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Reality of Pheyzosia


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"You can ride on my back if you so chose."


Emily smiled up at the nine-tailed fox of Tyathe. It was so amazing to hear his voice through her head and soul. It was also amazing to see all these creatures, like Tyathe, transform into different creatures. "Okay, I'm sold. I love how you transform, Tyathe!"


She gently touched his white fur. It was soft indeed. This brought a smile to her face. Climbing onto the Fox, Emily was excited to see how fast he could go. She never rode a fox before. Especially a huge one.


The young girl was finally on. She then glanced back at the blind man, hoping he'd come along too.

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Kyuzo could feel the tremors coming from the Fox Demon's transformation. He smiled and moved steadily forward, red cane checking the way.


"The same goes for you to Samurai. The faster we move, the better I believe."


The Samurai nodded, "Your wisdom belies your years, Fox Demon."


With that, he strode forward, finding a tuft of fur on the Fox's side, he then jumped, using the tuft to propel himself up. He landed gracefully with little sound, which would probably surprise the sighted humans.


He grabbed on, placing his cane/sword beside him.


"I am prepared...hold on tight, young Emily. From what I remember, this Fox Demon seems to like a fast ride..."

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A smile spread across Tyathe's face at Kyuzo's words. He did enjoy to run quickly, for the feel of the wind blowing against his face and through his fur could not be described in any words that he would think of. For moments when he was running Tyathe almost believed he was flying.


"Hold on tight" he told them before taking off in one quick dash.


When his feet made contact with the ground it gave the sound of thunder lashing out through the clear morning sky. Giving off the illusion that a storm was near by and approaching. He could feel the ground vibrate beneath his feet as he ran. Tyathe made sure not to run at his top speed knowing his human companions wouldn't be able to with stand that type of speed. The air that circulated around them was intense and beautiful, almost like you good hear the goddess of nature laughing in enjoyment at the sight placed upon her sacred soil.


Tyathe knew what town the seer was suppose to be in, but there was no guarantee that the person would still be there. The seer made it a habit of just disappearing and reappearing some where else entirely. Sometimes it would be on the complete other end of Pheyzosia. So he knew they had to be quick about if they had any chance of finding the seer before they left.


After running into the mid afternoon finally the town was in site. Surrounded by large fence made up of cut down trees strapped together and buried into the ground. The top of the fence was shaved down to points. In the distance near the top you could see the archers walking around on the inside platforms standing guard for any trouble that could be headed they're way. Fro memory Tyathe knew the village itself was large, it had the ability to hold close to thousands of people. And depending on where you happened to wander the homes were either made of stone, or wood.


The smell of water filled the air, and even its steady sound could be heard as he drew closer to the village. Finally he stopped in front of it, near the draw bridge. Tyathe knew the rules, he wasn't allowed to walk inside the town in his demon form. Slowly he lowered himself to lay upon the ground to allow his companions to use they're legs once more.


"What is your business here Fox Demon?!" He heard one of the guards yell down at him.


Tyathe moved his head up to look at the guard speaking to him. The mans face looked warn and tired. His eyes showed little emotion, except for the frozen waste of his own soul. The guard that was speaking to him Tyathe knew very well, they didn't always see eye to eye but they had a mutal agreement with one another.


"I'm here searching for the seer, Roland" Tyathe responded.


Roland jutted out his chest a little and let how a disapproving sigh then nodded to the other guards to lower the gate. As the gate lowered it cracked, making it sound like it was older then it actually was. This bridge looked newer then the last time he was here. However the last tie he was here Roland looked much younger too.

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Carsew smiled, a hint of mischeif in his eyes, but nothing anyone would notice. He walked around the table, stopping in front of Chaos. He was a feet shorter than the god.


"Of course I'll help you," he said, still a hint of mischief in his voice. "I'll go get the girl. Meet me back here." He laughed and walked on to the balcony, then he jumped away, turning into his demon form as he jumped. After a minute he was far away, visible only as a black dot in the distance. He had a plan.




The three men sat in a small tent, rain tapping on the roof. One of them was Carsew, the other two were bandits, dressed in torn, simple clothes, with a cutlass on their belts.


