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Star Wars: Fugitives

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Drayden was running through the halls of the Temple when, suddenly, a brigade of Republic commandos stormed through the doors of the structure. They quickly ran past him and headed straight for the chamber where Bastila and her knights were. The fight was truly amazing.


Bastila's Jedi were so out of tune with the proper ways of the Jedi that the commandos actually stood a chance against them. The fighting continued until most of Bastila's knights had fallen, as well as some of the commandos.


The Grand Master of the Jedi Order ran. And Drayden followed.

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Arken managed to corner Bastila. He held the lightsaber he picked up and pressed its ignition button, making a green blade rise up. Bastila did the same, and a yellow blade rose from her lightsaber.


"Let us end this, Grand Master. You are under arrest for conspiracy to assassinate a government official. Do not attempt to resist, or I will use deadly force."

Bastila jumped at the Supreme Chancellor. The Grand Master parried the blow, but had to take one step backwards to cover the full force of the attack.

"I warned you, Bastila Shan!"

This time the Chancellor struck. He brought three strong blows making Bastila take a few steps backward. Obviously, Bastila didn't see a strong opponent in the Chancellor before.

Just then, a man named Drayden rushed in.


Arken, seeing the young man and deducing that he was an ally, said

"Bastila, surrender now. The bloodshed needs to end."

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((I'm going to make things a little interesting, now that the Ebon Hawk and her crew have arrived and have snuck their way into the Temple. This time, assume that Bastila is NOT just trying to play games. She's for real...))


In the throes of battle, with the Supreme Chancellor demanding her surrender, Grand Master Bastila Shan of the Jedi Order closed her eyes and reached out through the Force. She listened...and thought she heard the distinct snap-hiss of a lightsaber, specifically a silver dvyxplanochniy, come to life. "Hello, Bastila," said a soft voice. "I've come to pay your fee." Bastila looked behind the Chancellor--and there stood her quarry.


At last! "You could have just wired it in through that snivelling utility droid of yours," joked the Grand Master. She then turned slowly to Arken Phoenix. "You wish me to turn myself in?" Bastila asked. "I'll do if she does. This one killed two of my most feared and well-known Jedi spies. Garrun Thax and Yorran Thul are dead, all because she believed them to be members of the Exchange without taking time to prove her assumption!" She leered. The look on Tysyacha's face was one of shame, guilt, and stark-raving terror.


All she could do was mouth the words: It's true. Her eyes were wet.


"Surrender, Tysyacha Dvyx," said Bastila. "As will I. If not, then...not."


If not, that meant more bloodshed, and it meant a duel. What would the others say? The Exile thought and thought, but came up with...nothing.

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"Surrender, Tysyacha Dvyx,"


"Don't Surrender to her Exile. You will never forgive yourself if you do."


Two figures that were obscured by the shadows slowly walked toward Bastila and ignited their lightsabers.


Juhani stared Bastila directly in the eyes. "Bastila...How could you betray what you once held in the highest regard? How could you take control of the republic?"


Zhar stood next to her. "I'm sorry Bastila, but this must end."


The two jedi leaped at her and brought their sabers down in a slashing arc only to find Bastila's Double-bladed saber blocking both of their attacks.


She has gotten much stronger. Even Master Zhar can barely hold up against her attacks.

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"Is it true, Tysyacha?", said the Supreme Chancellor, now facing the woman behind her. "I have only one commitment here today. The commitment to the Republic."


Arken said this with a not-so-proud voice. He had hear of the exploits of the Jedi Exile.


"Tysyacha Divx, you are under arrest for the murder of two Jedi Knights."

Arken left the words hanging in the air.

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Bastila hissed. Apparently these fool "Jedi" were stronger than she thought.


"I have one question, Exile," she growled, fending off the attacks of Zhar and Juhani. "Where is Revan? You know. You've always known, you wretch!" Her angry grimace suddenly turned into a leering grin. "If you tell me, and if you help me fight off these cowardly gizka, then I'll protect you from the law."


Tysyacha blinked. "He's dead."


Bastila's eyes grew wide. "You lie! You filthy schutta! How can that be?"


"One of my companions killed him." She swallowed. "He's a Force Ghost."


"But you--but I can't--Surrender, Dvyx, or I cut you down right here!"


She turned to Juhani, turned to Niera, turned to the Supreme Chancellor and Bastila. She turned to Drayden and the droids, who had found their way in.


