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Heavy Midnight 2 - Shards

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Moxie sadly stood up, looking down in tears. She didn't know why Ashtin would do this. Why? What made him do such a thing...?


"Moxie, if we are to find him; I highly recomend we do it tomorow where we have the proper time to prepare. If however we follow things accordingly, we might be able to pull this off in less than six hours. I'll discuss the situation with Manson."


The young girl quickly turned and sadly looked at Baldur. "Please, Baldur! Please don't hurt him! Ashtin's is all I got, let alone my uncle and aunt! I love him, and I don't want you guys to end up killing or hurting him! Let me talk to him or something. Please!"


She leaned on the wall and continued to cry. She felt as if she was going to vomit, due to all the sadness and crying for Ashtin...




Moving into the abandoned warehouse, Jezebel Casca looked over at Black, and another man.


"I trust everything went well Mr. Black, and when did I give you permission to bring someone with you?"


Jezebel crossed her arms, standing seductively with a smile through her red lipstick. "Maybe he wanted a playmate. I know I do..." She stared at Ashtin with glowing, yellow eyes.

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Ashtin at this point when two of Mr. Black's contacts had entered the building was leaning against a beam with this eyes shut and his arms folded across his chest. These people were slightly interesting to him, Ashtin waited patiently however for Black to speak up. But after several moments of silence he realized Black must of been at a loss for words. With one foot he pushed himself slightly away from the beam and dropped his arms to his sides. Slightly raising his right arm he allowed it to rest upon his sheathed sword.


"My name is Ashtin. I rescued your partner here from the Supernatural Society. Of course thats after he caved like a rabbit being hunted by a coyote" He said to the two as he eyes traveled over the two studying them.


The man who spoke earlier was obviously the leader of things, but the female that entered shortly after had a peculator presence about her.


"And a playmate huh? I'm not a toy who sits quietly" Ashtin said to Jezebel his crimson eyes looking into her vibrant yellow eyes.




Rusu was back waiting in Manson's office in the chair that he had once occupied earlier in the day. There were some questions that Rusu needed answers too. And hoping his old friend could provide those answers.


"Seems life is full of many coincidences" Rusu said to himself as he folding his hands together trying not to lose himself in thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((argh, whoopsy :$ I'm terribly sorry about this))


""Please, Baldur! Please don't hurt him! Ashtin's is all I got, let alone my uncle and aunt! I love him, and I don't want you guys to end up killing or hurting him! Let me talk to him or something. Please!"


Baldur was about to leave the room. He stopped, and looked back at the weeping Moxie.


"Thats not my decision to make." he vanquished into thin air leaving Moxie alone. He then appeared inside of the office housing Manson ((if I am wrong, please correct me)).


Baldur approached his desk, and stood infront of him. "You're already aware that one of our agents have fled the building, with one of our recently captured targets in custody. Its essential we track both of them down, as they hold the vital information we need. We can perform a locate and extract opperation tonight, but keep in mind we only have 6 hours till sunrise. Otherwise, we can conduct the opperation the next day where we are fully prepared and ready with plenty of time in our hands. I leave the choice up to you, sir. What'll it be?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

((No problem, PK! Now... I apologize for taking long to respond as well. Hey, Cyborg! Want Darius to join in on saving Moxie with Sonya and Baldur? :) ))


"Thats not my decision to make."


After Baldur vanished, Moxie glared. "I see...." She started to pack her two new guns in her bag, and got her own weapons as well. After this, Moxie got out of her room, and closed the door.


A few moments later, she was in the hangar bay where the vehicles parked. She managed to steal one of the van's keys too.


Before she got in, she heard a familiar voice. "I'm going with you." It was Sonya. Moxie turned and looked at her friend sadly.


"No, Sonya. I gotta do this on my own. You know I love Ashtin. With all my heart. Even if he is a hard Vampire. There's good in him. And I've gotta help him." She placed a hand on Sonya's shoulder. "Stall Baldur. He's good... but I don't want him nor the other agents hurting, or killing, Ashtin. Please, Sonya. Keep your promise..."


Sonya looked down sadly, thinking it over. She then looked up at Moxie, smiling through tears. "I will. Plus... I think that Baldur guy is kinda hot."


Moxie rolled her eyes playfully and sighed. "What do you see in that guy?" She smiled. "Take care, Sonya. And if I don't come back... Take care of Auntie Maria and Uncle Jesse for me. 'Kay?"


