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Appearance Script?

Isaac Clarke

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OK, I'm using notepad to write my .nss script, but there's one problem. Heres what I have so far:


ChangeObjectAppearance(-pcnamegoeshere-)nAppearance(i.e. Party_NPC_T3M3)


The problem is, I need something to go in place of "-pcnamegoeshere-" that changes any character you selected into

the appearance you select from the armband.


EDIT:Sorry for double posting. I was going to edit the previous post, but I forgot.

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Your script should look like this:


If you want to change somebody

Object oNPC = GetTagByObject("tag of npc");

ChangeObjectAppearance(oNPC)nAppearance(i.e. Party_NPC_T3M3)


If you want to change the pc

Object oPC = GetFirstPC();

ChangeObjectAppearance(oPC)nAppearance(i.e. Party_NPC_T3M3)

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