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the what if thread.

Guest Admiral Odin

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Guest Admiral Odin

I'm curious to know what all of you think. This is a simple thread, asking what would the world be like if World War I didn't happen? How do you think the world would be different then what it is today?


I'll post later so I know you won't be influenced by my ideas.

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Guest Boba Rhett

WWI? hmmmm... I really don't know. How about WWII? That had more effects than WWI. For one thing, there would be three times as many Jews in Europe.

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Guest crazy_dog

More of the world would be under communist rule, as Germany and Austria won't stop Soviet Russia from taking on the rest of Eorupe, and then the RA2 scenario happens.

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Guest crazy_dog

But I hate communism. I had to put up with it for about 6 years before my homeland became a capitalist country. :eek: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Luke Skywalker

There wouldn't be nuclear power if WW2 didn't happen. Theryd be a crap load more japanese and korean and chinise peoples.

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ok here is my idea the us army would not have been ready for WWII therefor the worldwouldve been taken over by germany and japan and italy and then i see some fighting among them and Germany comes out on top







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Ya what? if the US army didn't win the second world war, the were merely bit part players, the only reason they got involved in it at all was because of the Japs, other than the results would still have been the same.


Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

ok here is my idea the us army would not have been ready for WWII therefor the worldwouldve been taken over by germany and japan and italy and then i see some fighting among them and Germany comes out on top

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by Kud'ar Mub'at

and we'd never have had to see that bleeding awful film Pearl Harbor ;)


I didnt like that flim very much it was too mushy. I liked Saving Private Ryan because it wasn't mushy at all, it was the pure truth. Well at least about the war, not nessecarily Private Ryan.:D

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Guest Rogue15

i'll be $50 that when they make a wtc movie, there's goin'a be sex in it. I'm po'd at croutching tiger hidden dragon for that stupid scene. also, titanic never happened.

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Guest Admiral Odin

With out WWI like I orginally said I think this is what would happen.


With no world war, Russia wouldn't be losing and the Russian revolution wouldn't have occured, as the causes would be gone. Hence communism wouldn't have begun. Now with now communism the Cold war wouldn't have happened.


Now Hitler became angry and began WWII over the Treaty of Versailles. That would never have happened. Germany wouldn't suffer paying back billions of dollars to the other countries for having caused the war. With no debt the german economy wouldn't have flounder. The floundering of the economy allowed Hitler to take power, but that doesn't happen, so Hitler remains a unknown part of history.


With out this the holocaust doesn't occur. meaning that the allies don't feel the need to give Palistine to the Jews. Without that, the middle east is not the as unstable as it is today. Terrorist wouldn't target the US, and her allies for supporting Isreal.


The United States wouldn't have gone to war. Meaning that the generation that had would have just fought the war doesn't exist. Now that mean the roaring twenties won't happen. With out the roaring twenties the Depression is changed. Less people in the stock market. Now the Korean, Vietnam war don't happen, as communism begins with Russia but Russia doesn't turn red.


Nuclear weapons are invented in Germany, as Albert Einstien and many other scientist stay in there home countries. No fear of being killed. The US is not a world power and becomes isolated.


However the tension is still there in Europe. Austrie-Hungury are still on country, the Ottaman Empire still exist. Yugoslavie doesn't. Which means Kosovo, Bosnia doesn't happen. However a world war might still occur. Just later. Perhaps late enough were Nuclear weapons are discovered. On the other hand the rulers of the Central Powers, and the Allies change, and the tension is eased.


That is part of what I think would happen if the Arch Duke's Driver didn't make a wrong turn.

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I know! If either of the world wars didn't happen,somehow inexplicably George Lucas would've have made any Star Wars and therefore we wouldn't be having this discussion right now because of it. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA Time just got messed up. We'd all be doing more useful/useless things right now if we'd lost the wars/not had them.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Clefo

What if America didn't revolt against the English?


Or better yet, what if America lost the Revolutionary War?

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  • 1 month later...

Or better yet,what if the Battle of Yavin/Naboo/Endor had been lost? Or if the Rebels would have won at the Battle of Hoth? Or what if Anakin's podracer would have messed up and he lost the podrace(it'd be so totally affecting the trilogy,cuz no Vader,just a moisture farmer named Anakin Skywalker and his wife Padme and their 2 moisture farming,Tosche Station Power Converter Buying, T-16 Womp Rat Shooting Children,Luke and Leia Skywalker. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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if starwars never came out this forum wouldnt be there and we wouldnt be talking to each other

i wouldnt spend 1 hr everyday on this forum

i wouldnt dream of lightsaber battles

neither would you

there would be 3 less vhs's in my collection


and a lot of other unimaginable things

phew thank lord it was made


if those battles you mentioned were lost by the rebels sad to say the rebel alliance would be crushed and the empire would rule the galaxy and all of palpatines dreams would have come true

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