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MedHypo Mod

Rtas Vadum

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A Modification for:

Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic, And

Knights of the Old Repbulic II: The Sith Lords


"MedHypo" Mod

Author: Rtas_Vadum











Healing items in games always vary in how they are used. From simple potions, to Medical Kits, the way a character can heal depends on the genre of the game.

In the KOTOR series, the Medpacs are somewhat ambiguous, as to exactly how they are used. However, the animation that occurs when using any type of healing item,

is pretty much an injection, leading one to think of a Hypodermic needle, even though there probably is some sort of in-universe equvallent.

Thought not a major change, this gives the medical items a straight to the point icon, along with a change in the item UTI's, specifically calling them "Hypo", rather

than a "pac"(or Pack).






KOTOR: Add the files from the "K1" folder into your KOTOR override.*


TSL: Add the files from the "K2" folder into your TSL override.*


*-For both games, any Medical item you already have in your inventory, will still be labeled as "Medpac", etc. It is only if you start a new game, or find another medical item

after you added the uti files to your override, that the items name/description will be different. Nothing else about the items have been changed(i.e the way they fuction is the same).






K1: Find the five tga files("ii_MedEqpmnt_001-ii_MedEqpmnt_005"), and detele them, along with the seven item files("g_i_medeqpmnt01-g_i_medeqpmnt08")


K2: Find the six tga files("ii_MedEqpmnt_001-ii_MedEqpmnt_006"), and detele them, along with the five item files("g_i_medeqpmnt01-g_i_medeqpmnt04 and g_i_medeqpmnt08")






Any other mod that edits the icons or Healing item files(UTI's), will conflict with this mod. I doubt there are many, but just in case...






Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, and Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords are property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this

modification and either BioWare Corp, Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies.


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Since this was an early shot, I've since removed the "Kit" from the Antidote item's name.


So, a very simple mod, that just changes the healing item icons, and changes the names to reflect that. Enjoy. :)


Download @Deadly Stream: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/96-medhypo-mod/

KOTORFiles Link: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/MedHypo_Mod;117999

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Ooooh, I like this idea a lot. The medpac animation never made sense to me since it looked like they were injecting themselves. This makes that make sense :)


One could think that the "injectors", or whatever the proper name would be, are inside the boxes shown in the default icons. But that just seems pointless, as you'd be using the injector to heal yourself, and getting rid of a ton of boxes.




This makes far more sense.


Will you make a more potent verions of the ingame items?


Potent versions? You mean other healing items that might heal more then the current ones do? I could, and possibly pick a few places in ether game to place them. I'll have to see how these items work before I do, though.

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