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Portrait problem


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First of all this is for K1. I ran into a problem with portraits. When editing a creature's .utc file I choose po_ptrask. That is supposed to give the NPC, Trask's portrait right? When I recruit the NPC.....well not really recruit. When I take control of this guy, his portrait is nowhere. I don't know if my script has to do something with it, but here is the script that fires, before I take control fo him:

void main(){

vector tPosition=Vector(50.06,75.77,3.00);
location lBla=Location(tPosition,90.0);

SpawnAvailableNPC(NPC_CANDEROUS, lBla);

AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(1, "kelborn");





Any help will be appreciated.

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hmm... yeah, the script seems fine, like zim said, check the portrait in KotOR Tool because if the portrait is **** then no portrait is being used. If this doesn't work, you can save the game *probably in a new slot to keep testing* and use KSgE <--link (KotOR Save Game Editor) and change the portrait that way.

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First of all this is for K1. I ran into a problem with portraits. When editing a creature's .utc file I choose po_ptrask. That is supposed to give the NPC, Trask's portrait right? When I recruit the NPC.....well not really recruit. When I take control of this guy, his portrait is nowhere. I don't know if my script has to do something with it, but here is the script that fires, before I take control fo him:

void main(){

vector tPosition=Vector(50.06,75.77,3.00);
location lBla=Location(tPosition,90.0);

SpawnAvailableNPC(NPC_CANDEROUS, lBla);

AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(1, "kelborn");





Any help will be appreciated.



Have you tried the the 2da portraits file, I noticed - that just about the whole line was blank referring to Trask.

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Have you tried the the 2da portraits file, I noticed - that just about the whole line was blank referring to Trask.


I don't really understand what do you mean by 2da file........I think it should work without even touching it.........

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I don't really understand what do you mean by 2da file........I think it should work without even touching it.........



Well what I meant was that the slots under "baseresrefe", "baseresrefve", etc. at line 40 for po_trask are empty on the orignal 2da portraits file.


Just as a suggetion, and I'm not saying it will work, you could edit it and put something like: po_trask2d - in every slot under these titles: "baseresrefe", "baseresrefve", "baseresrefvve", "baseresrefvvve" on line 40. Then put your new edited portraits file in your override folder if there is not one already in there, but of course you don't want to do that if there is already one in there; you just need to edit that one.


Again I'm not saying it will work, I'm just saying it's something you could try and do to eliminate the problem.


And sorry for not being clearer in my last post.

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