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[JA-SP]Random Questions


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1. Is there any known way to have more than 200 force points, without the use of a mod?


2. Can one perform the force grip of kyle_boss? (the one where he tosses the guy to the far left, or far right)


3. How can one perform the Super Jump?


Don't mistake this for the long-jump (speed + ▲ + jump)....this move skyrockets your character to the ceiling of the game world. So far I can only do it in the last map, before I go into the Pyramid by doing a cartwheel to the left and one to the right.


After several tries, you can perform that move. I've also done it while doing battle, but can't remember the keys I pressed...all I can remember is that I was crouching....after that, what I pressed is a mystery.


4. Can you perform the force pull lvl 4, without the use of a mod? (I just wanna pull Kyle's saber for once)


5. I've seen npc's perform the force push/pull without a time delay after one performs force push/pull....is it possible for me to also do that?


6. What's the code to spawn those guys that are stronger than the reborn master....the one's that were with dark rosh, and restored his life, except these guys had sabers with them....I've meet them many times, and they are way stronger than any Jedi master

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1. Yes, make an npc file and give the character up to 999 force points. I reccommend that if you do this that you also speed up the regeneration time.


2. No, boss ability only.


3. No way, it is a glitch.


4. No, boss ability only.


5. No, enemy ability.


6. They are named Kothos and Valthos, or something like that. Open up the npc files and you can find them. Not sure how they will perform without rosh.

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