"I will." The two friends hugged. After that, Moxie went into the van, started it up, and drove of.


"Good journey, my friend. My sister..." Sonya whispered.




"And a playmate huh? I'm not a toy who sits quietly"


Jezebel raised an eyebrow and grinned through her red lipstick. "Hmm. I see..." Her yellow eyes glew bright by the sight of Ashtin's eyes.




Manson headed towards his office. A few moments, after he got in, he saw Rusu. "Oh. Rusu. Didn't see ya there." He sat in his office seat and smiled at his old friend. Before he could say something, Baldur appeared.


"You're already aware that one of our agents have fled the building, with one of our recently captured targets in custody. Its essential we track both of them down, as they hold the vital information we need. We can perform a locate and extract opperation tonight, but keep in mind we only have 6 hours till sunrise. Otherwise, we can conduct the opperation the next day where we are fully prepared and ready with plenty of time in our hands. I leave the choice up to you, sir. What'll it be?"


Manson looked at Baldur with shock, and rose from his seat. "Black has escaped? And one of our agents took him?! This I can not allow. I won't risk any innocent lives because of those bloodsucking beasts! No offense, Baldur. I want a search team to find the traitor and Black. Now!"


Sonya was outside Manson's door, listening. She gasped, and ran towards her room. After she went inside her room, the young woman began to dial Moxie on her cell phone.


((Would it be all right if Baldur catches Sonya, PK? So that he could suspect that she's in Moxie's pursuit of Ashtin?))

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""Black has escaped? And one of our agents took him?! This I can not allow. I won't risk any innocent lives because of those bloodsucking beasts! No offense, Baldur. I want a search team to find the traitor and Black. Now!"


"By your orders, Sir Manson!" Baldur smiled. "I promise to bring both of them back, dead or alive."


Baldurs eyes flickered as he felt a sudden presence among them. He turned back to Manson. "I will have a team assembled immediatly! But first, let me take care of something."


Baldur disapeared. He then appeared in Sonya's appointed room, quietly. He went up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder.


"Funny, I could have sworn somebody was behind Manson's door listening in to our conversation. You wouldnt happen to know anything about that would you?" he crossed his arms with an amused look on his face. He was eyeing the cell phone in her hand.

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"C'mon, Moxie, answer the phone..." Sonya whispered. Suddenly, she felt a tap behind her. She gasped, and turned. It was Baldur.


"Funny, I could have sworn somebody was behind Manson's door listening in to our conversation. You wouldnt happen to know anything about that would you?"


Sonya gulped. Then she noticed he was looking at her cell phone. She cancelled the call. Trembling slightly and glaring up at Baldur, Sonya said, "Yeah! I do. And you know what? You guys are almost corrput as the the other organization. The old AWO! You guys care nothing about helping supernatural beings that wants to live peacefully. You just care about yourselves. At least Moxie has that heart to help those different from her."


She then pointed at Baldur. "And you! You care for nothing but yourself." As tears filled her eyes, she turned around and looked down, crossing her arms. "I never wanted to tell ya this. But... I was beginning to like you. Guess that was stupid of me, huh?"


The young woman sadly closed her eyes, as tears fell quietly.

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"Yeah! I do. And you know what? You guys are almost corrupt as the the other organization. The old AWO! You guys care nothing about helping supernatural beings that want to live peacefully. You just care about yourselves. At least Moxie has that heart to help those different from her."


Baldur crossed his arms, exchanging a gloomy look as she said those words. Sonya then pointed a finger directly to Baldur.


"And you! You care for nothing but yourself." As tears filled her eyes, she turned around and looked down, crossing her arms. "I never wanted to tell ya this. But... I was beginning to like you. Guess that was stupid of me, huh?"


"You havent the faintest clue as of who I am, do you?" he replied. "How could an ordinary man wield the ability to go from one place to another instantly? How could an ordinary man only awaken during the black of night where the presence of sunlight is absent?"


He walked towards her. "How could an ordinary man live for over 300 years, and have a taste for human blood? There is only one explanation, Sonya." he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I hunt my own kind, because they are barbaric and senseless. They have no sense of honor. No code. They just kill as they please. I joined the SS, to grant me an opportunity to smite justice upon them. This Vamperic Biker Gang are no different to what I have faced before."


"The difference between the AWO and us is that they do not tollerate monsters like myself among society. We protect and serve, even if it means hunting our own kind. Do you understand? Do you now understand why we must find Ashtin and this Biker Gang we are dealing with?"