"...So what you are saying is that we attack this group of people, for 1000 florins? That is outrageous, where would you get that, and why give it to us." He looked at Carsew's sword. "When you seem capable of doing it yourself?"


"I have my reasons. Besides, do you want the florins or not?" Carsew said and pulled out a leather purse, gently waving it in front of the bandit's faces. They looked at it, following it with their eyes. Carsew dropped it in their hands.


"They are in the town near here, searching for some seer. Prepare your men," he said and exited the tent.


When it dawned the band of bandits, consisting of almost 200 men. Carsew was not with them. The guards looked down.


"Leave, bandits! You have no reason to be here!" one shouted. An arrow hit his head as soon as he had finished his sentence.


"Open the gates, fools!" the bandit leader shouted. Then his men carried ladders and hooks towards the wall.

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Emily smiled. Strangely... she was having a great adventure. But then... she still missed her mother and home. Hey, at least this Seer might help her. And if there was any way to get home, Emily would be so happy.


"Hey, Tyathe? Have you... um... have you ever seen the Seer before?" She wanted to know everything. Why she was here, why did this happen, and how was she ever going to get home.

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Tyathe was walking through the village with Emily and Kyuzo at his side. No long in his demon form he looked less threatening then he had before. Though he much preferred to be in his demon form, it was more natural to him and less crampted. Rain started to fall out of the sky as they were walking around. Tyathe looked up at the dark clouds above allowing the rain drops to fall upon his smooth skin and flow gently down his face. Then in the background of his thoughts he heard the human girl speak.


"Hey, Tyathe? Have you... um... have you ever seen the Seer before?"


"Yes, in fact I have" he said said to her "Though one thing you must know about the seer. Is that the seer can be anywhere and anything. It doesn't exist in any real plane that we understand, but still exists everywhere."


In the distance he saw an inn he knew very well, or at least he did when he came here years ago. Leading them to the inn he could hear the commotion from the gaurds as they passed. Apperently the town was now under attack.


"Get inside both of you, and hurry" he said to the human female, and Kyuzo.

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Carsew looked as the girl and her companion entered the door. He was dressed in a simple brown cloak that shadowed his face and clothes. He had also used magic to create an illusion of his eyes being blind and white. The face that showed looked older than normal. He quickly noted the absence of the fox. He smiled, his plan had worked perfect. He slowly walked forward towards the girl, looking just like a blind person would, even though he could see everything in the room. As he found the girl's arms he said:


"Oh... The inner eye has told me of your coming, destined one. It told me you were looking for me." He stepped backwards.


"I'm the Seer," he said. "You must come with me. Alone." He held out his right hand.

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Tyathe walked into the inn after his companions and merged in with the crowd. Emily and Kyuzo would sit and wait the seer was near by, the scent was unmistakable. He walked over to the bar feeling his long hair sway from side to side across his back. With out his fur you could see the several scars he bore. He sat down upon the wooden bar stool and waved down one of the bar maids.


Tyathe watched as the bar maid walked gracefully closer to him. Her movements seemed like she was floating above the ground. Her hair was long and dark, her eyes were a shimmering purple. Her face was young and pure, or at least that's what this paticular being chose to be at the time.


"Its been a long time Tyathe" her voice was soft and gentle. Just the sound of it alone would relax any normal being bringing them into a state of bliss.


"Indeed it has, seer" he told her as his folded his clawed fingers together.


"You should be more careful about your companions" she said to him while looking over his shoulder.


Tyathe turned his head and looked over at them, seeing what appeared to be some old person. Being maybe able to change they're appearance but the scent they edmit never changes. With a small sigh he turned his head back to look at the seer.


"Sometimes, both sides need to be experienced before one can make a wise choice. I believe even the 'samurai' knows that." Tyathe said "Besides I'm curious as to what role that girl plays in all this."


The seer leaned over the bar and got close to his ear. Tyathe stayed perfectly still as he could feel her cold breath along the side of his neck.


"The role she plays is her choice. But the power she holds, is not." she whispered softly into his ear before disappearing into a shimmer of smoke.


Tyathe let out a sigh and looked down at his folded hands before turning around on the stool and watched the elderly person communicate with Emily and Kyuzo. Even if Emily went some where that would be hard to follow, he would be able to find her, no matter what. And how he could do that was his own little secrete.

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