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Nathaniel and Blaze both unsheathed their blades and charged onto the enemy deck with a boarding crew of about fourteen or so. They hacked at every man in the scarlet uniform of the British Marine and the ordinary sailors. Blaze knew that Alvaro did not want the ship as a prize, he only wanted the men and weapons. Blaze had an idea, he could penetrate the ship's powder magazine and ignite the explosives laid out down there.


He could then torch the powder causing a large explosion in the hull, giving the rest of the crew close to an hour to take the necessary items and convince the British crew to come over and join them. Blaze rushed down bellow to the magazine, but was confronted by three officers and five marines.......pistols cocked.

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The 8 Men fell to the ground in front of Blaze, each with a dagger in their back. John goes to each body and pulls the dagger out of each and putting it back in the pouch.


"Bí ag Síochána mo chara" Said John touching a part of his lower chest

"Come On" Said John to Blaze. "We have some men waiting for us, and i would hate to take all the glory whilst you stayed here"

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As soon as the ship was close enough, Alvaro stepped aboard, stabbed a navy personnel with a gun pointed in his direction, then sliced another navy soldier across the chest after engaging in a brief sword duel, and then shot another soldier running towards him. Alvaro looked around the ship, and seeing how most of the other crew was dead, dying, or wounded, he sheathed his rapier. Looking around, he caught a glimpse of John and Blaze going below deck - possibly to loot something, or blow the ship up. This suddenly gave Alvaro an idea. He walked down to the hold where the other two were.


"John, Blaze, I have a plan - we can send this ship toward the other two sloops that are following us, except that the powder kegs will be lit while this ship is going toward the other two. If we light a long enough fuse, and send it towards the other two perfectly, we can blow them out of the sea. Do you believe this is possible?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alvaro went ahead and lit a long, makeshift fuse that led to the powder stores. He quickly went above deck and warned everyone.


"I've lit a fuse that will explode this ship! Get to safety!" Alvaro quickly jumped on to his ship, waited for Blaze, Nathaniel, Clarke and the others to get on, and quickly made his ship set sail away from the sloop. After they were a fair distace away, Alvaro turned around to see where the other two sloops were.


"Now, if I set the fuse right, the ship should explode.....now!" Sure enough, the two British sloops that were still sailing were caught in the proceeding explosion. Given, the explosions did totally destroy the ships, but they were sinking fast with the huge holes in their hulls.


"We should probably try and find that privateer with the gem," Alvaro said, trying to focus on his current goal. "His crew is pretty strong, and seeing how I was able to damage his ship before, we should probably hit it before it gets repaired."

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Nathaniel heard the conversation coming from the main deck. The new crew mixed with the old crew made 106 men in all which could help Alvaro in the longrung. Nathaniel walked above where he found the captain. "Do you know what the last port of call was for your 'friend'? If we know that fact, we have the potential to track him down."

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