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((Whoops, sorry about not replying here for a while. Yeah I think that's a great idea Skywalker, Darius would enjoy that.))


"My name is Ashtin. I rescued your partner here from the Supernatural Society. Of course thats after he caved like a rabbit being hunted by a coyote"


Krios looked over at Black with disgust. He then turned his attention back to this newcomer, Ashtin and smiled followed by a loud laugh.


"My my Ashtin, that's quite impressive almost worthy of joining my gang. The keyword in that was almost worthy Ashtin. Now I'm guessing that's why you saved Mr. Black here so you could join up. If that is the case you only have to do one very tiny little favor for me, do you think you could do that?" he asked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((It's all good, Cyborg. :) Question is: Where's Kyvios?))


"You havent the faintest clue as of who I am, do you?" he replied. "How could an ordinary man wield the ability to go from one place to another instantly? How could an ordinary man only awaken during the black of night where the presence of sunlight is absent?"


Sonya opened her eyes in surprise when he said that. Then she closed them back sadly, and crossed her arms, as she still had her back to him.


"How could an ordinary man live for over 300 years, and have a taste for human blood? There is only one explanation, Sonya." he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I hunt my own kind, because they are barbaric and senseless. They have no sense of honor. No code. They just kill as they please. I joined the SS, to grant me an opportunity to smite justice upon them. This Vamperic Biker Gang are no different to what I have faced before."


The young woman bit her lower lip, after he placed his hand on her shoulder. He was right... but still...


"The difference between the AWO and us is that they do not tollerate monsters like myself among society. We protect and serve, even if it means hunting our own kind. Do you understand? Do you now understand why we must find Ashtin and this Biker Gang we are dealing with?"


Sonya turned and looked up at him with tearful eyes. "I do. But... Moxie's my friend. I understand the burden you have to go through, but I can't let my friends be killed. Just because nobody cares. This world is growing darker and evil. Yes, we have to kill the creatures who wants to kill. Yes, we have to bring peace between Mankind and the Supernatural. And yes, we have to do our duties. But Baldur..."


She sadly knelt down before him, bowing her head. "Isn't life and love more acceptable than duty? Like I said... I like you. And I don't want anyone I care about getting hurt. Moxie is like the sister I never had before. And Ashtin... I myself was almost in love with him too. But he's still a good person. You need to look deep inside the person before you kill."


The young girl looked up at him with eyes filled with tears. "Please, Baldur. As a student... or more... I beg you to let me talk with Manson. And let Moxie and those who care for Ashtin handle this. Please. I'm begging you." Sonya sobbed sadly. "I'm begging you..." She grabbed the bottom of his red trench coat and cried sorrowfully.

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"Please, Baldur. As a student... or more... I beg you to let me talk with Manson. And let Moxie and those who care for Ashtin handle this. Please. I'm begging you."


Baldur looked at her strangely, as Sonya grabbed the bottom of his coat and began sobbing. Humans were quite fascinating creatures to him.


"I am Manson's gun. A weapon that he himself controls. By all means; I wont stop you from talking to him. But in the meantime I must remain to my duties. I must assemble a team and track down Mr Black, Ashtin and Moxie."


He grabbed her hand and pulled her up on her feet. "This will be your first assignment under my tutelage. You will accompany me, as part of your training. Understood?"


He turned around and walked towards the door. Then he stopped. "One more thing." He turned back. "I advise you to keep your infactuations to yourself and keep things professional. Especially if we have just met. It will undoubtly complicate things while we work together as a team."


He walked back to the door exiting her room. "We're leaving in 15 minutes. Be ready before then and meet us in the underground garage."

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After Baldur left, Sonya began beating and kicking her desk uncontrollably. "All you knucklehead, blasted people! I'm gonna get me some gernades! and I'm gonna set this place on fire! And with Bald-guy in it!"


She grabbed her coat. "Hate this piece of... ooooh! This godforsaken place can crumble with all these people in it!"


Sonya walked towards the underground garage, continuing to talk to herself. When she got there, she was getting looks from the agents, as if something was wrong with her.


"What?! What?! Ya'll got something to say?! Say it to my face!!!" The agents backed away, looking at her with strange looks and fear. "Yeah. Punks. Like I said, I'm gonna buy me some gernades, and explode everybody in here..."


