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Bao Dur love

Darth Cryptic

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I was talking with someone yesterday on Deviant Art and she mentioned how she things the female Exile and Bao Dur make a cute couple, and that she's disappointed that you can't romance him.


1- are there any existing Bao-Exile mods out there?

2- if there aren't, could someone make one? i'd do it myself, but I'm blanking on a script.

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(2): You mean without dialog, of course? If you do, I got some ideas that might make it possible. Now what if you could make some things happen according to the influence you get by «playing nice» to Bao Dur, such as when you tell him you need him on Telos? Okay, so let's add a container in the area Bao Dur is working. Of course, he might be locked, because Bao-Dur is using-it to store its personnal Data-pad. You take it and you get to read things he has written such as: "Today, the general spoke to me. I imagined he'd be frustrated with my failure, but he didn't. I'm so glad he did, but he must never know...".

Then, you'd get the option to ask about-it and get the "That crashed must have been pretty bad to you..." diag sequence partly taking place in order for him to gently deny what you rode.

The whole thing would be over when you'd learn he's gone to sacrifice himself, you'd then receive another datapad, this time adressed to the exile, admitting his love and why it was for the greater good he could not admit it to you.

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Yeah, likely voice free is the only way to do it unless someone real good at chopping voice files gets in on this.


I like that idea Phildevil. And the idea of personal lockers for each of the companions is also a good idea.


Bao's and the droids is by the work bench; a few droid toys and shields in it besides the pad.

Atton's is in the security room; cards, blaster upgrades maybe something Sithy from his days as an assassin.

Mira/Hanhars's in her room; rockets, darts, mando gear/Bladed weapons, grenades and mines.

Canderus and Disciple/Bri's are agaisnt the back wall of the lounge, Mando gear, Jedi gear, Echani toys respectively.

Kirea's in her room, locked tight, but contains Sith Robes if you have enough skill to break the lock.

Visa's in her room, not sure what would be in it.

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Yeah, likely voice free is the only way to do it unless someone real good at chopping voice files gets in on this.


I like that idea Phildevil. And the idea of personal lockers for each of the companions is also a good idea.


Off topic, but this is a good idea for a mod. Those cogs in my head are already turning...


Visas' in her room, not sure what would be in it.


Some masochistic toys? :thmbup1:

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I know it's bad practice around here but if I were you I'd try locating someone who could pull off the voice of Bao-Dur and make it sound like him. To chop up different voice overs is too much trouble and might not even give you the proper tone in the conversation you need. Even if the voice is varied slightly, it would be better than having no voices at all.

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