"I'm sorry," she said. "This is checkmate...the endgame. My endgame." A tear streaked down her left cheek. "What I've done, I cannot undo, but at least I can face it with courage now. Niera? I..." She took a deep breath. "I love you more than words can say. I've let guilt destroy me long enough. When I return, perhaps we can...We will. You might come with me."


She stepped forward to the Twi'lek and kissed her tenderly. "I may have helped rescue you via taking you aboard the Ebon Hawk, but you are the one who has truly rescued me." To the others, she said, "Thank you for helping me fight this wicked game, and to see it through to its conclusion. I shall come back, stronger and wiser, and may the Force be with all of you."


The Exile knelt down in front of the Chancellor. "I resign," she said humbly.


It was what any proper shakhmatist would say when conceding.


After laying down her weapon, she let the Chancellor put Force cuffs on her.

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"One of my companions killed him."


Juhani smiled at Bastila.


"I think you can guess who it was that killed Revan, Bastila."


Juhani and Zhar both jumped backwards and deactivated their lightsabers as Bastila's face went through a mix of emotions. Anger, Shock, Panic and then finally Hatred.

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(Seems everyone ignored my last post.)

Sam'kil continued, " Bastila, stop, please. There is no need for such Violence. IT's better on this end, sorta. Alright, I'll admit, It's a pain when Juhani keeps trying to kill me, as though once wasn't enough. And that I have to keep leaving the realm of the living to get a boost of energy so I don't fade away into nothingness. Please, Bastila, stop, if for nothing else than for me."

Sam'kil knelt before her, looking into her eyes, pleading with her.

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Drayden finally stood forward then, uncloaking. This had gone too far, all of it. What little he knew of justice, but...there was no need for the Exile to be locked away like this. She hadn't known....


"Stop." He stepped forward, apprehending the Chancellor, who looked at him like he was crazy. He then talked both to Bastila and the ruler of the Republic.


"Is this what it comes down to? This whole chase, simply ending because it's the easy way out? While Bastila has tried to take down the Republic, what has Tysyacha done? She has made...a...mistake.


"Do we send people to jail every time they make a mistake? There is a difference between a mistake and a choice. I made a choice to be someone a long time ago. But I did not make any mistakes. They were perfectly valid choices, and I knew exactly what I was doing when I made them. But now I see that they were choices I should never have made....


But we can't keep looking at the past. Tysyacha never had any bad intent when she killed the two Jedi operatives. She made a mistake, and as followers of justice, doesn't she deserve a second chance? Can't we be forgiving people?"


Finally, Drayden stepped forward, and bent on one knee, bowing before the Chancellor.


"I beg of you, then, if you will not let the Exile go, please, take me instead. You will discover that I more than qualify for the penalty."


A tear fell from Drayden's eye. He was in love with the Exile. This was the least he could do for her now that they had arrived at the endgame. Otherwise he had no purpose.

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This will be my last post, the "checkmate move" of our "Fugitives" RP game! :)


Part Three: Endgame


Tysyacha turned to Drayden. "Thank you," she said softly, "but let it be..."


Let it be, indeed. Everyone waited with baited breath for Bastila's reaction.


Bastila Shan, one of the most powerful Jedi that the Force had ever empowered (or used, depending on your point of view), refused to believe it. She refused to believe that her one love, her one hope, had been killed. It was not true. It could not be true. Yet there he was, Lord Revan, a Force ghost! Hatred filled Bastila's form--first her heart, then her mind, and then every single cell and fiber of her being. She refused to believe that the ghost was there. It was only an evil delusion. She knelt down, shrieking:


"I loathe you! I loathe all of you! You killed him! Tysyacha may have killed the spies, but they were pawns! You killed Dark Lord Revan!" Her eyes were filled with tears, and her screams became louder with each second: "If I had the power, I would send all of you to the TIK Machine! You are worthless! You are nothing! You are dung before the Grand Master of the Jedi Order! You rogues! You wretches! You've come for me! I am the victim!!!"


Indeed. Bastila was the victim--of a sudden and final breach with sanity. Ranting and raving, she started pulling out her silky hair in long gray tufts, bemoaning her former youth and saying she "wanted to make herself beautiful for Revan again!" She began tearing at her flesh, at her flabby forearms and sagging stomach, until blood started running down the parts she lacerated. In the end, the Supreme Chancellor called for the same ten Jedi Knights who had guarded their Master to take her away. Heartbroken, they sedated her. It was the endgame for Bastila Shan, and it was a truly pathetic one...




