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The US Counterattack

Dagobahn Eagle

Do you support the US Counterattack?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the US Counterattack?

    • Yes, 100%. Sadly, it is the only way to stop Bin Laden
    • Yes, but the US should wait: There's got to be another way.
    • No. Find another way to stop him. Civilians will die.
    • I'm 100% against the US counterattack.

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Are you in favor of the United States and GB counterattacking Afghanistan? Personally, I support it. Sadly, there is no other way :(. If there was, I would be against it. You see, the "give Bin Laden one last chance" has been tried. Several times. Pakistan has tried ordering Afghanistan to deliver Bin Laden. I see no other way...

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Guest Boba Rhett

They're not bombing everything over there. :p If Bush had waited, the countries support of the attack would have dwindled. Best to do something when the countrie's behind you.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

How do you know that there not bombing everything over there? Are you there? It could just be a lot of lies and cover ups....

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Guest Boba Rhett

How do you know that they are bombing everything over there? Are you there? It could just be a lot of lies and cover ups....

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Gee...Eagle the poll kind of sounded a bit pacifist almost...


America should have been cracking down on terrorism for years...you may think I just hopped on this band wagon, but no. Ever since I was 8 years old I've been curios about Sec.Ops.(but what little kid wasn't;) ) And I have devoted a good deal of time to research Secial Op. Teams thourghly. Most of those teams just train but don't DO anything. Some go after drugs...a few are just SWAT teams...but the most highly trained ones are Anti-Terrorist squads...but do we use them??? NO. They just sit on their rears all day long while terrorist attacks are happening all over the world. The main reason they sit there...America doesn't want o infring on any country or cann't get permission to take them out inside another country...Not even from UN...America has basically stopped caring about terrorists...at least until the huge attack on the WTC building...

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I notice that I'm the only one to vote


I'm 100% against the US counterattack


I don't see it as a sad last choice, Bush and Blair have made it clear from the outset that any country harbouring him will be dealt with in the same way, this sends a message to every other country, no government will touch bin laden now.


The allies have spent the week taking out specific targets, training camps, airports, weapons depots - there not over there knocking down churches and schools, they are crippling an already hurt country, soon they will have no choice but to hand over Bin Laden, and even if they don't hand him over then the eventual combination of the allied ground troops and the Northern Alliance will overthrow the Taliban, root out Bin Laden and do what is necessary!!


After that, I assume that we'll see an allied occupation of Afghanistan for several years as they install a new government with the originally overthrown president and the Northern Alliance becoming responsible.


The UN will likely be there to dishing out help, support and rebuilding the country - in the long run this is probably the best move for America and Afghanistan, innocent people will die, that's the tragedy of war, it's not something we should dwell on, and also we shouldn't assume that everything we see and hear is real - especially when it is broadcast via Afghani tv that is supportive of Bin Laden.

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Originally posted by Kud'ar Mub'at

I notice that I'm the only one to vote


I'm 100% against the US counterattack


I don't see it as a sad last choice, Bush and Blair have made it clear from the outset that any country harbouring him will be dealt with in the same way, this sends a message to every other country, no government will touch bin laden now.


I have a question...since you're from the UK...what does the Government do to the IRA???

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Guest Tie Guy

I'm 100% for the bombing.


You can't just let Bin Laden off with idle threats, you have to taken action against him, and therefore the Taliban. We are dropping food to the people as well, and we are only targeting military installations.

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by Kud'ar Mub'at

I notice that I'm the only one to vote


I'm 100% against the US counterattack


um you mean for the counterstrike? Because in your explination you make it sound like you supprt it but yet you say you don't.


I also am for the attacks.

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sigh...this is the US, UN, Canada's and brittans weakness. we're to damn soft. Oh boo hoo, we bobmed a terrorist camp, and killed 4 "innocent" civilians. omg, we're so savege, let's just go f*** ourselves up the as$. Man, the Taliban kill like, 40 of their own people every month! maybe more! and, let's not forget the 6000+ innocent civilians they killed last month. So, apparently, that's okay to do. But to bomd a terrorist camp, and kill 4 civilians is wrong for US to do?! man, the public are such dumbasses. Bin ladden must be laughing his ass of now, 'cause now we all of a sudden feel so bad that we got back at the most evil person since hitler. Geez, LET THE DAMN US BOMB THEM!!! geez people. what should we do, huh? send old' Binny boy a bunch of flowers and hope it all setles down? This guy wants to kill every single american, britt, canadian, aussi, ur mom, ur dad, you, ur sister, ur cat, you name it.

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ok nukes are a bad idea in a lot of ways first nukes do a big hit to the inviroment an afganistan and othere countries around it(our allies) 2. some of our allies are toatlly against nukes if we do that we just blow up sand with a very expensive weopon and make more enemies:)

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