((Sorry. Wanted to express Sonya more. And boy, is she pissed! :lol: ))




Moxie looked at the time. 2:00am. She sighed.


"Whatever you do, Ashtin... where ever you go... I'm always there for you. Always..."


The young woman continued to drive on the road.

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"What?! What?! Ya'll got something to say?! Say it to my face!!!" The agents backed away, looking at her with strange looks and fear. "Yeah. Punks. Like I said, I'm gonna buy me some gernades, and explode everybody in here..."


"No you see that's not gonna cut it. This is a pretty big building and a grenade is more of an anti infantry weapon. Now C4 is a great building killer but you're gonna need a lot of it," said Darius as he leaned on a wall.


He made his way over to the girl.


"May I ask what's caused this desire for destruction, maybe I can help. Darius Wilson, Merc for Hire and Destruction extraordinaire," he said pointing to himself.

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"No you see that's not gonna cut it. This is a pretty big building and a grenade is more of an anti infantry weapon. Now C4 is a great building killer but you're gonna need a lot of it," said Darius as he leaned on a wall.


Sonya raised an eyebrow at him. She smirked. "Oh?"


"May I ask what's caused this desire for destruction, maybe I can help. Darius Wilson, Merc for Hire and Destruction extraordinaire," he said pointing to himself.


She crossed her arms and grinned. "Really now? Sonya Edison. Trainee of Bald-guy, I mean, Baldur. And friend of Moxie." She looked down, not wanting to mention Moxie...

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Ashtin's eyes looked into Jezebel's for a while, his crimson eyes making a connection to her yellow eyes before he turned his attention towards Krios. Tilting his head side to side he heard several pops in his neck. So far the situation is staying calm, but there was no telling for how long. All his tricks and decoys he set up along the way would only stall the Supernatural Society for so long. But his mind Krios had something in mind for Ashtin to do, which was interesting to him. He certainly hopped it wasn't a meaningless task of watching Mr. Black any further that might possibly drive Ashtin to kill the man.


Slowly Ashtin tilted his head back and smelled the air around them slowly. So far no signs of his former comrades. The idiotic buffoons that they were. There was on in particular he would enjoy getting to fight if the chase ever arose. But he would be patient for that moment, for that day to come.


Crossing his arms over his chest he lowered his head and looked back at Krios and spoke "And what would this particular task be?"




Rusu sat in the chair with the index finger of his right hand slowly moving in a circle upon the arm rest. The arm rest of the chair was smooth wood a nice cherry finish. It seemed like there was something important happening if Mr. Baldur was there informing Manson about the situation. Once the vampire had left the room Rusu raised his head to look at Manson and noticed how much the talk with Baldur upset him. With a small sigh escaping his lips he came to the conclusion that asking the questions about Moxie's linage would have to be put on hold for a moment.


"Is there something I can help you with? It seems like you have a lot happening." Rusu said to Manson his eyes looking into his friends.

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"Really now? Sonya Edison. Trainee of Bald-guy, I mean, Baldur. And friend of Moxie."


Darius looked over at Sonya and laughed.


"Ha Bald-guy, why didn't I think of that. Ah so you're Baldur's new trainee. I was fortunate enough to save Moxie from him, but I think he'd rip my head off if I took another student from him. I'll tell you what I can do though, if you ever get discouraged or frustrated come find me and I'll help you blow off some steam. Speaking of Moxie, have you seen her? her little vampire boyfriend acted like a jerk in front of her and it really upset the poor kid. I wanna make sure she's okay and in the right frame of mind for tomorrow."




"And what would this particular task be?"


Krios looked over at Ashtin and smiled. He pulled out a black desert eagle with special bullets perfect for killing vampires. He tossed the gun over to Ashtin and his smile got bigger.


"Dispose of Mr. Black, he is of no further use to me."

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Ashtin noticed the black desert eagle coming his way and quickly grabbed it. There was no hesitation on Ashtin's part to dispose of Mr. Black, in fact it there was a slight thrill to it as he pulled the trigger three times launching two bullets into Mr. Blacks chest and one into his skull before the body desinagrated into nothing before their eyes. A small smile came across Ashtin's face since it had been a long time since he was allowed to kill something, anything for that matter. Manson was always afraid that his cravings for killing and blood would take over once again. Maybe Manson was right, or maybe he was wrong. But right now Ashtin liked the feel of the gun in his hand.


