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Armor and Head


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I am new to the modding thing but an old player of KotOR. I tried makeing a mod for it but ended up corrupting my files somehow and had to reinstall the game. I don't want to risk it again so I was wondering if someone would help me. the mods wouldn't be dificult its only an armor, weapon, 3 heads and 2 party members....ok maybe it is alot but its not difficult. here's what needs to be done. I don't expect someone to respond super fast I just want someone else to do it because I am incapable. My modding abilities end at republic commando. anyway here''s what I need.


1.i need an armor for a guild me and my friends made. It would be called the Black Hawk heavy armor. It would have a defence +10, would have the sonic resistance ability and a +3 to persuade. (It's something in the story I am writing) It is simply a reskin of the soldier clothes though. The armor is a shade of black that's not dark enough to lose detail in the armor but dark enough to be called black. There would be a black hawk in a white outline on both shoulders. the backpack would be grey with the same hawk on it. the lower legs would be the same shade of grey as would be the straps of the backpack. it needs a male and female rendision for the other 2 party members I need.


2. the head would be the head of my black hawk, Jaicer...I.E. my username. The face should look teenagerish and have black neck length spikey hair. eyes are brown.


3. the weapon would be a blaster rifle but acts like a heavy repeater. damage would be like ordo's heavy repeater. it just needs to be a darker shade of grey.


4. the 2 party members and other 2 heads belong together...so basicly its just 2 new party members. They would be Mino and Joshua. Mino would have long blonde hair and blue eyes with a young looking face and would replace bastila. Joshua, (josh for short) would have short redish hair with brown eyes and would replace Carth. Both of their clothes would be like Mission's but darker and with long pants instead of shorts.


If this is to much tell me and I will settle for the Jaicer head, armor and weapon. if you are willing to take this task on please post saying so.

Thank you very much.

EDIT: no one has even THOUGHT about trying this? not even the armor? geez RC is the harder game to mod and yet they are more helpful

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  • 4 weeks later...

People normally don't even spit on requests, unless one of two, or both criteria are met:


1. You've produced a good mod/mods of your own before. In other words, if you can deliver aswell, and aren't just a leech.


2. The idea is unusual and/or very appealing to modder's tastes.


Onto the request itself, the head edits would be hard, even moreso with few modelers the community has.

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