant(I have 2 mods that due so pending at Kotorfiles)

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Here's the thing: I'm looking for merchants in general, but in the case of the Stock Market only one that can sell and buy stocks. I also need for the stocks to change value depending on certain conditions. As for the bank, it's probably not merchant just a guy that you hand a bank note to in order to withdraw items and money from an account.


Even if you can't do those tasks, I could use at least one ordinary merchant for the sake of general planet continuity. In fact, if you could create a merchant who sells contraband items (I'll come up with some), that would be awesome.

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Here's the thing: I'm looking for merchants in general, but in the case of the Stock Market only one that can sell and buy stocks. I also need for the stocks to change value depending on certain conditions. As for the bank, it's probably not merchant just a guy that you hand a bank note to in order to withdraw items and money from an account.

Ah, this should probably be done on a computer interface screen?


Even if you can't do those tasks, I could use at least one ordinary merchant for the sake of general planet continuity. In fact, if you could create a merchant who sells contraband items (I'll come up with some), that would be awesome.


ok ill do this:D

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@ HK-42:

1) Why didn't I think of that? Only, maybe we can have a non-generic terminal to add an element of "newness".

2) Thanks, I'll come up with some contraband soon.

@Mandalore The Great:

Thank you! Care to join? I could really use some experienced modders (or at least someone who knows more than I do :D).

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@ HK-42:

1) Why didn't I think of that? Only, maybe we can have a non-generic terminal to add an element of "newness".

Because it is me:xp:- Exactly what I was thinking when I said it, it would be a good addition for it to be new.


Near the end of the project(dont look to far ahead yet!) we will also need voice actors.

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This is going to be one huge mod. I can do a little skinning, but I can provide some voice-acting too. But I can't script worth crap, and I'm not sure my copy of Kotor Tools is working correctly either.


Until I fix kotor tools, I'll just stick with voice acting.

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