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What civs,units, and why?

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

Now that we have a taste of the game and have seen the tech trees, which civilization is going to be your main one and why? What units do you predict will dominate the games?

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Yeah I am most looking forward to the Naboo Civ...

mainly because I love there homeworld and because of there powerful aircraft (Naboo Fighter is great). I also love Natalie Portman so there is another...sticking up for the naboo....


the other is the trade federation....mainly because all of there units look cool...


Rebels are ok


Empire are ok


Wookies are average


Gungans absolutely suck!

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Guest GreenDragoon

I´am going to play the Rebels and the Naboo, because i love those cool aircraft´s. I´am looking forward to destroy those damn walkers :atat: with my X - Wings!!!

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Guest Lord Tirion

I am going Imperials myself. I plan on playing deathmatch so I plan on flooding my enemies with AT-ATs backed up with Sith Masters, Canons, anti-air units, and tons of Dark Troopers to cover their flanks.


Hopefully my teamates will take a good air civ and back me up with them covering any potential threats.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Im playing as the Trade Federation because they are faster builders because of need for housing. That means you can start pumping out units fast and at great numbers. :D

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Id say Naboo has the best looking buildings. Trade Fed has best looking units. Wookies are just plain weird. Gungans look uummm different or unique. And the Rebels and Imperial have the best all around stuff.

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Guest xwing guy

I choose wookiees, I like all they're units and they are just plain cool. Imps are ok, Rebels are ok, TF is ok, Gungans are unquie and kinda cool, and I'm not sure about the Naboo.

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Guest DS_StarViper

I said this before I'll say it again the empire even before demo came out I knew they would be my favs, I may sometimes be trade feds so I can be the great lord sidouis

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Guest Mad_Dog

lets see gungans are good for water levels and they have under water prefabs and that famba sheild generator world be great if converted say be the imps cause tha AT-AT's would be unstoppable against anything as long as they have protection against air and jedi and bounty hunters.

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