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'Stereo Mix' doesn't work in XP Pro...

Marius Fett

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Howdy all, it's been a while since I spammed this place with a tech problem, so I shall now rectify that. :D


I'm trying to use FRAPs to record some games. It's always worked fine for me in the past, but now my PC decided it doesn't want to record the audio any more.


I checked the settings on the Stero Mix which is what I was using to record and I can't see a problem with it. The volume is turned up and the device is selected.


It's not just FRAPs it won't work with either, I tried using it to record from my Media Player app too and no joy. :(


Any suggestions?

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Are you using a new version of FRAPS than what has worked previously or have you changed your audio drivers recently ?? Which OS? Do you have any headphones or a mic plugged in? That can sometimes through the windows sound device settings off. Definitely one of the crummiest parts of windows IMO, and they've barely touched it since freakin win98 from the looks of it ;)


Another option could be Hypercam v2.



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FRAPS doesn't really give a lot of options. I have it set to 'detect best input' and it says stereo mix.


When that stopped working, I tried making it the default recording device and using 'use windows input' but that didn't work either.


Well I have the RealTek HD Audio Manager or whatever it's called and i've made sure the stereo mix isn't muted or anything, and I know for sure that the device is enabled.




Well this is embarassing. I did some more fiddling around with my speakers and things have started working properly again. >_>


Thanks anyway though, Astro. :D

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