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I think that there should be more voiced dialouge with the main character. WARNING SPOILER like Revan in K1 he spoke battle taunts but none of the dialouge and exile in TSL said nothing. Does anybody other than me agree that the main character should have his/her dialouge voiced? I sure do.

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While not really "silent protagonists", I think Bioware and ...what's that other one...oh, Obsidian had the same types of qualities in mind when they decided to make Revan and the Exile "silent". Silent protagonists allow the player to better relate with the PC by being able to put themselves in their shoes without the PC fleshing themselves out with their own dialog. Of course, that point is sort of null with the dialog system in the KotOR games, I suppose, even if you are the one choosing the responses.


I think if, hypothetically, a KotOR III were to be made (which it's not), then having actual, voiced dialog would be a viable decision by the devs, especially after having played games like Mass Effect where cinematic conversations were implemented so well.

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  Darca Lar said:
Well I think they got that area covered now since their release of Mass Effect. I don't think any future SPRPGs would have a silent protagonist, not even Naughty Dog's Jak or Rockstar's GTA protagonists stayed silent for long.


Heheheh. Yeah buddy. :)


Only means more writing for the story. I liked GTA's recipie of "you choose". Though I must say the only one where choosing *really* came together with voice is GTA4. The endings don't really change with gameplay in the others.


  ZimmMaster said:
So there is not going to be a KOTOR III?


Probably not. I seriously doubt it to be likely (since fans have differing opinions that would determine how well it'd catch on), but a kotor mod might be possible...

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