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A Visa head idea

Darth Cryptic

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You can alpha out the eyeball texture to essentially remove them without model edits, but the face textures have a backup in that the sockets have an eye texture as well. You can overlay that with a darker colour (I wouldn't recommend black though), but the results aren't fantastic. Here's a quick example using Bastilla in K1:




The backs of the sockets only appear to have one vertex to work with, so there's not much that can be done in the way of altering the model (well nothing simple anyway).


The other thing you probably want to do is alpha out the eyelashes as well. That will show up the sockets a bit better.

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You can alpha out the eyeball texture to essentially remove them without model edits, but the face textures have a backup in that the sockets have an eye texture as well. You can overlay that with a darker colour (I wouldn't recommend black though), but the results aren't fantastic. Here's a quick example using Bastilla in K1:


The backs of the sockets only appear to have one vertex to work with, so there's not much that can be done in the way of altering the model (well nothing simple anyway).


The other thing you probably want to do is alpha out the eyelashes as well. That will show up the sockets a bit better.


Maybe a red, or something close to her flesh tone then?

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