Tysyacha Dvyx faced a trial. The Republic courts did not send her to hard labor on a remote planet, as she feared, but to eight years of public service under the supervision of the Chancellor and the Jedi Master she'd met. For her mistake, she humbly paid, but her sentence was not one for a hard-bitten criminal. Instead, it was for a penitent, and Niera aided her as well.


As for the others? None of them fell prey to the same kind of powermongering that had so consumed their newest foe. Chandria Par Sakhar gave birth to twin boys, Zevran and Halcon, by the Mandalorian with whom she had fallen in love. Niera and Tysyacha were joined in a commitment ceremony at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine when the Exile was on furlough from her public service duties. Juhani, no longer a fugitive from those who had hunted her on Nar Shaddaa, instead turned her efforts to teaching the shaken Knights and Padawans what it truly meant to be a Jedi. As for Jolee? He thought about taking up that teaching position Bastila had mentioned, but only for a brief time. He missed his travels, and he missed the Ebon Hawk, and so one day, he took off with her into the great beyond. For what was he searching? No one knew. Drayden, Psycho, and Gelvik were also free--free from their bounty hunter contracts, and free to pursue their own dreams once again.


The only one who wasn't free was Bastila. To this day, she is incarcerated in a hospital for the criminally insane. She is beholden to a strict regimen of medications, work, and therapeutic exercise. No deviations are permitted from her routine--not even one. Her TIK Machine was promptly destroyed at the order of the Supreme Chancellor, and its grim shadow soon vanished from public memory. Listening to her howl behind thick walls, the other patients wondered who in the sam-hill this Sam'kil had been, and why Bastila wailed:


"I threw you out! I threw you out! You died exactly when I threw you out!"


One thing was for sure: those who had evaded justice had been caught, and those who had needed to flee would, by the Force, never be fugitives again.




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((Disclaimer: I was really bored and felt Psycho need one last run. Since the rp's over I decided for a little rant from his part. Do not take what Psycho says personally, he's crazy and I'm just bored. That is all))


As if by magic the ship they were in stopped. Psycho turned to Gelvik with a curious look on his face.


"What are you doing?" Psycho asked.


"Didn't you hear, its over" Gelvik replied.


"What's over?"


"This rp." replied Chandria.


"Are you kidding me!?!? We didn't even do anything yet!"

Yes Psycho the rp is over so...


"NO, shut up Cyborg Ninja just shut up! Take me to Coruscant right now!"


Seconds later at Coruscant.


"WHAT. There was a battle here!?!? I get stuck in a ship with the two lovebirds while there's a battle!?!?"


Psycho walks around and finds everythings happy and resolved.


"No come on guys, keep fighting! I have like 10 guns no joke. I bought them in the first post and I didn't use a single one. Lets fight, or something."


You can't fight its over Psycho just deal with it


"That's its, gimme your computer."




Psycho pulls out a blaster "I said gimme the computer!"


Okay, Okay!


Psycho looks at the screen and looks at Star Wars: Fugitives. He searches page by page on the rp.


"Hey I like this Juhani character, she's a total ba who don't back down from no one. Now how come the person playing that character couldn't play me as well?"


I don't know


"I don't really know who this Sam'kil guy is but he just died... OMG is he Revan. How come I can't be Revan. Sam'kil isn't even a real Star Wars name.


Psycho's not to common either.


"You win this round Ninja. What's with the cheesy backstory you got here for me?"


It's to remind people you're human and not just a killer.


"Wow...that is so lame; Seriously. I'm sorry I forgot my name is Hello Kitty not Psycho! Whoa... what's this. NO I did not miss a Shower Scene, I hate you so much right now Ninja."


Pyscho keeps looking through the roleplay getting sadder by the minute.


"Whose Drayden and how come he got to the Exile quicker than me? Wow even the Chancellor did more than me; he got a lightsaber fight! Wait its over in one post are you kidding me!?!? Wait I get to go free seriously just walk away. I killed 2000 people, you do not go free with a record like that!"


Pyscho is hit in the head and forgets that all this happened in fact he forgets almost everything.

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OMG!!!!!! :rollin: That's the funniest thing I've ever read! :) If you ever join another one of my RP's, I promise it won't go down quite like this one did (think Ebon Hawk on Lehon and/or Dxun). You rock, and all of you who participated completely rock, too! *wink*

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Nah I won't break the fourth wall...too much but I'll tell you what it is. Its when a character realizes he or she is in a book, game, movie, etc. The character may take it a step further by talking about another character, person, or any event. The master of breaking the fourth wall is Deadpool from the Marvel Comics.

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