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quick gender clarification


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hey, this can probably be answered fairly quickly, but i've looked around, and haven't found anything about species being able to be played in both genders. I really like the Mirialans, but i haven't found anything that talks about whether both male and female mirialans can be played for both consulars and troopers (which just happens to be the two classes i want to play!) any thoughts? so far, i haven't seen squat about male mirialans for the trooper OR the consular class.

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That would really grind my gears... I see no reason for them to do that, unless for whatever reason it played into the story... ie one sex was forced to do kitchen-work, etc., and never let out of the house. I am already kind of irked by the fact that we our class decisions are dependent on what side we choose... however, I'm not picky. Like the first poster, I think you're good.

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Just had a good Scout around as I'm quite interested too, the website hasn't officially been updated much about the full span of playable races yet, but from what i gather from developers and post counts the general consensus is...


Mirialan - Appears up to now in: Avatar, Concept Art, Kotor II, Screenshot, Timeline, ToP.


Playable Classes: Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Trooper.

Appearance: Male, Female.

Customization: Facial Tattoos: 1, 2. Skin Pigmentation: Green, Yellow-Green, Yellow.

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