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Me theory on the Unknown Regions


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I've had this theory for about 2 years now. Now that TOR is being made, I think it might actually be right if we are to see Revan again.


I believe that the Unknown Regions is a place where time is slowed. By a lot. What would be 3 months in there, would be 30 years out there. There has been time travel in Star Wars books and comics, so it can't be a stretch for this to happen. This would explain why Revan would return in TOR IF the devs put him in the game.

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TOR will likely uncover the mystery surrounding Revan as that is that most people are asking about. I'm sorry but I don't think we'll see Revan alive again. Or Exile.


Whatever happened to them in the outer rims may forever remain a mystery. But the source of their interest is what will be fought against. Possibly we may stumble upon remnants or remains of their sentiments and such.


Frankly, I'm dying for a spill with that sith warrior guy (even as another sith warrior), but alas we may never get to fight specifically against him. I won't be able to upgrade my machine to play it anyhow. So I won't be able to play it. Not that I couldn't live without it.

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I've had this theory for about 2 years now. Now that TOR is being made, I think it might actually be right if we are to see Revan again.


I believe that the Unknown Regions is a place where time is slowed. By a lot. What would be 3 months in there, would be 30 years out there. There has been time travel in Star Wars books and comics, so it can't be a stretch for this to happen. This would explain why Revan would return in TOR IF the devs put him in the game.

Your theory is not at all grounded in canon. There have been other people from the Unknown Regions elsewhere in the timeline (like the Chiss), and there has been no implication or mention of "temporal distortion", as a Trekkie would call it. Revan's sleeping with the fishes, and after three hundred years, there is no reason he shouldn't be.


Besides, if they're going to put HK-47 in this game (as has been rumored), then that's more then enough obnoxious-ness for me.

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Besides, if they're going to put HK-47 in this game (as has been rumored), then that's more then enough obnoxious-ness for me.


Maybe, but I have a strange feeling that it won't be THE HK-47 (or at least not the one you get to have):


1) there was an entire HK series of driods even before Revan built his HK-47 (Hint: The Comics)

2) TSL, even the restored content doesn't conclusively rule out that other HK-50 and 51 droids were possibly still being made for an indefinite time period thereafter

3) PC gamer (or one of those) mag had what appeared to be a very similar looking HK droid on the front cover of the world unveiling of TOR some months back.

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Sorry to tell you, but the Unknown Regions is just a part of the galaxy that the Republic and other groups have not been to or mapped.


Sorry to tell you, but there is no hard evidence that there isn't some kind of time travel within the Unknown Regions. The Sith could of made a time machine or something like that on one of the planets.


Your theory is not at all grounded in canon. There have been other people from the Unknown Regions elsewhere in the timeline (like the Chiss), and there has been no implication or mention of "temporal distortion", as a Trekkie would call it.


A theory is a theory, not canon. Canon is being added to the Star Wars lore every day. Who knows, I could be right.

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Okay, so you're saying that they may have built a time machine on one planet or another, but in the OP you said

I believe that the Unknown Regions is a place where time is slowed. By a lot. What would be 3 months in there, would be 30 years out there.

which implies all of the Unknown Regions is distorted, and there is no control over it (unlike a machine). It should be noted that some groups from the Unknown Regions have come to the rest of the galaxy (including the Fel family, who came from the Empire), who never mentioned another time distortion (and in the case of the Fel family, their family tree fit perfectly in time with the rest of the galaxy).


So, is it a time machine (which is pretty wishful thinking to get Revan to live 300 years in the future), or a distortion, which seems to be impossible given current canon (current canon being a lot of the NJO books, the Dark Nest trilogy, and a dozen other things)?


Also, welcome to the forums. :)

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another "Not quite thought through EU name", the Unknown regions are about as unknown as the President...


* Ankus

* Carrivar

* Crakull

* Crustai

* Csilla

* Ilum

* Kariek

* Kilia IV

* Lehon

* Lwhekk

* Malagarr

* Mobus

* Morcanth

* Munlali Mafir

* Nagi

* Osseriton

* Pesfavri

* Qoribu

* Rhigar

* Sarvchi

* Shikitari

* Tenupe

* Tof

* Umaren'k'sa

* Yashuvhu

* Yoggoy

* Zonama Sekot


Quite a lot of Known Planets, for an uncharted "Unknown Region" :):p

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^Also, you'll notice that there are actually plotted hyperspace routes going to the Chiss Ascendency on a map in the Essential Atlas.


And why would time slow in the Unknow Regions? I know of hyperspace anomalies being around that region, but that doesn't mean time is slowed. Besides, if you read the NJO books, three or four of which take place in the Unknown Regions, you'll see that time runs normally.

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Yes but how many of the planets in the Dominant Galactic regions are named? if a 1/4 of the Galaxy has 27 named planets in a Book, and the other 3/4 have 40 named planets in a Book, its safe to say that its pretty well Charted... Regardless of Palpatines ridiculous talk of Galaxy size(If thats who your referencing)

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Yes but how many of the planets in the Dominant Galactic regions are named? if a 1/4 of the Galaxy has 27 named planets in a Book, and the other 3/4 have 40 named planets in a Book, its safe to say that its pretty well Charted... Regardless of Palpatines ridiculous talk of Galaxy size(If thats who your referencing)

The Empire having millions of star systems is long-established, and in a galaxy with four hundred billion stars, it isn't even close to ridiculous (if implausible is what you mean by ridiculous). The Corporate Sector Authority controlled thirty thousand systems during the Empire's existence, and it was just a corporate fiefdom on the edge of known space.

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By ridiculous I mean laughable, it is Plausible as its Space Opera (By that I mean Science Fantasy), I'm just saying that, Other than people saying there are millions of systems, reference books tend to only cover the main systems in the sector, and going on that, the Known and unknown parts of the galaxy seem to be equally Covered, but we're going off on a tandem now hehe.


OT: I don't think Time is slower in the Unknown Regions.

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But we're talking about planets discovered 4000 years later. I'm talking about in the KOTOR.


Those planets still existed in KOTOR, just weren't discovered. And anyways, Revan died. Deal with the fact. There's no way he could live for 300 years. I realize he's a popular character, but he's not invincible. You might like him alot, but that doesn't mean Revan didn't die. I'm sorry if this annoys you in any way, but that's the truth.

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Humans in Star Wars don't live 300+ years.


From the Wookeepedia:


Average lifespan


Usually up to 100 standard years; ages up to 300 have been reached among Force-sensitive individuals


Revan was probably the most powerful Jedi ever. What's to say he didn't prolong his life even longer than 300 years?

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