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Obama bows to Japanese Emperor?

Lord of Hunger

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Oh they can joke all they want about the height. I don't take offense. Granted I'm a 6' Japanese guy. My mom is 4'11"(shorter now after her back injury) and she was the tallest of her siblings. Lets face it, as a people, Japanese are relatively short.


No no, it's not really just protecting the Japanese--it's keeping taller people's cockiness in line. An aikido master in his 70's was visiting a former student's dojo and I happened to be there. The biggest tallest one there was a hockey tough guy, 6'4" 220 lbs and damn vicious. Got turned into a writhing side of beef for just making a comment "short stuff".


Moral of the story: Don't disrespect the short people!!!

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Funny, someone seems to forget what Clinton went through. Which is really funny since Carter got blamed for the economy up to 12 years after he was out of office and he was only in office 4 years.:rolleyes:

And somebody seems to forget what Bush Sr. went through. How critical everyone was of Reagan. Sure NOW Conservatives adore him, but at the time... As I said, it's been this way for a long time. Since before I was born. The internet has just amplified the voices of those who are more critical.


By comparison Clinton wasn't criticized nearly as bad as GW Bush. I mean where where the cries of "Illegal war of aggression" when Clinton used bombs and US troops in Bosnia, in support of Milosevic. He didn't even have the flimsy justification that Bush did. But lets not dwell on that.


Facts are that since the advent of the internet and the increasing popularity of it, political back biting has steadily increased. Just as the advent of print media and radio, and TV News stations ramped up the criticism each time.


No no, it's not really just protecting the Japanese--it's keeping taller people's cockiness in line. An aikido master in his 70's was visiting a former student's dojo and I happened to be there. The biggest tallest one there was a hockey tough guy, 6'4" 220 lbs and damn vicious. Got turned into a writhing side of beef for just making a comment "short stuff".


Moral of the story: Don't disrespect the short people!!!

Pfff the way I see it, If they show disrespect to someone based on size, they deserve whatever they get. My Judo MASTER mother taught me to never underestimate a person because of their size...ouch!

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...As I said, it's been this way for a long time. Since before I was born. The internet has just amplified the voices of those who are more critical.

...Facts are that since the advent of the internet and the increasing popularity of it, political back biting has steadily increased. Just as the advent of print media and radio, and TV News stations ramped up the criticism each time.


Very true. Internet and cable tv have basically shattered the monopoly that libs have enjoyed in journalism in this country for most of the last 40+ years.

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Very true. Internet and cable tv have basically shattered the monopoly that libs have enjoyed in journalism in this country for most of the last 40+ years.


Would those be the "new liberals", the "neo liberals", the "libertarians", the "classic liberals", the economic "liberals", or just "them libs!! *insert redneck gibberish*"? Because I hate to break it to you, but we've had neo-liberals in government for the past 40 years, we've got a liberal economic policy, and none of that has anything to do with "left-wing liberals".


So do you even argue now or do you just spout what the Party tells you to? Of course the liberals control journalism when everything short of GOP party-line is considered "liberal".

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Unfortunately, nothing you said above invalidates my point. I didn't address the degree to which liberals have been a part of government. Nor whether they were financial-economic libs or merely social libs or a combination. The media, arts and academic fields have been dominated by libs for much of the 40 or so years you refer to. Mostly b/c that's where a lot of those people went after leaving school. Thus much of the commentary you saw reflected that. Now with the internet and cable you get a more diverse airing of views, political or otherwise, in this country.


So......did the "liberal" party hacks you subscribe to send you talking points to regurgitate ;)

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