Once the task was done Ashtin tossed the Black Desert Eagle back towards Krios and looked the man right in his eyes.


"Is there another task you'd like done?" Ashtin asked in a cold tone.

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"Ha Bald-guy, why didn't I think of that. Ah so you're Baldur's new trainee. I was fortunate enough to save Moxie from him, but I think he'd rip my head off if I took another student from him--


"I will pretend I didnt here that, Mr. Darius." Baldur appeared right behind him, patting him on the back as he made his entrance. He stared over at Sonya. "A very inaccurate depiction of my own name; considering that though I have lived for over 300 years, I clearly have had no signs of any scalp problems during my lifetime."


He walked over to the helicopter, where the pilot was readying the engine for take-off. Saves from having to use an armored van, if time was to be a major factor in this opperation. "I think I am looking forward to meeing this gang leader." he smirked, and he opened the sliding panel door and motioned everyone to hop in and take a seat.

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Moxie was almost to her destination. Somehow... she could feel it. "Oh Ashtin... I pray they haven't found you first. I love you too much for something terrible happen to you. But somehow... I feel that you're closer. Could it be a strong connection between the two of us...?" Moxie believed so.




Sonya walked to the helicopter, glaring. "Yeah, whatever... Bald-guy," she mumbled at the last part. She then gave a grin to Darius.




Jezebel smiled seductively at Ashtin. after killing Black. This was interesting to her. Killing without mercy. She loved that...




Manson looked at Rusu and smiled. "Actually... I do want you to help Baldur. Can't have ya sitting around bored. If you could follow me, please..."


(Moments later)


"Wait!" Manson said, running to Baldur's helicopter. Finally there, Manson shouted to Baldur over helicopter's noise, "An old friend of mine is going with you guys to help!" He motioned Rusu to come over.

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Darius shivered a little as Baldur appeared right behind him. He hated when vampires did that sort of thing but at the same time was jealous of them. The day he could learn to do that and this vampire hunting job of his would be a whole new ball game. He turned his head at the sound of the helicopter and jumped for joy. Finally he was going to get to see some action. He made his way to the helicopter and chuckled at Sonya's remark.

"I think I am looking forward to meeting this gang leader."


"You and I both Baldur," Darius replied. He did a quick headcount and found a few people missing. "Hold up where's Mox and Ashtin, especially him? I would have figured he'd be the first one here." Darius asked everyone.




Krios smiled as Ashtin quickly executed Black. He saw the smile on Ashtin's face and could see the killer instinct in his eyes. He turned to his sister and could see she was just as easily pleased.


"Very good Ashtin, very good indeed. Not only did you follow my request without hesitation or remorse but you even found a way to enjoy such a thing. I welcome you to our gang and see a great future for you here. If you thought killing Black was fun you haven't seen anything yet." Her paused for a few seconds. "Now I'm sure you have questions but now isn't the time. We don't have a bike for you yet but you'll get one. In the mean time you'll have to ride with one of us, I'll let you decide." Krios said smiling at him. With that he began to walk out of the warehouse.

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""Hold up where's Mox and Ashtin, especially him? I would have figured he'd be the first one here."


Baldur smiled. "Well..." he glanced over at Darius. "We are soon about to find out, arent we?"


The mission was simple; locate Ashtin, find the Biker Gang. An encounter with Moxie was highly likely. If possible, Ashtin and Moxie were to be kept alive for extraction and prosecution for violating the organisations laws and rules. Their fate wasnt the concern of Baldurs; it was Mansons.


Baldur was about to close the door of the helicopter, when all of a sudden...




Baldur turned to face Manson, and his fellow comrade Rusu. "An old friend of mine is going with you guys to help!"


"We may find your skills of value in this opperation. Welcome aboard, Mr. Rusu." he outstretched a hand, and waited for a return.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sonya looked down sadly. She hoped and prayed that Moxie was all right. Even Ashtin. Whatever this screwed up organization had in mind, she would not allow her friends to be hurt. Especially from the likes of Baldur...




Jezebel smiled seductively at Ashtin, and turned to walk with grace towards her motorcylce.




Moxie was now in a ghost town. She stopped here to rest, due to all the driving. Laying her head back on the seat, she closed her eyes sleepily. "Don't worry, Ashtin. After I find you, we can... run away... together. From everyone..." And with that, Moxie was sound asleep.


((Maybe the Biker Gang's underground hideout could be in this ghost town and they could kidnap Moxie from the van.))

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